Siste innspurt Flashcards
Graafian follicle: størrelse
10-20 mm
Mistanke om dermoid cyst (mature teratoma): hva gjør du?
Ultralyd (98% spesifikt)
Endelig diagnose skjer etter laparoskopisk reseksjon
Ektopisk graviditet: recurrence rate?
Hvilken subenhet av hCG stimulerer tyroidea?
Alfa-subenheten (stimulerer TSH-reseptoren)
Maternell DM: metaboliske avvik hos nyfødt
(+ hypokalemi)
Hvorfor får man DVT i venstre iliac vein i svangerskapet?
IVC og pelvic veins
Livmoren presser på LEFT ILIAC VEIN (May-Thurner-like syndrome)
Hva er forskjellen på
- D og C
- Suction curettage
D og C: bruker curette
Suction curettage = vakuum-aspirasjon
Behandling av complete mole:
D og C ELLER suction curettage
Suction curettage
Snowstorm på ultralyd: hva skal du tenke?
Complete mole
Behandling av hypertyreose i svangerskap
B-blokker til de med alvorlige adrenerge Sx (trapp ned så snart du kontrollerer sykdommen med anti-tyreotika)
PTU > metimazol i første trimester (bytt til metimazol i starten av andre trimester)
Månedlig kontroll av TSH og FT4
De som ikke tolererer PTU/metimazol: tyreoidektomi (i svangerskapet)
IKKE gi farmakologiske jod-doser (gir føtal goiter)
Fetal lie:
barnets lengdeakse vs. morens lengdeakse
Longitudinal = same axis as mothers spine
Transverse = perpendicular to axis of mother’s spine
WHO amenore: hvilken compartment er anoreksi
Compartment 1 (hypogonadotropisk hypogonadisme)
Lav FSH og LH
Funksjonell (anoreksi, atleter) eller organisk
Hva skal du gjøre for BRCA-bærere
Breast awareness from age 18
Clinical breast exam every 6 months from 25
Annual breast MRI from 25-29
Annual mammogram from 30-75
Consideration of chemoprevention and risk-reducing mastectomy
Risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy after childbearing
Kandidater for BRCA-testing
Brystkreft før 50 år
Trippel negativ brystkreft før 60 år
Menn med brystkreft
Female pelvis - measurements
External conjugate: 18 cm
Interspinal: 25 cm
Intercristal: 28 cm
Intertrochanteric: 31 cm
Abnormal first stage
Latent phase > 20 timer
Protraction disorders: less than 1.2 cm // 1.5 cm
Arrest = complete stop in progress
Delivery to 6 weeks postpartum
Treatment of congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Glucocorticoids (to suppress CRH and ACTH): corrects growth, sexual maturation and fertility
Mineralocorticoids to normalize electrolytes, ECV and plasma renin
Causes of arrest of SECOND STAGE labor
1) Extension of fetal head
2) Arrest of dilation disorders
3) Obstruction of delivery canal (e.g. myoma)
4) 1 + 3
5) 1 + 2 + 3
A + C
Extension of fetal head
Obstruction of delivery canal (myoma)
36 year old woman G2P1 in 13th week of pregnancy had a PAPP-A test. The risk of trisomy 21 is 1 to 20. What further diagnosis should you offer to this patient
CTG non stress test
Genetic amniocentesis
Genetic amniocentesis
28 year old female. G1P0 was diagnosed with thrombophlebitis in her 31st week of pregnancy. No dyspnea.
Vaginal examination normal. USG fetal assessment normal. Chose the FALSE statement
1) start therapeutic dose of heparin
2) qualify patient for c-section
3) start compression therapy
4) order maternal echo
5) order spinal section
2) qualify patient for c-section
Which is NOT a marker of chromosomal abnormalities in T1 genetic screening
1) NT
2) Nasal bone
3) Ductus venosus
4) Tricuspid valve
5) UAPI (umbilical artery pulsatile index)
UAPI (umbilical artery pulsatile index
Lady with external conjugate diameter 16 cm: what to do?
Qualify for c-section due to CPD
What is NOT correct treatment for PPROM
1) Strict bed rest
2) Start tocolysis
3) Collect vaginal and cervical swabs
4) Measure leukocytes and CRP
5) Administer oxytocin
5) Administer oxytocin
Gestational DM-woman in 27th week. Vaginal examintaion normal. What NOT to do
Do NOT start steroid therapy
Risikofaktorer for brystkreft (utenom FHx)
Tidlig menarche og sen menopause
Delayed childbearing
Når er prolaktin høyest?
Når du sover
Twin-twin transfusion syndrome
Ses i MoDi (monochorionic, diamniotic) tvillinger
Treatment options
- Reductive amniocentesis
- Selective laser ablation
- Selective cord coagulation
Progestin challenge test: hvordan gjøres det? Hvordan tolkes det?
Medroxyprogesteron po/im i 10-14 dager
Dersom pasienten har adekvate østrogen-nivåer skal bortfallsblødning skje ila 2-7 dager
Bortfallsblødning tyder på anovulering (= adekvat østrogen, men manglende endogen progesteron)
Negativ test tyder på enten
- Lav østrogen (ovarie- eller HP-problem)
- Ikke-mottakelig livmor
- Obstruksjon
Blodtrykk som indikerer alvorlig pre-eklampsi
> 160/110 målt ved 2 anledninger, med minst 4 timers mellomrom
Endometriose - klassifisering
Minimal: isolerte implantater uten adheranser
Mild: overflatiske lesjoner under 5 cm, ingen adheranser
Moderat: multiple implanteter og arrdannelser (adheranser) rundt egglederne og ovariene
Alvorlig: multiple implantater, inkludert store sjokolade-cyster
Germ cell tumor: typer
Dermoid cyst
Embryonal carcinoma
Endodermal sinus tumor
Delayed puberty: definisjon
No breast development at age 13
No menses 3 years after breast development (or by 16)
Når i menstruasjonssyklusen er FSH LAVEST??
Dag 10-12
Pre-eklampsi i uke 32 med BT 160/100 etter hydralazin, metyldopa og CCB. Hva skal du gjøre
Sjekk CTG og FHR hver 2. time (+ daglige NST/BPP)
Gi betametason og MgSO4
Vaginalfødsel hvis maternell/føtal kompromiss
Major cause of maternal death in US?
Major cause of maternal death worldwide?
Most common non-obstetric cause of maternal death in pregnancy?
US: Pulmonary embolism
Worldwide: PPH
Non-obstetric cause: MVA
Når er fundus høyest?
Uke 36
Når gjøres QUAD-test
Uke 15-19
Når rapporterer mødre fosterbevegelser?
Multipara: 16-18
Primigravida: 18-20
Presumptive sign of pregnancy =
Hvor sannsynlig er det at du leverer på EDD fra Naegle?
Causes of decreased GI motility in pregnancy
Increased progesterone
Decreased motilin
Tyroideahormon som krysser placenta?
KUN!!! thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin (anti-TSHR)
The first and second reductive divisions of female germ cells results in
23 chromosomes
Når er fundal height høyest?
Uke 36 (deretter går den tilbake til 32-36)
Prenatal diagnosis should be offered to:
- Teenage mom
- Mother > 35 years
- Mother with overt DM
Mother > 35 and mother with overt diabetes
Når skal du gøre CVS?
Uke 9-12
What is true about Naegle rule…
EDD (estimated due date) is adjusted to the duration of the follicular (proliferative) phase
Causes of second trimester pregnancy loss includes all of the following EXCEPT
- Abruptio placentae
- Uterine anatomical defect
- Incompetent cervix
- Immune hydrops
- Nonimmune hydrops
Abruptio placenta
Kleihauer-Betke test should be performed to evaluate
The volume of fetal blood in maternal circulation
300 mikrogram RhoGAM dekker
- Hvor mange mL føtalt fullblod
- Hvor mange mL føtale RBCs?
300 mikrogram RhoGAM dekker
- 30 mL føtalt fullblod
- 15 mL føtale RBCs
Risk factor for malignant GTN?
Bilateral theca-lutein cysts
Age extremes
Metastatic GTN: good prognosis =
Metastases to pelvis and lungs
Primary management of cervical incompetence
Progestational agents
White classification: B, C and D
B = onset after 20 years old, or duration less than 10 years
C = onset 10-19 years, or duration 10-19 years
D = onset before 10 years, or duration > 20 years
Behandlingsmål for fastende glukose hos pasienter med gestasjonsdiabetes
Fastende glukose 60-90
Anemi i svangerskap: definisjon
Hb under 11
Causes of increased baseline variability includes all of the following EXCEPT
- Hypothermia
- Arrhyhtmia
- Fetal movements
- Prematurity
Normal fetal scalp pH =
Normal = pH 7.25 - 7.35
Borderline = pH 7.20 - 7.25
Common cause of prolonged latent phase
Most significant risk factor for preterm delivery?
Previous preterm delivery
All of the following are used for cervical ripening EXCEPT
- PGE2
- Estrogen
- Mechanical stretching
- Progesteron
- Relaxin
Progesteron is NOT used for ripening
Within what time period should RhoGAM be given postpartum
Within 72 hours
Most common cause of puerperal fever
Most common STD in females
HPV > Trichomonas > klamydia
FIGO: cervical cancer pelvic wall is NOT invovled, but lower 1/3 of vagina is
Stage 3a
All of the following are indications for cervical cone biopsy EXCEPT:
- Cervical lesion cannot be fully visualized
- History of cervical dysplasia
- The endocervical curettage is positive
- Bx reveals microinvasive SCC
- Bx reveals adenocarcinoma in situ
History of cervical dysplasia
Prevensjon som har lavest pearl index (altså lavest failure rate på 1 år)
- Medroxyprogesteron acetat
Medroxyprogesteron acetat
When in life does the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis become fully functional
- Neonatal
- Fetal
- Childhood
- Prepuberty
- Puberty
Functional hyperprolactinemia is fully confirmed by
Oral metoclopramid (dopamine antagonist) test
Basic prolactin plasma level is 24. In the 60 min metoclopramide test it increases to 192. Diagnosis?
Functional hyperprolactinemia (because it increases x 6)
What is the most potent androgen
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
What is the most common underlying etiology of menopause
Ovarian follicle depletion
25 year old woman with negative hCG + 5 cm asymptomatic pelvic mass: most likely diagnosis?
Simple cyst: follicular or corpus luteum cyst
Complex: dermoid cyst
Complications of ovulation induction
Multiple gestation
Ovarian hyperstimulation
Hormone levels in anorectic: FSH, estradiol, prolactin
Low FSH (e.g. 2)
Low estradiol (e.g. 18)
Normal prolactin (e.g. 10)
Perimenopausal woman with FSH 14 and estradiol 101. What to do
FSH should be 3-9
Supplement progesterone in day 17-23
Normalverdi for FSH
- LH
FSH: 3-9
LH: 5-40
LH 9, FSH 4, estriol 130. Diagnose?
Normale hormonverdier
FSH 70, LH 120, estradiol 12 in a 23 year old woman with primary amenorrhea: next step?
Genetic evaluation
Typical sign of thyrotoxicosis in early pregnancy
City with highest rates of ectopic pregnancy
Kingston, Jamaica
The source of AFP in maternal serum at 18 weeks gestation is…
Fetal liver
Fetal lung maturation is ensured by presence of
A pregnant vegetarian is likely to be deficient in…
Vitamin B12
A woman smokes one pack of cigarettes a day. An ultrasound in week 32 is ordered to evaluate
Fetal size
Metimazole: teratogenisity
Aplasia cutis
Which of the following is NOT a sign of severe pre-eclampsia
- Oligohydramnios
- Proteinuria > 3 g/day
- Thrombocytopenia
- Elevated serum creatinine
- Elevated transaminases
Proteinuria > 3 g/day
What animal is a common reservoir for toxoplasmosis
36 weeks GA. Vaginal bleeding, contractions and a very tender abdomen
Abruptio placentae
Which of the following is not a result of an insult during fetal development
- Death
- Malformation
- Growth retardation
- Dizygotic twinning
- Pregnancy-induced hypertension
Dizygotic twinning
Which is consistent with a partial mole:
- 46 chromosomes
- Villous edema
- Theca lutein cysts
- Uterus larger than dates
- Fetal parts
Fetal parts
Z-score: definition
A measure of difference between the average bone mass at the age of the patient and the present bone mass of the patient
T-score -0.75 and Z-score 0.25: what to do?
Normal results. No treatment needed
T-score -2.75 and Z-score 1.25: what to do?
Osteoporosis - start treatment
Most effective treatment of osteoporosis =
Bisphosphonates (alendronate)
Preconceptual care of a patient with DM
Reach HbA1c less than 6.1%
Switch to recombinant insulin
Iodine supplementation
- Preconcetpion
- In pregnancy
Preconception: 150 microgram
In pregnancy: 250 mikrogram
DOC for hyperthyroidism in pregnancy
Preconceptional folic acid protects against
Neural tube defects
25 year old with irregular periods. LMP 7 weeks ago. B-hCG 7000. USG shows no signs of GS/fetus. Diagnosis?
Ectopic pregnancy
25 year old with irregular periods. LMP 7 weeks ago. B-hCG 700. USG shows no signs of GS/fetus. Diagnosis?
Ectopic pregnancy
Intrauterine pregnancy, but too early to visualize GS (return to clinic after B-hCG > 1500)
Which is a confirmed adverse effect of estrogen deficiency
- Decreased cortical bone
- Decreased vaginal pH
- Increased serum LDL
- Increased bladder capacity
- Generalized chills
Increased serum LDL
The only choice of hormone therapy for a 52 year old hysterectomized woman with Hx of gallbladder stones
- Transdermal 17-beta-estradiol
- Transdermal 17-beta-estradiol with oral progesterone
- Transdermal 17-beta-estradiol with transdermal norethinone
- Oral 17-beta-estradiol
- Oral 17-beta-estradiol with transdermal norethinone
Transdermal 17-beta-estradiol
All of the following are risk factors for endometrial cancer, EXCEPT
- Hyperthyroidism
- Obesity
- Hypertension
- Nulliparity
- Diabetes
The highest level of prolactin occurs at
2 pm
The pregnancy-induced changes in thyroid gland is caused by
Alfa-subunit of hCG
Hormonal marker of fetal-placental unit
OCP: for how long can you forget to take the pill
12 hours
GnRH antagonist: mechanism of action
Blocks GnRH-receptors in the pituitary
Doubling time of hCG in early pregnancy
48 hours
- Normalverdi
- Diminishing ovarian function
- Menopause
Normal: 3-9
Diminishing oviarian failure: > 10
Menopause: > 30
Bromokriptin: hvordan skal det tas
Med middag, og pasienten skal sove innen 2 timer
Bivirkning: søvningher
When the teratogen exerts its influence during the resistant period, what happens
Resistance period (1 week postovulatory) is ALWAYS teratogen resistant
FDA category C =
Animal studies showed the teratogenic effect or embryological effects of the fetus, but there are no human studies
DOC for chlamydia in patients that are NOT pregnant
Doxycycline (CONTRAINDICATED in pregnancy - use azithromycin)
Blood stained discharge from nipple…
Intraductal papilloma
All of the following are causes of IUGR except
- Anemia
- Pregnancy-induced hypertension
- Maternal heart disease
- Gestational diabetes mellitus
Gestational diabetes mellitus
Stage 3 of labor: definition
From delivery of baby to delivery of placenta
Should not last longer than 30 minutes
The lowest serum FSH during the menstrual cycle is at day
Day 1-3
The first and second reductive division of female germ cells
Results in chromosome number of 23
The major cause of maternal mortality in US is
Uterine fundus is at its highest in week
Prenatal diagnosis should be offered to
- Teenage mother
- Mother over 35
- Mother with PIH
- Mother with essential hypertension
- A + B + C
Mother over 35
CVS should be performed at
Week 9-12
Primigravida report fetal quickening at
Week 18-20
A presumptive sign of pregnancy is..
- Hegar sign
- Palpation of fetal parts
- Uterine enlargement
- Amenorrhea
- Ausculation of fetal heart tones
The pituitary secretion of FSH is influenced by
1) In low concentrations enhance their own aromatization and contribute to estrogen production
2) increase the FSH receptor content of the follicle
3) at higher level causes follicular atresia
4) May serve as substrate for progesteron
1) In low concentrations enhance their own aromatization and contribute to estrogen production
3) at higher level causes follicular atresia
1) Is produced by FSH stimulated granulosa cells
2) Secretion is inhibited by GnRH and epidermal growth factor
3) exists in two isoforms (inhibin A and inhibin B)
4) Rises throughout the follicular phase to reach a midcycle peak followed by a greater midluteal peak
All 4 are correct
1) Is produced by FSH stimulated granulosa cells
2) Secretion is inhibited by GnRH and epidermal growth factor
3) exists in two isoforms (inhibin A and inhibin B)
4) Rises throughout the follicular phase to reach a midcycle peak followed by a greater midluteal peak
1) Is most reliable predicted by the onset of the LH surge which occurs 34-36 hours prior to rupture
2) Occurs approximately 10-12 hours after LH peak
3) Requires a threshold of LH concentration to be maintained for 14-27 hours in order for full maturation of the oocyte to occur
4) involves considerable variation in timing from cycle to cycle within the same woman
All 4 are correct
1) Is most reliable predicted by the onset of the LH surge which occurs 34-36 hours prior to rupture
2) Occurs approximately 10-12 hours after LH peak
3) Requires a threshold of LH concentration to be maintained for 14-27 hours in order for full maturation of the oocyte to occur
4) involves considerable variation in timing from cycle to cycle within the same woman
Menstraual cycle changes immediately prior to menopause are marked by
1) Elevated FSH
2) Decreasing inhibin
3) Slightly elevated levels of estradiol
4) Normal levels of LH
All 4 are correct
1) Elevated FSH
2) Decreasing inhibin
3) Slightly elevated levels of estradiol
4) Normal levels of LH
The main sexual changes which occurs in the ageing woman include
1) Loss of vaginal elasticity
2) Diminished libido
3) Reduction in the rate of production and volume of vaginal lubricating fluid
4) Diminished ability to have orgasm
1) Loss of vaginal elasticity
3) Reduction in the rate of production and volume of vaginal lubricating fluid
Following menopause
1) FSH is elevated
2) DHEAS is decreased
3) LH is elevated
4) Androstenedione is decreased
All 4 is correct
1) FSH is elevated
2) DHEAS is decreased
3) LH is elevated
4) Androstenedione is decreased
Primary management of cervical insufficiency
CTG signs of fetal well-being includes
1) Normal baseline heart rate
2) Early decelerations
3) Marked baseline variability
4) No variable decelerations
5) 1 and 4
1 and 4
Normal baseline heart rate
No variable decelerations
Laceration involving perineal body, but not anal sphincter =
Second degree
All of the following are used for ripening, EXCEPT
- PGE2
- Estrogen
- Progesterone
- Mechanical stretching
- Relaxin
MCC of puerperial fever
Most common STD in female
Cervical cancer. Not to pelvic wall, but to lower 1/3 of vagina
Which is NOT helpful in ectopic pregnancy
- Metotrexat
- Misoprostol
- Actinomycin-D
- Mifepriston
Where does normal fertilization occur?
Ampulla of fallopian tube
The puerperium consist of…
First 6 weeks postpartum
Postpartum hemorrhage: excessive blood loss is:
More than 500 mL during first 24 hours postpartum
Accelerations =
Increase in baseline > 15 bpm lasting > 15 seconds
Which of these factors are associated with placenta previa
1) Maternal age
2) Maternal age, multiparity
3) Multiparity
4) Maternal age, multiparity, PIH
Maternal age and multiparity
Best confirmation of functional hyperprolactinemia is
Oral metoclopramide test
Which is the most potent androgen
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
8 am prolactin = 101: what is next step?
CT head
The only choice of HRT for a 52 yo hysterectomized woman with Hx of gallbladder disease is
Transdermal 17 B-estradiol
25 year old woman with negative hCG + asymptomatic 5 cm pelvic mass: diagnosis
Simple = functional cyst (follicular, corpus luteum)
Complex = dermoid cyst (mature teratoma)
Hormone levels in early pregnancy: FSH, estradiol, prolactin
Low FSH (1.0)
High estradiol (550)
Normal prolactin (10)
Hormone levels in anorectic: FSH, estradiol, prolactin
Low FSH (2.0)
Low estradiol (18.8)
Normal prolactin (10.7)
Perimenopausal woman: FSH, estradiol, prolactin
Sligthly increased FSH (14)
Estradiol low normal (100)
Normal prolactin (5.6)
7th day cycle results:
LH 9.6
FSH 4.8
Estradiol 139
Testosterone 1.3
Normal results
FSH 78, LH 140, estradiol 12,9 in a 23 year old patient with primary amenorrhea: next step
Genetic evaluation
Source of AFP in maternal serum at 18 weeks GA
Fetal liver
Fetal lung maturation is ensured by presence of
A pregnant vegeterian is likely to be deficient in
Vitamin B12
Woman smokes 1 pack daily. USG at 32 weeks to look at
Fetal size
36 weeks presenting with vaginal bleeding, contractions and a very tender abdomen: diagnosis
Abruptio placentae
Which of the following is NOT a result of insult during fetal development
- Death
- Malformation
- Growth retardation
- Dizygotic twinning
- Pregnancy-induced HTN
Dizygotic twinning
Which of the following is consistent with a partial mole?
- 46 chromosomes
- Villous edema
- Theca lutein cysts
- Uterus larger than dates
- Presence of a fetus
Presence of a fetus
T-score -0.75 and Z-score 0.25: next step?
Normal results, does not require treatment
Most effective Tx of osteoporosis
Bisphosphonates (alendronate)
Iodine supplementation
150 microgram preconception
250 microgram in pregnancy
25 year old woman. LMP 7 weeks ago. Irregular menses. B-hCG 10.000. Ultrasound revealed presence of gestational sac. Next hCG in 7 days showed 40.000. Diagnosis?
Normal pregnancy, located in proper place, but ultrasound should be repeated to look for fetal heart rate
How long does the resistant period (resistance to teratogens)
0-11 days gestation
If maternal blood group is A Rh negative and paternal group is A Rh positive
- The mother should receive RhoD within 3 hours of deliver
- The mother should receive RhoD within 24 hours of deliver
- The baby should receive RhoD within 72 hours of delivery
- The baby blood group and Rh factor should be evaluated
. The volume of fetal blood in maternal circulation should be evaluated
The baby blood group and Rh factor should be evaluated
Routine glucose screening with 50 g (1 hour glucose tolerance test) should not exceed (at 60 min)
7.8 mmol/L (140 mg/dL)
Bromocriptine should be given..
With dinner (and the patient should go to sleep within 2 hours)
Gir endometriose økt risiko for XU?
Ektopisk graviditet: kandidater for konservativ behandling (observasjon)
Under 4 cm
Under 100 mL i Douglasi
Under 1000 hCG
God allmenntilstand
Marginal placenta previa: definisjon
Mindre enn 2 cm fra os, men deker den ikke
Mean onset of placenta previa bleeding
30 weeks GA
Placenta previa på ultralyd i uke 16: neste steg
Revurder i uke 32
Deretter i uke 36
Hvis fortsatt placenta previa i 36: elektiv sectio i uke 36-37
Tidligere sectio øker risikoen for placenta…
Previa og accreta
Placenta previa: når skal du planlegge elektiv sectio
I uke 36-37
Placenta previa: sentinel bleed
Many pt first experience a sentinel bleed (spotting)
If they adhere to NPV and low activity, they should be fine
In case of a 2nd bleeding: hospitalize
Placenta previa: når kan man forsøke vaginalfødsel
Placenta > 2 cm fra kanten av os (= low-lying placenta)
Abruptio - er det assosiert med
- Nulliparity eller multiparity
- Ung mor eller gammel mor
Maternal age > 35
Hvor lenge etter abruptio skal mor ha RhoGAM
Innen 72 timer
Abruptio med fosterdød: hvordan skal man levere
Vaginalfødsel er foretrukket
Sectio kun hvis det er ukontrollert blødning eller kontraindikasjoner mot vaginalfødsel
Kan damer med Berry aneursimer levere vaginalt?
Første kliniske Sx på placenta accreta?
Massiv blødning når man prøver å fjerne placenta postpartum
Dersom du vet at kvinnen har placenta accreta: hva gjør du?
Elektiv fødsel i 34-36
Vasa previa: typer
Type 1 = vilamentous
Type 2 = succinturiate lobe
Apt test
Brukes ved mistanke om vasa previa
Blod blandes med NaOH (alkaline denaturation test)
Føtalt blod blir rosa, maternelt blod blir gult
Hvilke tester gjøres ifm vasa previa
Apt test (blod blandes med NaOH)
Wright stain (se etter nucleated RBCs)
Vasa previa: hvordan skal de forløses
Elektiv sectio i uke 35
Hva slags type prostaglandin er carbaprost (som brukes i PPH)
PPH: residivrate
Anti-IgG toxoplasma med høy aviditet tyder på
At primærinfeksjonen skjedde 3-5 måneder siden
Dx av intrapartum toxoplasmose
Amniocentese og PCR for DNA
Behandling av intrapartum toxoplasmose
Spiramycin (macrolide)
Etter uke 14: pyrimetamin og sulfadiazin (folic acid antagonists)
Hvor mange svangerskap har CMV+
Er amming kontraindisert ved CMV?
Kongenital CMV: hvor mange er symptomatiske? Hva slags symptomer har de?
10% er symptomatiske
Som regel hørselstap og/eller synstap
Behandling av CMV i svangerskap
Ingen behandling i svangerskapet
Ganciklovir til mor og barn postpartum
Hvordan smitter rubella
Nose secretions
Rubella: reservoir
Kun mennesker
Hva er forskjellen på congential rubella infection og congential rubella syndrome
Congenital rubella infection = alle komplikasjoner
Congenital rubella syndrome = cataract, SNHL, PDA
Rubella: diagnose
4-fold increase in IgG
Positive IgM
Positive rubella culture
The only infection that is an indication for pregnancy termination
Syfilis transmission in first trimester leads to
Nonimmune hydrops (50% mortality)
Når skal høyrisikopasienter screenes for syfilis
Første besøk
28-32 uker
Hva skal du gjøre med gravide kvinner som er HBsAb-negative
Vaksiner dem i svangerskapet
Når har man mest AF? Hvor mye?
800-2000 mL (32-34)
Bilateral nyreagenese: fostervannsvolum i T1 vs. T2
T1: normal AFI (huden er ikke keratinisert)
T2: oligohydramnios
Når i svangerskapet er det samsvar mellom fundal height og GA
Mellom 16-36
Oligohydramnios is associated with.. (komplikasjoner)
Meconium staining
Heart conduction abnormalities
Cord compression
Komplikasjoner av amnioinfusjon
Amniotic fluid embolism
Amniochorionic separation
Amniotic fluid abmormality seen with congenital arrhythmias?
Amniotic fluid abmormality seen with fetal akinesia syndrome?
Polyhydramnios (lack of swallowing)
Late-term pregancy (40-41+6): valgmuligheter
Elektiv induksjon
Expectant management
Antenatal testing
Når skal du gjøre cervical ripening før IOL
Ved Bishop score 6 eller lavere
Methods of IOL
Oxytocin with amniotomy (in case of hyperstimulation: stop oxytocin - half-life 5-10 min)
Stripping/sweeping of fetal membranes: increaes PGF2a (delivery in 2-7 days)
Unprotected intercourse
In adolescents - management of
Simple cysts
Complex cysts
Simple cysts = observation and laparoscopic cystectomy
Complex cysts = cystectomy or oophorectomy (+ CA-125)
When does corpus luteum cysts normally rupture
Day 20-26 of the cycle
Normal menstrual period (lenght)
Those over 16
Those under 16
Over 16 years: 21-35 days
Under 16 years: 21-45 dasy
Amenorrhea - definition
No period by 14 without breasts
No period by 16 with breasts
Secondary: no menses for 3 cycles (3 months!!!)
Hypermenorrhea (menorrhagia)
Hypomenorrhea = less than 30 mL
Hypermenorrhea = more than 100 mL
Menstrual abnormality in hyperthyroidism
Amenorrhea classification: compartment 6 and 7
6 = hyperprolactinemia wihtout tumor
7 = infection/Trauma (e.g. sarcoidosis)
Secondary amenorrhea with normal FSH =
Treatment of androgen insensitivity syndrome
HRT (feel like a girl)
Remove testis (risk of cancer)
Treatment of anorexia amenorrhea (compartment 1)
HRT (17-B estradiol + progesterone)
Best biochemical marker for preterm delivery =
fibronectin (from vaginal or cervical swab)
Contraindications for tocolysis
Severe PIH, IUGR, bleeding
Dilataion > 5 cm
At which fetal Hb does hydrops occur?
Hb less than 7 g/dL below mean for GA (usually less than 5 mg/dL)
Hva skal du gjøre med en Rh-negativ med Coombs > 1:42
Screen hver 4. uke
Når kan du gjøre cell-free fetal DNA testing?
Etter uke 11
Initial screening for fetomaternal hemorhage
Rosette test
IF positive, do either
- Kleihauer-Betke
- Flow cytometry
Hva er cut-off for MCA PSV?
More than > 1.5 MoM (multiple of means)
Recurrent nonimmune hydrops: DDx
Storage diseases
Treatment of TTTS
Fetoscopic laser ablation of AV-communication
Mirror syndrome
Maternal edema with fetal hydrops
Rybak: two ABx used in pregnancy
Ampicillin and erythromycin
Difference between threatened and inevitable abortion
Threatened: closed cervical os
Inevitable: open cervical os
Bleeding in complete vs. incomplete abortion
Complete: bleeding stops after complete expulsion
Incomplete: continous bleeding wiht risk of hemorrhagic shock (Tx: D and C - NB! Risk of rupture)
Two potential USG findings in mised abortion
Empty GS with absent embryonic pole (blighted ovum)
GS with embryoic pole without visualized cardiac activity
Recurrent miscarriages in 2nd trimester: DDx
Cervical incompetence
Septate uterus
After how many weeks GA should you always do D and C after abortion
After 6 weeks (no chance of complete abortion)
Diagnostic criteria for APS: spontaneous abortions (how many)
One after 10 weeks GA
Three before 10 weeks GA
Treatment of APS
Aspirin (until 36 weeks GA)
4 most common causes of infertility
1) Unexplained (28%)
2) Male factors (26%)
3) Ovulatory dysfunction (21%)
4) TUbal damage (14%)
How should you count number of days in cycle
From 1st day of MP to 1st day of MP
Hirsutism scale
Ferriman-Gallwey scale (> 8 points = hirsutism)
How do you detect ovulation
S-progesterone on day 21
Ultrasound (to see if follicle has ruptured)
Hva indikerer redusert ovariereserve
Høy FSH (> 10)
Follicle count on USG: what indicates good reserve?
4-6 follicles
How do you assess tubal patency?
Which leiomyomas should be removed
Intramural myomas > 4 cm
Less than 4% has normal morphology
Polyzoospermia = high sperm concentraiton (> 200)
Hyperspermia = high volume (> 6 mL)
Menopause: normal age
40-60 (aveage 51)
HRT with liver disease or hypertriglyceridemia
Transdermal HRT
How do you give HRT in perimenopause and postmenopause
Perimenopause: intermittent HRT
Postmenopause: continuous HRT