September 11, Slides 1-6 Flashcards
What was the population of Athenian citizens eligible to participate in democracy?
About 30,000-50,000 male citizens out of a total population of approximately 250,000.
How were Athenian citizens organized for political purposes?
Citizens were organized into 10 tribes and 139 neighborhoods.
What was the role of the Assembly in Athenian democracy?
The Assembly, which included all citizens, was the main decision-making body, responsible for passing laws and making key political decisions.
What was the Council of 500 in Athenian democracy?
The Council of 500 was a group of citizens chosen by lottery to prepare the agenda for the Assembly and oversee daily administration.
Who was the President of the Council in Athenian democracy?
The President of the Council was selected by lot from the Council of 500 and held the position for one day to ensure no individual had prolonged power.
What role did juries play in Athenian democracy?
Juries were large panels of citizens chosen by lottery to decide legal cases, ensuring that justice was administered by the people.
How did term limits and ostracism work in Athenian democracy?
Officeholders had strict term limits to prevent concentration of power, and ostracism allowed citizens to vote to exile a person they believed posed a threat to democracy.
How participatory was Athenian democracy?
About 1/6 of citizens participated in government each year, and attending the Assembly was considered a civic duty.
What does “democracy” mean in the context of Ancient Athens?
“Democracy” means “rule by the people,” emphasizing that decisions made by the people in the Assembly could not be overruled.
How were officeholders chosen in Athenian democracy?
Most officeholders were selected by lottery to ensure equality and reduce the risk of corruption or concentration of power.