Section 8 Cases Flashcards
Sensory and motor deficits along one dermatome and myotome is ____
Flaccid paralysis and specific sensory loss = ____
Peripheral nerve lesion
Loss of protopathic on left localize to___
RT ALS tract
what could causes LMN signs and UMN signs?
tumor in spinal cord!
pressing on nerve roots (LMN)
also pressing on descending/ascending tracts (UMN)
Bilateral propathic loss suggests
anterior white commisure damage
Bilateral cranial nerve symptoms suggests
tumor in brain stem
miosis is
constriction of the pupil
decerebrate posturing localizes to
common cause of locked in syndrome?
infarct of basilar artery (blocking blood supply to pons)
Motor and sensory together without language signs =
posterior limb of internal capsule
internal strabismus suggests ___
rombergs sign points to
sensory ataxia and NOT cerebellar ataxia (if patient is unsteady with open eyes, that suggests cerebellar ataxia)