S3: Spinocerebellar Flashcards
spinocerebellar carries ___ information from the ___
proprioceptive (muscle and joint position) from the trunk and limbs
_ proprioceptive_ information from the leg and lower trunk ascend the spinal cord as part of the ____
gracile fasciculus.
proprioceptive info from the lower part of the body synapses from the gracile fascilus synapse in ____
clarks nucleus in the thoracic cord of the spinal cord
from Clarks nucleus in the spinal cord, the second order neurons travel as the
dorsal spinocerbellar tract
from clarks nucleus, the dorsal spunocerbellar tract travels to the ____
inferior cerebellar peduncle and to the cerebellum
proprioceptive info from the upper body travels up the spinal cord as the ____
cuneate fasciulus
from the cuneate fasciulus, proprioceptive info from the upepr body synapses in the
accesory cuneate nculeus in the medulla
from the accesorry cuneate nucleus, proprioceptive info from upper body travels as the
cuneocerebellar tract
the cuneocerebellar tract synapses in the
inferior cerebellar peduncle
proprioceptive info from upper body and lower body is brought up to the cerebellum on the same or opposite side?
same side, majority recrosses