Section 7 Notes Flashcards
What makes up the cerebral peduncle?
the tegmentum and the crus cerebri
rostrally the midbrain merges with the ___
the boundary between the midbrain and the diencephalon is marked by the ___
posterior commisure
the posterior comiisure forms a bridge between
the prectatal areas on each side of the brain stem
What can damage the posterior commisure?
Symptoms of a tumor of the pineal gland
- can’t make upward eye movements
- puts pressure on prectal area –> block the pupillary light reflex –> fixed dilated pupils
- hydrocephalus if obstructing the cerebral aqeudct
what is the vertical gaze center in the prectal area?
the intersitial nucleus in the pretectum
what can cause deficits with upward gaze?
- damage to the nculeus of cajal (vertical gaze center)
- damage to the posterior commisure (because axons of Nucleus of Cajal pass through here)
What is INC?
What sx would you get with a X here?
Interstial gaze center (Nucleus of Cajal)
can’t do an upward gaze
the lateral lemniscus travels to the ____
inferior colliculus
Where do the fibers of the superior cerebellar peduncle cross?
at the level of the midbrain at the decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncle
a lesion of the dorsal tegmentum in the midbrain may imapir
propathic (ALS) and epicritic (MLS) from the opposite side of the body and face
where in the thalamus do axons from the superior cerebellar peduncle travel to?
VA and VL
where does the rubrospinal tract originate?
the red nucleus
Where does the red nucleus project to inth e thalamus?
VA and VL