Double vision indicates ____ involvement
eye muscle; so cn 3, 4, 6
Dysarthria- difficulty speaking due to problems with
muscles of speech.
Internal strabismus on the left indicates
same side abduscens involvement
what controls the corneal reflex?
sensory arm – trigem
motor arm – facial
Normal irritaiton of cornea after being touched indicates
trigem is normal
Normal irritation of cornea + diminished cornea reflex indicates
X facial nerve
normal trigem n.
Forehead invovlement in faical paralysis (i.e. full facial paralsyis) indicates
LMN facial nerve dysfunction
damage what structure can impair the facial nucleus
the pons
what controls jaw reflex?
sensory - trigem
motor - trigem
What would a positive babinski be?
. Plantar reflexes extensor
Weakness on Right
Cranial nerve dysfunction on left would indicate
Lesion occured before the decussation of the pyramids in the medulla
Drooling and inability to close the eye indicates LMN lesion to
facial nerve or nucleus
Lateral Pontine syndrome
is caused by obstruction of?
What are symptoms?
1. pontine branches off basilar
contralateral - pain and temp loss
ipsilateral - 1. full facial paralysis,
- internal strabismus (abduscens)
- loss of pain and temp from face (spinal trigem)
- ipsilateral hearing loss
- ipsilateral horners
How to differentiate AICA vs. pontine branches of basialr with lateral pointine syndrom
AICA would have cerebellar signs
Roaring in the ears suggests ___
elevated blood pressure
What are the two originals of horizontal nystagmaus? how do you differentiate?
- vestibulocochlear – nystagmus beats AWAY from the X
- cerebellum – nystamgus is either towards or mixed
hearing loss in left ear
either left CN 8 X or Left vestibulocochlear X
inability to completel close left side of mouth
LMN of left facial n.
Less muscle tone in extremeis suggests
LMN rather than UMN
Loss of corneal reflex and protopathic sensation over the left side of the face can be explained by lesion to the spinal tract of CN V
where could lesion be?
pons or medulla
What are the causes of nystagmus?
X CN 8 nerve
X CN 8 nucleus (pons or medulla)
X cerebellum (particularly flocculus or vermis)
X input to the cerebellum
Both pupils were the same size and were reactive to light indicates
Normal CN 2 and 3
No muscle weakness indicates
corticospinal tracts are intact
Intetion tremor indicates
cerbellar injury
Nonintention tremor indicates
basal ganglia problems
Patient leanig to one side standing or walking could mean
motor problems or incoordination
Cerebellar hypotonia on right helps localize to the ___ side
Rght pupil smaller than left indicates ___ involvement
right CN 3
or possibly horners
ptosis of the right eye indicates ___
CN 3 palsy on the right
or possibly horners
ptosis and constricted pupil but normal pupillary eye reflex suggests
horners syndrome
Horners + cerebellar signs point to stroke of the ___ artery
Superior cerbellar artery
supplies the upper areas of the medial and lateral cerebellum, superior peduncle, and rostral part of pons (including ALS and HRST)
Drooped eyelid suggests ___ involvement
How to determine if ptosis is caused by Horners vs. CN III lesion?
Horners – pupil is constricted (loss of symps to the eye)
CN III X – pupil is dilated
Down and out eye position indicates
CN III palsy