Internal Anatomy of Midbrain Flashcards


superior colliclus

brachium of inferior collilculus

crus cerebri

tegmentum of midbrain

cerebral aqueduct

Cerebral Peduncle (crus cerebri + grey matter of the tegementum)

prectal area
above the brachium

inferior colliculus
function: hearing, localization of sound
pathology: subtble deficits in localizing source of sound

Lateral lemniscus
function: hearing
pathology: no obvious sx from unilateral X

ALS /Spiunothalmic
function: carries propathic (simple touch, pressure, pain and temp from the OPPOSITE side of the body)
pathology: contralateral loss of propathic sensation beginning 2 segments below the lesion.

medial lemniscus
function: epicritic somatosensory for trunk and limbs on the OPPOSITE SIDE
pathology: loss of 2 point, vibration, position sense, asterognosis, shuffling gait

axons going through here

axons of the decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncle

Decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncle
function: carries signals of disparate function between cerebellum and brain stem
pathology: cerebellar signs: ataxia, intention tremor

corticospinal tract
function: motor control from cortex to motor neurons

medial longitudinal fascilus
function: coordinates head and eye position
pathology: contralateral eye cannot adduct for conjugate gaze, but can adduct during convergence

Nucleus of CN 4
function: rortates the eye and assists in abduction and downward movement
pathology: subtle effects in OPPOSITE EYE
slightl difficulty converging and looking downwards

Periaqueductal Gray
function: pain sensation, rich in endorphin receptors
pathology: in animals, blocks the benefit of analgesics

cerebral aqueduct

superior colliculus
functions: 1. sensory: vision, perhaps to focus visual attension on a sector of space
2. motor: controls roientaing movements of head and neck
pathology: subtle deficits..
1. partial neglect of contralateral visual space
2. slightly smaller saccades OPPOSITE the lesion

bracium of the inferior colliculus
function: conveys auditory signals to the midbrain to the thalamus
pathology: UNK (bilateral X is rare)
connections: inferior colliculus to the MGN
midbrain section, hole without the frog eyes

ALS/Spinothalamic tract
function: carries protopathic info
pathology: contralateral loss of protopathic sensation beginning two segments below the lesion

medial lemniscus
pathology: loss of 2 point, vibration, position sense, asterogenosis, shuffling gait

Decussation of superior cerebellar peduncle
pathology: cerebellar signs: ataxia, intentional tremor

crus cerebri
function: cortical control of movement and some descending gating of sensory signals
pathology: loss of independent finger movement, slower rxn times, sight weakness

Corticospinal tract

medial longitudinal fasiculus

Trochlear nucleus
funtion: rorates eye and assists in abduction and downward movement
pathology: subtle effects on OPPOSITE eye
slight difficulty converging and looking downward

superior colliculus
function: 1. sensory: vision, perhaps to focus visual attn on a sector of space
2. motor: controls orienting movements of the head and neck
pathology: subtle deficits:
1. partial neglect of OPPOSITE visual space
2. slightly smaller saccades directed to side opposite of lesion

medial lemniscus
function: epicritic somatosensory for trunk and limbs on opposite side

anterolateral system/spinothalamic tract
function: carries propathic information (simple touch, pressure, pain, and temperature)

substantia nigra
function: pars compacta: skeletal movement, complete dopamine synthesis
paras reticula: skeletal and eye movements

Crus cerebri
function: cortical control of movement and some descending gating of sesnory signals
pathology: loss of indepdentent finger movement, slowed rxn times, slight weakness

cerebellothalamic fibers

Red nucleus
fnction: skeletal movement
pathology: probably no obvious sx from isolated pathology

Medial geniculate nucleus (body)
function: hearing
pathology: lose ability to decode patterns of sound
errors in localizing source of sound

function: rorates eye upward, downward, toward nose
constricts the pupil
accomidation of the lens for near vision
pathology: external strabisimus: eye deviated OUTWARD and cannot move nasally, up, or down
pupil is dilated and cannot constrict (due to pathology of near endinger westphal)

function: rorates eye upward, downward, toward nose
constricts the pupil
accomidation of the lens for near vision
pathology: external strabisimus: eye deviated OUTWARD and cannot move nasally, up, or down
pupil is dilated and cannot constrict (due to pathology of near endinger westphal)

Nucleus Raphe Dorsalis

brachium of the superior collculus
no isolated pathology described.