Myelins: Brainstem/spinal misc. Flashcards
Where in the brainstem do you still have HRST?
Where is HRST near in the medulla?
medial to spinal trigem nuclei/tract
What nuclei is in rostral medulla AND caudal pons?
vestibular nuclei.
spinal trigem nuclei/tract
what nuclei is just in the rostral midbrain
where is liussers tract until?
cervical region (there is none in the upper cervical)
where does rubrospinal appear? where is it near in the spinal cord?
- appears at lower lumbar
- next to lateral corticospinal tract then switches to next to HRST in upper cervical
What is important about the first thoracic slide?
and Dorsal Spinocerebellar tract
Where is clarks nucleus found?
just the thoracic slide
Describe where HRST is found in the spinal cord
starts at first thoracic
and stays in the indent until the upper cervical, where it switches with lateral corticospinal tract
what appears in upper cervical?
spinal nuclei and tract of 5 repelace lisseurs
where is hrst in the medulla?
medial to spinal nucleus and tract
where is rubrospinal in the medulla
below the spinal nucleus and tract
when does solitary nucleus, nucleus ambiguous, MLF, and emdial lemniscus appear in the medulla
after the decussation stays until vestibular cochlear nerve comes in
where is superior olive in the pons?
on top of the lateral lemnicus on the first 2 caudal sections of the pons
where is ALS and rubro in the ponS?
in the most caudal – by the spinal nucleus and tract
in middle and rostral its on top of the medial lemniscus