S4: Anatomy of the Spinal cord Flashcards
the pathways, their sites of origin, and a general statement of their function.

lateral corticospinal tract
function – voltunary movement, particular discete digit movements
pathology – same side paralysis of distal muscles below lesion
origin – cortex
termination – gray matter at all spinal segments

name, origin, termination, function?

gracile fasiculus
origin – epicritc (DML) and proprioceptive (dorsal spinocerebellar) info from lower body
terminate – gracile nucleus in the medulla
X - ipsilateral loss of epicritic below the lesion

name, origin, termination, function?

cuneate fasculus
from – carries epicritic and proprioceptive from upper half of the body
terminates – cuneate nculeus in the medulla
X - ipsilateral loss of epicritc below the lesion

name, origin, function?

hypothalamo-reticulo-spinal tract
function – caries pregang. symps to the IML
from – the hypothalamus and reticular formation
to – IML
X – same side horners syndrome

name, origin, termination, function?

Anterolateral tract
function – carries propathic (simple toucn pressure pain temp) from opposite side of the body
pathology - CONTRLATERAL loss of propathic sensation
origin - sensory neurons in dorsal horn
termination - brainstem reticular formation and other parts of midbrian, thalamus (VPL, DM, and intralamianr nuceli)

name, origin, function?

ventral / anterior corticospinal tract
function - voluntary moivement, particularly axial and proximal muscle
origin - cortex
to - itnermediate grea area

name, origin, termination, function?

Lissauer’s tract (dorsolateral tract )
function - transmists small diamter axons (like ALS) carrying pain and temp to dorsal horn
origin - pain and temp neurons
to - dorsal horn

identify or name the sites of origin and termination and basic function(s)

gracile fasciculus
function — carries epicritic from lower body
pathology – loss of epicritc info below the lesion on the same side

identify or name the sites of origin and termination and basic function

cuneate fascilulus
function – carries epicritc information from the upper body
X - ispilateral loss of epicritic below the lesion

ventral corticospinal tract
function – voltunary movement
pathology - ispilateral paralysis of proximal muscle below the lesion

hypothalamo-reticulo-spinal tract
function - carries pregang parasymps
from - hypothalamus and reticular formation
to - IML
pathology - same side horners

function, origin, termination, pathology

dorsal spinocerebellar tract
function - carries prroprioceptive ifnromation to the cerebellum from the lower half of the body
from: propriosptive sensory neurons via gracile fasciulus and clarks nucleus
temrinate: cerebellum via the inferior cerebellar peduncle

rubrospinal tract (not apparent caudal to the cervical enlargement)
function – distal motor control
pathology – ipsilateral loss of distal motor control elow lesion
from – red nculeus
to – lateral protion of grey matter

Lissauer’s tract (dorsolateral tract )
carries pain and temp information

. ventral (anterior) corticospinal tract
- ipsilateral voluntary muscle control, to more proximal muscles

gracile fasciculus
carries epicritc from DML
and proprioceptive from spinocerebellar
for lower part of body

cuneate fasciculus

rubrospinal tract
function – voluntary motor control
origin – red nucleus
to: lateral portions of gray matter

lateral corticospinal tract


hypothalamo-reticulo-spinal tract
carries pregang parasymps to IML
X - ipsilateral horners syndrome

gracile fasciculus

ventral (anterior) corticospinal tract

lateral corticospinal tract

rubrospinal tract

anterolateral tract

gracile fasciculus

Lissauer’s tract

lateral corticospinal tract


what does this carry?
what does X to this cause?

dorsal funiculus
epicritic information
Loss of discrete somesthetic infromation on same side of the lesion

lateral funiculus
what do these contain?

anterior ventral funiculus
ascending and descending nerve tracts

intermediate area
where are the lateral motorneurons enlarged?
brachial and lumbosacral enlargements (A and C)

lateral motor cell column

intermedial cell column (in the throacic levels)

What is the approximate segmental arrangement of this slide? Limb or non-limb?

Upper cervical - neck and back, respiration
What is the approximate segmental arrangement of this slide? Limb or non-limb?

Lower cervical - upper limb, proximal arm is more rostral
What is the approximate segmental arrangement of this slide? Limb or non-limb?

thoracic - lower back and stomach
What is the approximate segmental arrangement of this slide? Limb or non-limb?

lumbosacral - lower back, proximal leg is more rostral
What is the approximate segmental arrangement of this slide? Limb or non-limb?

sacral - pelvis

extrapyramidal tracts

lateral cortical spinal tract

extrapyramidal tract

extrapyramidal tract

extrapyramidal tract
