S6: Internal and External Anatomy of the Pons Flashcards

Middle Cerebellar Peduncles

CN 5

CN 6

CN 7

Superior Cerebellar Peduncles

basis of the pons

facial colliculus

vestibular area

pontine tegmentum

Abduscens nuclei
supplied by: perforating branches of basilar

Facial Nerve
supplied by anterior inferior cerebral a.

medial lemniscus
supplied by mostly branches from the basilar

lateral lemniscus

Superior olive
supplied by AICA ?

Vestibular nulcei
supplied by AICA

Medial longitudinal fascilus
supplied by perforating basilar a.

Paramedian Pontine Reticular formation

Rubrospinal tract

supplied by AICA

Spinal n. of trigem.
supplied by AICA

Spinal tract of trigem.
supplied by aica

inferior cerebellar peduncle

superior cerebellar peduncle

corticospinal tract
supplied by perforating branches of basilar

middle cerebellar peduncle

medial lemniscus

rubrospinal tract


Motor nucleus of trigem
supplied by AICA
function: somatosensory for head and neck and motor jaw muscles
pathology: numbness in head and neck on SAME SIDE
weakened chewing
sensory loss elsiminating corneal reflexing -> irritated cornea

principal sensory of trigem.
function: epicritic from head and neck
pathology: reduced 2 point tactile, fibration, position sense on SAME SIDE of head

CN 5: Trigem
function: somatosensory for head and neck, motor for jaw
pathology: numbness in head and neck on the same side, weakened chewing, sensory loss eliminates corneal reflex resulting in irritated cornea

lateral lemniscus
function: hearing
pathology: no obvious pathology (from unilateral X)

Superior olive
function: hearing, particularly in locating the source of sound
unilateral - nothing, due to bilaterality of auditory pathway

Decussation of the trapezoid body
function: 1. somatosensory for trunk and limbs (medial lemniscus)
2. autditory: crossing lateral lemniscus fibers
- loss of epicritic sense for trunk and limbs
- no obvious hearing loss

Locus Ceruleus
function: main source of Norepeinphrine, motor control and sleep; adjusts muscle tone during rem
Pathology: prevents collapse of tone during REM (in cats…), implicated in parinksonism

Medial longitduinal fasiculus
function: coordinates head and eye position
pathology: itnernuclear opthalmoplegia; contralateral eye cannot adduct for conjugate gaze shift but can adduct during convergence

pontine nuclei

Medial longitudinal fasciculus
function: coordinates head and eye position
pathology: contralateral eye cannot adduct for conjugate gaze shift, can adduct during convergence

locus ceruleus
function: main source of norepeinhrpine; motor control and sleep; adjusts muscle tone during REM
pathology: implicated in parinksoniasm, prevents collapse of tone during REM sleep

superior cerebellar peduncle
pathology: cerebellar signs: ataxia, intention tremor
connections: o carries most of cerebellums output to other parts of the brain
• main ouput:
areas of pontine reticular formation
red nucleus in the midbrain
ventral anterior and ventral alteral nucleus in the thalamus -> precentral gyrus and premotor cortex

medial lemniscus
function: epicritic somatosensory for trunks and limbs on OPPOSITE SIDE
pathology: loss of 2 point, vibration, position sense, asterogonosis, shuffling gait etc.

crus cerebri
cortical control of movement and some descending gating of sensory signals
pathology: 1. loss of indepdent finger movement
2. slowed rxn times
3. slight weakness

lateral lemniscus
function: hearing
pathology: no obvious sx from unilateral X

Corticospinal tract
function: motor contorl from cortex to motor neurons of CN and ventral horn
isolated pathology: loss of indepdent finger control, slowed rxn times

facial nculeus

superior cerebellar peduncle

dentate nucleus

inferior cerebellar peduncle

middle cerebellar peduncle