Rh i noplasty Flashcards
Skin: Thicker over the upper and lower third of the nose and thinner over the middle third muscle-osseocartilaginous framework
The nasal veins do not have valves
The nasal venous system has direct communication to the
cavernous sinus, thus making nasal infections potentially a
life-threatening event
Trigeminal-ophthalrnic-nasociliary-anterior ethmoid: supplies
the anterior halfofnasal cavity
External branch of the anterior ethmoid: supplies the nasal
skin from rhinion to tip
Posterior ethmoid: supplies the superior half of nasal cavity
Mucosa (lining of vestibule )
The vestibule is lined by hair-bearing squamous epithelium up
to the level of the caudal margin of the alar cartilage
it transitions to pseudostratified ciliated columnar respiratory
epithelium with abundant seromucinous glands
Anatomic dome
The area of transition between the medial and lateral crura of the alar/lower lateral cartilage. The anatomic dome usually but not always
corresponds to the most projecting point of the nasal tip (the clinical dome)
Columellar labial angle vs Columellar lobular angle
Columellar labial angle: Formed by the angle between the columella and the upper lip. Th.is angle is not dependent on the nasal base position, as in the nasolabial
Columellar lobular angle: The angle formed at the junction of the columella and the infratip lobule. The angle is usually 35°-45° in females and 0°-35° in males.
Dorsal aesthetic lines: Imaginary lines starting at the medial edge of the brows and tracing a gentle curve down the lateral side ofthe dorsum to the tip-defining
Infratip lobule: Transition area between the tip (domes) and the columella
the Frankfort Horizontal line
the plane defined by a 90° plane from the vertical facial plane, with the line
drawn from the inferior portion of the external auditory canal to the bony inferior orbital rim
Pogonion: The most anterior projection ofthe mandible as seen on a cephalogram
Scroll area: The area where the cephalic edge of the lower lateral cartilage interlocks with the caudal edge of the upper lateral cartilage
Tip projection
(A) the length from the nasal base crease to the tip on the lateral view and (B) the length of the nose on the lateral view from the radix to nasal tip.
A should be about 0.67 the length of (B divided by A = 0.67)
The use of computer imaging can help to determine the types of
changes that can reasonably be made,
T It is important to stress to the patient that
computer-imaged results cannot be construed as a guarantee of that
exact result
Nasal Analysis DON BY ?
Byrd analysis
computer imaging
Byrd analysis
looks at idealized relationships between nasal
landmarks. Comparison of these idealized measurements with the
patient’s actual measurements suggests quantifiable changes that can
be made in that patient’s nose
Midline facial vertical This line can be used to help
determine nasal symmetry in the anterior-posterior view
Bony base width; This distance should be roughly
80% of the distance between the medial canthi
the supratip break, tip-defining points, and columellar lobular angle are used to define two opposing triangles over
the tip of the nose. The intersecting bases of these triangles form
a horizontal line through the tip-defining points. These triangles
should be roughly symmetrical
The nostrils should be roughly teardrop shaped with the base wider than the apex and with the axis
oriented in a slight medial direction from based apex.
radix to tip = stomion to the menton
The apparent length of the nose can be
changed how ?
by changing the position ofthe nasal frontal angle or the
tip-defining point
more anterior position ofthe nasal frontal angle can
make the nasal tip look less projecting while a more posterior or
deeper position for the nasal frontal angle can make the nasal tip
look relatively more projecting.
A vertical line can
be drawn from a point that is one-half the distance between the
radix and the nasal tip and tangent to the anterior most projection of the upper lip. The anterior most projection of the lower
lip should be about 2 mm posterior to this line
dropped from the anterior most projection ofthe lower lip should be anterior to the anterior projection of the chin in women and
should be tangent to the anterior projection of the chin in men
The degree of rotation of
the nasal tip is assessed by evaluating the nasolabial angle
Nasofrontal angle normal range
128-140 female 134 male 130
Columellar lobular angle normal range
This angle is ideally 30° to 45°
Supratip break
This is
a slightly greater dorsal angulation between the plane of the nasal
dorsum and the plane from the cephalic edge of the dome to the
tip-defining point
Tip projection
This can be measured by drawing a line
from the alar cheek junction to the nasal tip, and the distance
between these two points should be approximately equal to the
distance of the alar base width and should be approximately 0.67
times the radix-to-tip distance or the nasal length
Another measure of tip projection
that 50% to 60% ofa line
drawn from the alar cheek junction to the tip should lie anterior to
a line drawn tangent to the most projecting portion of the upper
the tip projection as measured from the
alar base should equal the alar base width
The alar-columellar relationship
Two lines are drawn, one through the long axis of the nostril and the other from the alar rim to the columellar rim at the midpoint of the first line. The distance from the alar rim to the first line should be the same as the distance from the columellar rim to the first line. Increase in either
of those distances may represent alar retraction or columellar show.
Intranasal cottonoids soaked in Afrin or epinephrine 1:1000 are used to decrease bleeding and to shrink the turbinates
If the continuity of this
L-shaped strut is accidentally interrupted, it must be repaired and
reinforced with cartilage or polydioxanone suture plate gussets
out-fracture of the inferior turbinate, Dennis bipolar cautery of
the inferior turbinate or anterior turbinectomy can be done. The flap
should be inspected for perforations but unless they are large and/or
they communicate with a perforation on the opposite flap at the same
level repair is not necessary
Spreader Grafts can also be used to strengthen the
dorsal septum as well as to help straighten dorsal septa! deviations
tip modifications options?
ephalic lateral alar crural
resection, intradome and interdome suturing, and/or the placement
of a columellar strut.
If there is unwanted cephalic fullness but
the cartilages of questionable strength than the removed cephalic segment can be slid into a pocket made between the nasal mucosa and
the remaining caudal cartilage and sutured into position to bolster
the lateral alar crus
If the done separated or are of unequal height, they can be adjusted by interdomal mattress sutures of 5-0 PDS
Boundaries of strut graft
to be 0.5 cm in width and
up to 3 cm or more in length
the Webster triangle, where
the lateral most aspect ofthe alar cartilage anchor and provide stability to the nasal valve.
An advantage of the 2-mm osteotome is that the periosteum is not elevated and therefore remains
intact on both the nasal and the facial side ofthe bone adding stability to that bony segment
If an osteotome is
to be used to lower the bony dorsum, then modification of the cartilaginous dorsum is done first.
nasal packing is not necessary. in closed rhinoplasty
lnfratrochlear: supplies the nasion and bony dorsum
Nasolabial angle: Formed by a line drawn through the anterior and posterior ends of the nostril and vertical facial plane. The angle is usually 95°-100° in
females and 90°-95° in males
Gull wing line : A line drawn along the superior
border of the ala from one side curving around the columellar to
the other side should describe a gentle curve similar to the sweep
of a seagull in flight
Draw two equilateral triangles with their bases opposed to one another. The corners
of the diamond thus formed are the two tip-defining points-the
supratip break and the columellar lobular angle. These structures
should ideally be symmetrical
Decreasing the rotation of the tip and/or elevating the area of the radix thus moving the nasal frontal angle
cephalad will give the perception ofa longer nose while increasing
tip rotation and/or lowering the radix thus moving the nasal frontal angle caudad will give the appearance of shortening the nose.
When injecting the nasal septum, use a 3-cc syringe with a 20 gauge
1.5-inch needle
Spreader grafts or flaps are useful to prophylactically maintain or
to widen the internal valve area when a narrow valve angle is contributing to obstructive symptoms
When both nasal septa! surgery and turbinate modification are
done, a Doyle septa! splint is placed in each nostril and suture to the
membranous columella with a 3-0 Prolene through-and-through
suture. The purpose of this splint is not to prevent septa! hematoma
but rather to provide insulation preventing the formation of synechiae between the septum and the inferior turbinate
If the rasp is to be used the bony modification is done at this point
followed by reduction of the cartilaginous dorsum. If an osteotome is
to be used to lower the bony dorsum, then modification of the cartilaginous dorsum is done first
Many surgeons prefer the rasp, because
it allows a more incremental reduction of the dorsum and is less likely
to result in accidental overcorrection
Tip modifications are considerably more difficult in the closed rhinoplasty
Steri-Strips are placed in such a way
as to try to eliminate any dead space between the skin and the refined
cartilage and bone.
A positive Cottle test reveals incompetent unilateral internal nasal valve or bilateral internal nasal valves
The osteotomy line is carried in oblique fashion away from
the Keystone area for about 5 to IO mm. This helps to control the
position of the osteotomies preventing injury to the Keystone area
or the creation ofa rocker deformity
If the bony bases are to be narrowed, the
osteotomies are carried from this position staying low on the nasal
bones (low to low) to the level ofthe previously made medial oblique
osteotomy. Gentle inward digital pressure will green stick fracture
If narrowing ofthe nasal bony base
is not indicated, then the osteotomy can curve in a more dorsal
direction, low to high, joining and closing the open roof directly