Genitalia Flashcards
VC in all patients with distal and midshaft repairs is
less than 30 degrees
Percentages of chordee in hypospadius?
More than 50%
Is VC present at birth normally?
The penis exhibits VC during normal development, (which implies that persistent bending in hypospadias
reflects arrested development.
How much is the percentage of the chordee that occurs in distal hypospadias?
How much is the percentage of the chordee that occurs in mid-shaft hypospadias?
How much is the percentage of the chordee that occurs in proximal hypospadias?
81 %
the most effective way to assess the severity of Chordee?
Artificial erection induced by saline injection remains the most commonly used means to assess the presence and severity of VC and document successful correction.
Midline dorsal plication into the tunica albuginea of the corpora cavernosa can be used to which degree of chordee?
Curvature up to 30 degrees can be corrected by this way
The finding that skin adjacent
to the meatus may retract as far as the penoscrotal junction during degloving provides additional proof that relatively short ventral
skin contributes to curvature
This extent of bending
after skin degloving and ventral dartos dissection is considered
disproportion between the ventral and dorsal aspects of the
corpora cavernosa
Elevation of the urethral plate
alone hasn’t been reported to correct curvature
F Elevation of the plate
alone has been reported to correct curvature
elevating the normal urethra from the corpora which
mobilization of the urethra combined with its inherent elasticity
allows gaps to 5 cm in adults to be bridged
Rather than a single corporotomy with grafting, two to three transverse incisions can be made into the tunica albuginea without exposing erectile spongy tissue or need for grafting
The most common cause of VC is shortening of the urethra
F VC is attributed most often
to deficient ventral shaft skin and dartos, followed by corpora
cavernosal disproportion, with a shortened urethra the least
common finding
Snodgrass reports TIP repair reliably corrects distal
hypospadias regardless of urethral plate configuration
The complication rate was 100%, including five
diverticula and two strictures at the flap/urethral plate junction in bayer tech
suture lines from urethroplasty and skin closure potentially
increase likelihood for fistulas dates to Duplay’s first procedure
factors such as larger suture size (4-0) and different
suture materials (catgut, horsehair) than commonly used could
also have contributed to fistula development
Technical steps thought to reduce fistula risk include two-layer
subepithelial closure of the neourethra and subsequent coverage
with a barrier flap, usually dartos.
a dartos flap did significantly reduce fistulas
in mostly distal TIP reoperations
Fistulas can occur at any location along the urethroplasty and
can be an isolated finding or associated with other complications
Fistulas occasionally close spontaneously The majority require
Tubularization of the urethral plate too far distally is most likely the main
cause for meatal stenosis after TIP repair.
The most common site for neourethral strictures is at the
proximal anastomosis of the neourethra to native urethra in
flap and graft repairs
Partial or complete wound separation results in recurrent hypospadias
Causes of wound separation
Causes potentially include technical factors (suture materials and/or technique during glansplasty), glans size, traumatic
catheter displacement, or wound infection
distal repairs were significantly more likely to result in glans
dehiscence than proximal shaft repair
F proximal repairs were significantly more likely to result in glans dehiscence than mid-distal shaft repair
smaller glans size increases risk of dehiscence
Cheek grafts, which are visibly
thicker than lip grafts, are more often associated with dehiscence
Diverticulum are most often noted after tubularization of the urethral plate or buccal grafts
F is most often noted after tubularized preputial flap
repairs and are rarely encountered after tubularization of the urethral plate or buccal grafts
Late development of meatal stenosis or urethral stricture
may indicate BXO, especially if the meatus has a whitish
repairof Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans requires excision of all involved tissues and
their replacement with nonskin tissues, usually buccal mucosa,
because reoperation using skin results in high recurrence rates
Fistulas approximately 5 mm or greater also likely require
reoperative urethroplasty for successful closure without narrowing
the neourethra lumen.
gross scarring of the plate or
its prior excision contraindications to reoperative TIP
Grafts harvested from the lip are not sutured to avoid
distorting the vermillion border
common features of hypospadias
- Dystopic urethral meatus in a ventral position on the penis, scrotum, or perineum
- Urethral plate distal to the dystopic meatus
- Dorsally hooded foreskin (97% to 98%)
- Ventral chordee (more than 50% of cases)
Anterior meatus (glanular, subcoronal, distal penile shaft): 65%
Medial meatus (midshaft): 15%
What are the goals and components of hypospadias repair?
- Straightening of the penile shaft (orthoplasty)
- Creation of an adequate caliber urethra (urethroplasty)
- Repositioning of the urethral meatus to the tip of the penis and creation of a symmetrical glans (meatoplasty and
glanuloplasty) - Achieving a good cosmetic result (skin coverage and scrotoplasty) with normalization of voiding and erection
the dorsal plication
should be performed at the 12 o’clock position. In this area, the tunica albuginea is the strongest and potential nerve
injury, which could affect later sexual function, can be avoided
Urethrocutaneous fistula and urethral stricture complicate approximately 10% to 15% of all hypospadias repairs.
Routine screening of the upper urinary tract
is not indicated in patients with isolated hypospadias or with hypospadias associated with undescended testes or
inguinal hernia.
Routine screening of the upper urinary tract
is not indicated in patients with isolated hypospadias or with hypospadias associated with undescended testes or
inguinal hernia.
The most common anomalies associated with hypospadias are cryptorchidism and inguinal hernia; the incidence
of each is approximately 9%
Beta-blocking agents also have been associated with the development
of plaques of Peyronie’s disease