Reconstruction of Acquired Lip and Cheek Deformities Flashcards
Three considerations are essential in choosing a reconstructive method and orientation of a flap for cheek defects
where laxity exists
where resulting scars will lie
the need for excision of residual
cutaneous deformities after flap transfer
The normal intercommissural distance in an adult at rest is 5 to 6 cm,
Oral commissures end at the medial limbus
he pars peripheralis, which lies deep to the
pars marginalis
The deepest layer of facial muscle
deepest layer of
muscles, which includes the mentalis, levator anguli oris, and buccinator muscles
The muscles responsible for lip elevation include
the paired
levator anguli oris, levator labii superioris, levator labii superioris
alaeque nasi, zygomaticus major, and zygomaticus minor muscles
The mentalis muscles are primary elevators of the
lower lip
The venous drainage mirror
the well-formed arterial supply
F The venous drainage does not mirror
the well-formed arterial supply
Sensation to the upper and lower lips is provided by the infraorbital
(V2) and mental (V3) branches of the trigeminal nerve
Over 90%
of lip cancer cases involve the lower lip
Basal cell carcinoma is the most common
malignancy involving the upper lip, and squamous cell carcinoma is
the most common in the lower lip
partial-thickness defects around the vermilion border are generally best managed
by converting defects into full-thickness wedge excisions.
motor supply to the lips
fascial nerve -buccal branches -orbicularis +elevators
Marginal mandibular - deppresser
Sensory of the lips
Maxillary- infraorbital - upper lips
Mandibular- inferior elevolus-mental nerve
Skin grafts are
generally not required for superficial skin defects because adjacent soft
tissuelaxity permits the use oflocal flaps for primaryclosure
the best area that ca treated by skin graft is defects of the central lip involving large portions of
the philtral groove
Philtral groove can treated only wih skin graft
F For
smaller defects within the philtral groove healing by secondary intention
generally provides good results and avoids the patch-like appearance of
a skin graft
The nasolabial
flap is a particularly good option for recreating a hair-bearing upper lip
in male patients
Option for large superficial vermilion defect
Mucosal sliding flap or Kawamoto vermilion switch flap
Vermioln defect up to one third
Myomucosal advancement flap,, goldstien flap
Vermilion defect more than one thrid
Tongue flap
Total vermilionectomy defects
Mucosa of oral vestibule mobilized - advanced over raw surface & sutured.
May cause thinning of lip, inward pulling of hair bearing skin, tense free lip margin.
Small defects confined to the vermilion can be managed
with musculomucosal V-Y advancement flaps designed horizontally
Lesions closer to the vermilion border are preferentially excised perpendicular to the white roll to facilitate alignment of this landmark
The major disadvantages of a mucocutaneous flap
these techniques are inward retraction and thinning of the lower lip due
to mucosa retraction as well as decreased mucosa! sensation
The FAMM flap is an axial flap
Utilizing the lateral or ventral surfaces of the tongue
avoids transferring the dorsal tongue papillae
The biggest drawback of any oral mucosa) or tongue flap for lip
reconstruction is the tendency for the tissue to desiccate.
Wound edge eversion is critical to prevent notching in full thickness defect
What is teh webster tech ?
Webster’s technique of crescentic perialar cheek excisions move the upper lip without disturbing lateral muscle function
Bengt-Johansson staircase technique
is a useful, one-stage repair for central lower lip defects of intermediate width. In this technique, neither the orbicularis oris muscle, opposite lip, nor the labiodental crease are violated
the best option for full-thickness lip defects
of intermediate width is webster tech
F , lip-switch flaps are arguably the best method for reconstructing full-thickness lip defects
of intermediate width
lip-switch flaps are axial flaps based on the labial arteries to reconstruct skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle, and mucosa of
one lip
In abbe flap one third of the donor site can used to reconstruct on the third in recipient lip
F one-third of the donor lip can be used to reconstruct up
to two-thirds of the recipient lip
ABBE flap Is effective at recreating the philtral columns without flattening the upper lip contour
Reverse abbe flap can centrally placed
F a flap from the junction of the middle and lateral thirds of the upper lip should be used
The Estlander flap
The Estlander flap is a full-thickness, medially based triangular
flap from the upper lip used to reconstruct lateral lower lip defects
when the oral commissure is involved
Draw back of Estlander flap
F a rounded commissure and causes distortion
of the modiolus. Therefore, secondary commissuroplasty is often
Gillies fan flap
The Gillies fan flap is a modification of the cross-lip technique.
It rotates tissue around the commissure similar to an Estlander flap,
but it includes additional tissue from the nasolabial region
Nasolabial flap superiorly based for female
F Inferiorly base for hairless flap
Gillies fan flap A quadrangular-shaped flap , Estlander flap triangular
microstomia and oral incompetence due to denervation ofthe orbicularis oris muscle.can occur in bilateral gullies flap
The Karapandzic flap similar to gullies flap that required denervation of the orbicularis oris
F ith the Karapandzic
flap, incisions are limited to the skin and subcutaneous and the neurovascular bundles are carefully dissected and preserved to maintain
muscle function and lip sensation
Karapandizic flaps can
be used for large central defects up to 80%; however, blunting of the
commissures and microstomia may occur
Flap that used to reconstruct up to 80 % lip defect
Karpandizk flap and gullies
Reconstraction of more than 80% of the lip defect
Bernard cheiloplasty / Webster’s modification of the BernardBurow technique.
Fujimori’s gate flap design, which rotates two nasolabial island flaps
90° for reconstruction of lower lip defects
Von Brun interiorly based nasolabial flaps for reconstructing upper lip defects
Advantage of webster modification ?
Benefits of this technique are the ability to
produce good contour of the commissure, place scars within natural
skin creases, and preserve the aesthetic region of the chin
The drawback of the Webster?
incomplete recovery of sensation, vermilion color
mismatch, and poor oral competence.
Fujimori’s gate flap need skin grafting to line the inner surface
Fujimori’s gate &Von Brun should design with the flap larger than the defect
Fujimori’s gate &Von Brun are two stage
Regional flaps options?
The submental flap based on the submental
branch of the facial artery can be transferred as an island
The temporoparietal scalp flap
free flap options?
radial forearm free flap
the free gracilis muscle flap
The use
of a reinnervated gracilis muscle free flap has also been described
Vertical incisions placed medial
to a line drawn from the lateral canthus remain obvious on frontal
view and ideally should be replaced by incisions along the nasolabial
fold or by blepharoplasty incisions