Body Contouring Flashcards
most of the complications after body contouring surgery are minor and managed as an outpatient basis.
Massive weight Joss (MWL), commonly defined as a loss of greater than 50% of excess weight above ideal body weight (IBW),
MWL patients have an almost three-fold increased risk of wound healing complications compared to non-MWL patients
Body contouring procedures are not strictly for weight reduction.
Liposuction should not be offered as a treatment for global obesity or cellulite,
liposuction and abdominoplasty have a higher incidence of venous thrombotic complications
At minimum, patients undergoing liposuction should have pneumatic compression stockings
Wetting solutions can be a variable composition but usually include saline only
F. Wetting solutions can be a variable composition but usually include saline or lactated Ringer’s,
SAL is more labor-intensive and does not perform as well on
areas with fibrous fat
PAL can break up fibrous fat more readily, this modality can significantly cut down on physician fatigue
due to shorter procedure times and employing less physical labor
to use
The aesthetic outcomes, patient satisfaction, and incidences of long-term complications appear to be more related to technology
F The aesthetic outcomes, patient satisfaction, and incidences of long-term complications appear to be more related to technique and not technology
Maintenance IVF should be administered up to 5 L. Every 1 mL
of aspirate beyond 5 L should be replaced with 1mL
Maintenance IVF should be administered up to 5 L. Every 1 mL
of aspirate beyond 5 L should be replaced with 0.25 mL
medial antebrachial nerve pierces the fascia of the arm approximately
14 cm proximal to the medial epicondyle
female aesthetic having an hourglass figure defined by the flanks and a
slight supraumbilical concavity and infraumbilical convexity
No role of liposuction in linear patient F T
F In a leaner patient, improved body contour can be achieved with
high definition liposuction or etching
time for compression garments to waer poet lipsuction for a duration of. 10 weeks.
F. compression garments most advocate a duration of2 to 4 weeks.
Contour irregularities: this is the most common postoperative complication and can occur in up to 20% of patients.
major blood supply to the abdomen is from zone 2
major blood supply to the abdomen is from zone I
Following abdominoplasty, zone I blood supply is lost and the abdominoplasty flap is predominantly supplied via zone III
abdominoplasty will remove stria located inferior to the umbilicus but those located supraumbilically may be made worse by the procedure
The lower excision should be at least 5 to 7 cm above the vulvar commissure and should be with any cesarean scar if possible
F The lower excision should be at least 5 to 7 cm above the vulvar commissure and should be below any cesarean scar if possible
abdominoplasty is the procedure with the highest frequency of death due to pulmonary embolism (PE)
dog-ears can be problematic because of the shorter incision in miniabdominopalsty
In fluer de lis abdominoplasty. undermine to the degree necessary for skin resection.
In fluer delis The addition of liposuction to the lateral abdomen will decrease the risk of vascular compromise
Lipoabdominoplasty Liposuctioning of the undermined regions of the flap can be done safely
F. Liposuctioning of the undermined regions of the flap could result in skin flap necrosis
In abdominopalsty scar the use of dermal sutures with a self-adherent mesh and octyl-2-cyanoacrylate (PRINEO, Ethicon, Raleigh, NC) has been shown to provide better scar results as dermal sutures,
F. provide equivalent scar results as dermal sutures,
Seroma is a common problem with abdominoplasty
In abdominopalsty. all patients should undergo a thorough risk assessment, and mechanical and chemoprophylaxis for DVT
Infection is a frequent abdominoplasty complication
F. Infection is not a frequent abdominoplasty complication
midabdominal fascia! thickening are preserved in belt lip3ctomy
In belt lipectomy the fascia! zones of the trunk and lower extremity are not markedly disrupted.
Whar The goals of the belt lipectomy?
The goals of the belt lipectomy are to eliminate the ptotic panniculus to define the waist, eliminate lower back rolls, and elevate the lateral thighs and mons pubis.
midlinc posterior having the narrowest resection width. Than anterior resection in belt lipectomy
In lipectomy the exception that the lateral area is undermined to a greater degree morthan in normal abdominopalsty
In lipectomy the posterior flap is Little to no undermining of the superior or inferior skin flaps is performed
Superficial wound healing problems and minoe wound dehiscence is the most commom complication of the belt lipoctemoy
The lower body lift is a powerful procedure that reshapes the hips, buttocks, and medial thighs.
F. The lower body lift is a powerful procedure that reshapes the hips, buttocks, and lateral thighs.
especially for the medial thighs where a vertical scar is necessary to correct the circumferential excess of skin.
LBL # 1 is best suited for patients with minimal abdominal laxity
The LBL #2 is applied for patients with abdominal skin laxity,
Complications associated with the original description of thigh lift. included vulvar distortion due to scar migration and early recurrence of ptosis
The medial vertical thigh lift is better suited for the MWL patient whose excess tissue can be treated along the entire length of the thigh.
The more superior the incision, the more buttock autoaugmentation tissue can be incorporated into the dermoglandular flap
F. The more caudal the incision, the more buttock autoaugmentation tissue can be incorporated into the dermoglandular flap
Markings begin posteriorly by identifying the lower body lift
In the long scar version, the incision stays lateral to to the patella before curving inferiorly in a lateral direction.
F. Medail to the patella
Lipo suction can be applied to thighplasty with comparable results.
Higher BMI at both time points has been associated with higher complication rates after surgery
Timing of body contouring procedures should allow at least 12 months after bariatric surgery and 6 months at a stable weight for patients to achieve metabolic and nutritional homeostasis
Classification schemes are not widely used in clinical practice in briachoplasty
The facia that responsible for ptosis of the arm. in the brachioplasty is located above the muscle
F The superficial fascia! system is found between the superficial and deep layers of subcutaneous fat. Loosening of this layer with age or significant weight fluctuations can contribute to upper arm ptosis
the medial brachia! cutaneous nerve and the medial antebrachial cutaneous. Both nerves arise from the lateral cord of the brachia! plexus
F. Medial cord
For patients with minimal skin laxity and a mild to moderate amount of adipose deposits in the upper extremity, liposuction can be performed as a stand-alone technique
Liposuction to the bicipital groove is avoided to minimize contour irregularity in this region, which is known anatomically to be relatively devoid of fat.
Minibrachioplasty This procedure has little to no benefit for the MWL patient.
In Minibrachioplasty The medial and lateral skin flaps most be undermined to facilitate closure.
F. The medial and lateral skin flaps may be undermined to facilitate closure, but this is typically not necessary
What the benefits of vertical dart in minibrachioplasty?
vertical dart ( dashed lines) for dog-ear removal or to excise more redundant upper arm skin
An extension to the chest wall is often added and is known as an L-brachioplasty with the superior L-point in or near the deltopectoral groove along the posterior axillary line
F anterior axillary line
tumescent fluid is infiltrated into each arm if liposuction is going to be used to facilitate the dissection.
Reapproximation of the superficial fascia! system importantly helps maintain contour and prevents scar puckering
Risk factors that may increase the chance of overall complications in brachoipalsty is hematoma, or infection include male gender, BMI >30, and combined procedures.
The breast technique employed largely depends on the current breast volume and desired breast volume
history of personal or family breast cancer, prior breast procedures, and up-to-date mam· mography results must be obtained as part of the preoperative workup.
Im MWL patient with breast reduction superior pedicle is preferred T. F
F. Inferior pedicles with wise skin pattern
Inadequate mobilization of the intercostal pedicle artery flap leads to a boxy breast with lateral fullness.
In two-stage augmentation mastopexy, the mastopexy is performed first followed by the augmentation procedure 3 to 6 months
Upper body contouring procedures are not associated
with excessive amounts of blood loss