Principle of flap Flashcards
types II and IV, particularly)
are known to have the least reliable skin paddles, most particularly
Sartorius, upper arm are type C faciocutanous flap
F type A
the propeller flap is an island
flap that reaches the recipient site through an axial rotation
The perforator location in the propeller flap closest to the defect is preferred for a wider angle of
rotation to minimize tension on the pedicle
Skeletonizing the pedicle in the propeller flap toward the flap can increase pedicle length
Design the skin paddle larger than the defectfor tension-free closure,
even with postoperative edema
is designed as
two opposing V-Y flaps oriented parallel to the longitudinal axis
of the defect,in key stone flap
Lateral Arm Flap may be harvested as a chimeric flap with bone
Lateral Arm Flap drawback
inconsistent perforator anatomy, short pedicle length, small vessel caliber, and challenging dissection
The deltoid insertion may also be divided to increase pedicle length in lateral arm flap
The Lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve must be divided but can
be used to create a sensate flap
F The posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve must be divided but can
be used to create a sensateflap
popularity of radial forarm flap arises from
the ease of dissection; robust, reliable vascularity; malleability;
and ability to support associated tissues such as bone, tendon, and
the most cause of failure of radial forearm flap is venous congestion
F the versatility arises from the multiple venous drainage options,
including the superficial system based on the larger cephalic vein
and/or the deep system based on the paired venae comitantes of the
radial artery
radial forearm flap can also be used for functional purposes
radial artery that runs between
the brachioradialis and flexor carpi radialis in the distal forearm
Lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve, palmaris longus tendon,
and superficial veins may be incorporated in the harvest and followed
along their courses prior to transection in radial forearm flap
Sensation can’t preserved with rectus muscle flap
F Sensation can be restored with harvest of branches of thoracolumbar spinal nerves
When a muscle flap is used in rectus muscle flap , the
borders of the rectus muscle are identified rather than perforators
With perforator flaps, the anterior rectus fascia can often be closed
harvest of a horizontal unilateral skin island may distort the midline
F harvest of a vertical unilateral skin island may distort the midline
Latissimus Dorsi flap cannot include bone with it
F including bone based on the angular branch to the tip of
the scapula.
Shoulder function may be impaired with LD flap
In the case of thoracodorsal
the pedicle is compromised by previous axillary dissection we canot harvest the L D flap
F thisflap can still
be used by relying on bloodflow through the serratus branch
When used in breast reconstruction, it always requires volume supplementation with an implant
F When used in breast reconstruction, it often requires volume supplementation with an implant
The superior gluteal
artery perforator flap harvest is considered technically difficult
The gracilis is expected to
run 2 to 3 cm posterior to the palpable adductor longus
If gracilis muscle only is used,
a vertical incision may be used to identify the muscle posterior to
the adductor tendon.
Which vien at risk in gracillis flap harvesting
Avoid damaging the greater saphenous vein
A common flap with many
indications and usually minimal impact on donor site function is the
anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap
HOW you can locate the perforator of ALT flap
a line can be drawn from the ASIS to the
superolateral border of the patella Another line from the midpoint of this line to the midpoint of the distance from ASIS to pubic
symphysis will approximate the source vessels’ course (descending
branch of lateral circumflex femoral)
In case of absent perforator of the ALT flap hoe we can finishe the surgery
the same initial incision can become
the posterior border of a newly designed skin island based on perforators through rectusfemoris
ALT flap can be sensate flap ?
the posterior
femoral cutaneous nerve of the thigh can be harvested to provide
a sensateflap
turnover flap PIC MAJOR flap requires anterior and posterior undermining, as well as superior,
inferior, and complete lateral release of the muscle borders
PIC Major cam be used for mandibular reconstractrion
Include a portion of the fifth rib or avascular bone graft for mandibular reconstruction