REVIEW Flashcards
How are molecules separated in column chromatography?
Polarity only as long as molecular weights are similar
Which phosphate is transferred from ATP when a molecule is phosphorylated?
The gamma phosphate
What is a coordinate ionic bond?
Not a thing
When comparing lengths of covalent bonds, what determines the longest/shortest?
Atomic radii of the elements in the bond
Lens type if it has negative focal length
Diverging lens image
Virtual, upright, reduced
Lens type if positive focal length
What is the shortest bond: C-H, C-O, C-C, O-N?
Which property of a substance is best used to estimate vapor pressure?
Boiling point
Inactivates a protein by attached ubiquitin to it which signals for it to be degraded by a proteasome
Protein containing proteases, breaks down proteins tagged by ubiquitin
An enzyme that breaks down proteins and peptides by hydrolysis
Thiol group structure
What reaction does glyceraldehyde 3P dehydrogenase catalyze?
Glyceraldehyde 3P to 1,3 bisphosphoglycerate in glycolysis
Where do microtubules originate from?
Microtubule organizing centers
What disorder is present if a patient is selectively forgetting distracting elements of their life?
Dissociative disorder
Relative poverty
Social disadvantage by income or wealth as compared to the social advantages linked to income or wealth in a society
What are key components of CBT?
Address maladaptive behaviors through behavior therapy to systematically modify behavior, goal to foster cognitive charge by making self assessments
Aggregates definition
Individuals with common location but do not identify as members of a group
Power definition
Ability to control and influence others
Authority definition
Whether others believe ones power is legitimate
Resolution of light microscope
200 nm or .2 micron
Endothelium definition
One cell thick layer of epithelial cells that line the interior of the cardiovascular system
Sperm development pathway
Spermatogonium, spermatocyte, speratid, spermatozoon
Mature sperm after they lose most of cytoplasm, acrosome forms around the nucleus, mitochondria focus at the mid piece, and the flagellum forms
Time when sperm becomes spermatocyte
When Meiosis 1 begins
Time when sperm becomes spermatid
After completing Meiosis 2
When does crossing over occur
Synapsis during prophase I
When pairs of chromosomes come together during prophase 1 of meiosis, allows for crossing over to occur
Genetic drift
Variations in allele frequencies by random chance and not related to natural selection (could be because of death or changes in reproduction)
Phosphatases function
Remove phosphates from molecules by hydrolysis yielding inorganic phosphate
Phosporylases function
Break bonds by adding inorganic phosphate across them, ATP not involved
Ligases function and aka..
Link two molecules using NTP hydrolysis as an energy source, aka synthetase
When is the central route of persuasion more effective?
When people are willing and able to pay attention to facts
When is the peripheral route of persuasion more effective
When people are not paying close attention to the content of the message
Central route of processing
Occurs when the message characteristics engage the receiver in a deep, meaningful way, often through the use of a well reasoned argument emphasizing the logical content of the message, leads to lasting attitude or behavior change
Peripheral route of processing
Occurs when the message characteristics engage the receiver in a more superficial way, often through methods that do not require a great deal of thought, leads to temporary attitude or behavior change
Elaboration likelihood model
Describes two routes by which a message can cause attitude change in the receiver
Evolutionary game theory
Describes how complex social behaviors (mating, aggression, altruism) persist in populations
Drive reduction theory
Motivation results from the desire to maintain homeostasis
Optimism bias
The tendency for people to underestimate the probability that bad things will happen to them
Overconfidence bias
When the degree to which people are sure of their belief is greater than the accuracy of that belief
Right and left on Fischer projection
Out of page
Up and down on Fischer projection
In to page
When is fructose 2,6 bisphosphate synthesis activated?
The fed state by phosphofructokinase-2
Fed state glucose level
High glucose in blood
Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate
Activates phosphofructokinase-1 and inhibits fructose1,6 bisphosphatase
Fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase
Enzyme in gluconeogenesis that catalyzes the dephosphorylation of F1,6BP to F6P
Catalyzes rate limiting step in glycolysis from F6P to F1,6BP
How is glycolysis stimulated?
Insulin activates phosphofructokinase-2
Activated by insulin and synthesizes fructose 2,6 bisphosphate
In isoelectric focusing where are the anode and cathode?
Anode at low pH, cathode at high pH
Disproportionation reaction
Redox reaction in which both the oxidation and reduction occurs to atoms of the same element
What can you use to infer thermodynamic stability?
Heats of combustion
Heat of combustion meaning
Amount of heat produced when compounds are combusted, more stable compounds produce less heat (less energy initially so less released)
What is Na2HPO3?
A basic salt
Requirements for measuring Michaelis Menton kinetics
Initial velocity must be measured under steady state conditions, pH remains constant at all substrate concentrations, the concentration of enzyme is lower than that of substrate
What atoms are the best to be involved in covalent coordinate bonds?
Electron poor metal ions and electron rich non metals with available lone pairs (Lewis bases)
Porphyrin ring component structure
5 sided ring with 4 carbons and 1 nitrogen, one double bond also
What does not change when sound passes through different mediums?
What does change when sound passes through different mediums?
Wave speed, amplitude, wavelength
What layer of skin is adipose tissue in?
Cell types in epidermis
Merkel cells, Langerhans cells, keratinocytes, and melanocytes
Shock absorber in skin
Adipose tissue in hydoermis
Hypodermis aka..
Subcutaneous layer
Where are langerhans cells?
Epidermis (outside layer of skin)
Striated muscle
Has sarcomeres
Which muscle types are striated?
Skeletal and cardiac
Which muscle types have gap junctions?
Cardiac and smooth
Nuclei amount in skeletal muscle
Nuclei amount in cardiac muscle
1-2 nuclei
Nuclei amount in smooth muscle
What event immediately precedes the power stroke in muscle contraction?
The myosin head is bound to the myosin binding site due to calcium and a troponin/tropomyosin shift and the release of ADP and Pi from the myosin head
Muscle contraction power stroke
Release of ADP and Pi from myosin head pulls actin filament to center of sarcomere
What event immediately follows the power stroke in muscle contraction?
Cross bridge dissociation where myosin head released into low energy position and then ATP hydrolysis shifts myosin head back to high energy position
Epiphyses of bones
Rounded ends of bones that have joint surfaces covered by articular cartilage
Hollow shaft of long bone filled with bone marrow
Regions where the diaphysis and epiphysis meet
Hyaline cartilage
Plays a role in bone development and lines the ends of articulating bones
Cartilage properties
Lacks nerves and is avascular so it must receive nutrients via diffusion from surrounding fluids or vascularized areas
Levels of Kohlbergs theory of moral development
Pre-conventional, conventional, and post conventional
Stages and info about pre-conventional moral theory
- Obedience and punishment 2. Self interest
* defined by direct consequences to the individual
Stages and info about conventional moral theory
- Conformity and interpersonal accord
- Law and order
* defined by society’s norms and values
Stages and info about post conventional moral theory
- Social contract
- Universal ethical principles
* defined by own ethical principles
Selfish, pleasure principle
Super ego
Morality/perfection principle, formalistic and idealistic which completes us to perfection
Reality principle, realistic and compiles us to behave in socially acceptable ways
Fixed ratio response
Rapid response rate, short pause after reinforcement
Fixed interval response
Slower response rate after reinforcement, fastest response rate right before
Variable ratio response
Rapid, steady response rate, most resistant to extinction
Variable interval response
Slow, steady response rate, resistance to extinction
Society=an organism, each part works to maintain dynamic equilibrium, macro, Emile Durkheim and Talcott Parsons
Conflict theory
Society = a struggle for limited resources, inequality based on social class, macro, Karl Marx and Max Weber
Social constructionism
Social actors define what is real, knowledge about world based on interactions, macro or micro
Symbolic interactionism
Meaning and value attached to symbols, individual interactions based on these symbols, micro, Charles Cooley and George Herbert Mead
Rational choice/social exchange
Individuals behaviors and interactions attempt to maximize personal gain and minimize personal cost, micro
Feminist theory
Examines gender inequality in society, macro or micro
Looking glass self
Symbolic interactionist concept that suggests our interpretation of how we are perceived by others impacts our self concept
Fast twitch fibers
Used for anaerobic exercise, greater Ca2+ pumping capacity, white
Slow twitch fibers
Used for aerobic exercise, increased capillary density, more mitochondria, and higher levels of oxygen binding proteins, red
If males RR and females RS, how is imbalance of sex chromosome gene products compensated for?
One male R chromosome inactivated
Lyases function
Breaks a bond not using hydrolysis or oxidation
Hydolases function
Use water to break bond
RNA of operon
Transcribes a single mRNA that can be translated into multiple proteins
How to increase contractile force of heart?
Decrease transport of Ca2+ to extracellular environment, increase availability of intracellular Ca2+ to bind troponin, increase overall Ca2+ stores in the sarcoplasmic reticulum
Primary active transport
Energy derived directly from the breakdown of ATP
Secondary active transport
Energy derived from energy that has been stored in the form of ionic concentration differences between the two sides of the membrane
Fasting state metabolic processes
Glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis
Sustained fasting state metabolic process
Production of ketone bodies by fatty acid oxidation
Pentose phosphate pathway
Parallel to glycolysis, generates NADPH and pentoses
How is NAD+ regenerated in anaerobic conditions?
Lactic acid fermentation
Succinate dehydrogenase aka…
Complex II of ETC
Succinyl coA sythetase
Catalyzes the creation of succinate from succinyl coA
Synthetase function and aka…
Link two molecules using NTP hydrolysis as an energy source, aka ligase
Imprinted genes
Genes whose expression is determined by the parent that contributed them
RNA virus replication
Require a reverse transcriptase to replicate themselves using a DNA intermediate
Build and repair bone
Break down bone
What is KCN and what does it do in water?
KCN is a water soluble potassium salt of the conjugate base of HCN, it fully dissociates into K+ and CN- in water
Representative elements
Groups1-8A or Groups 1-2 & 13-18, s block and p block (not transition metals or rare earth metals)
If dissolution aZ(s) cX(aq) + dY(aq), what is solubility product constant
K_sp = [X]^c*[Y]^d
If reaction CN-+H2O OH-+HCN, what is K_b?
K_b = [OH-][HCN]/[CN-]
What will happen when Q>Ksp?
Precipitates will form
Low vs high Ka
Weak vs strong acid
Law of mass action
The rate of a reaction is proportional to the molar amount (concentration or partial pressure) of each reactant raised to the power of its reaction order
Nuclear localization sequences
Signal for the transport of proteins such as transcription factors to the nucleus
Mitochondrial target sequence
Signal that induces a transport of an enzyme to the mitochondria because that is where it is used and it is made in the cytosol
Alpha keto derivative formation
Formed by transamination
Where an amino group is transferred from an amino acid to a keto acid to generate the amino acid version of the keto acid and the keto acid version of the original amino acid
A pentose (5 carbon sugar)
Molecules with the same molecular formula that are mirror images because they differ in orientation of every stereocenter
Enantiomer of a D-sugar
Sphingolipid function
Provide structure to biological membranes
Sphingolipid structure
Sphingosine, polar heat group, and one fatty acyl group
Fluidity of membranes in terms of fatty acid chain length
Short fatty acids are more fluid, less interactions
Beta oxidation product
MicroRNA - functions in RNA interference by binding target complementary sequence on mRNA molecule to silence gene expression
Wall thickness of heart chambers
Right ventricle has thinner walls than left
How does western blot separate proteins?
Size because smaller proteins migrate the fastest through the gel
Where is peptidoglycan found?
Bacteria cell walls
Where is cellulose found?
Primary component of plant cell walls
Bacteria transformation
Bacteria take up DNA from their surroundings (the media in which they are immersed)
Bacteria transduction
Process by which genes are transferred by a virus
When do external intercostal muscles contract?
When do internal intercostal muscles contract?
What does the rapid destruction of mRNA allow a cell to do?
Change its protein expression over time
What is the coordination of cell differentiation during development very sensitive to?
mRNA turnover
What type of injury would lead to myoglobin being in someones urine?
Muscle or kidney injury
Substance that holds oxygen in the muscles and organs
Do prokaryotes have mitochondria?
An escape of blood from a ruptured blood vessel
Vasoconstriction pressure effect
Can increase blood pressure
Closed pipe resonant wavelengths
lambda = 4L/n with n=odd integers
Open pipe resonant wavelengths
lambda = 2L/n
Image from plane mirror
Plane mirror produces an image behind its plane at a distance equal to the object distance in front of the plane
Electrical power equation
P = IV
Buoyant foce on a solid
The difference between its weight and apparent weight in water
Key parts of the hindbrain
Thalamus, brainstem (pons and medulla oblongata, reticular formation), and cerebellum
Midbrain function
Sensorimotor reflexes that promote survival
Neurulation steps
Ectoderm overlying the notochord begins to furrow, forming a neural groove and two neural folds, furrow closes to form neural tube
What does the neural tube become?
The central nervous system
Neural crest
Cells at the leading edge of the neural fold
Where is a salt bridge required and why?
Galvanic cells because in electrolytic cells, you can put half rxns into single component and salt bridge not required
Salt bridge function
Release anions and cations into the separate half cells to counteract the buildup of charge created by current flow
Benedicts solution
Common reagent used to test reducing sugars
What are reducing sugars?
Sugars that contain hemiactetals or hemiketals (a carbonyl that can be oxidized)
Benedicts solution purpose and method
Can test for reducing sugars because they can be oxidized to COOH
Learning perspective language theory
Learned via operant conditioning and language imitation
Nativist perspective language theory
Innate and biologically predetermined - occurs during critical period
Interactionist perspective of language development
Biological (normal brain development) and social (due to interaction, reinforcement, and desire to communicate with others)
Noncompetitive inhibition effect of Km and Vmax
No change with Km and Vmax down
Uncompetetive inhibition effect on Km and Vmax
Km down and Vmax down by the same factor
Theory of social self stages and ages
Prep: infant/toddler
Play: preschool
Game: school age
Learning process during prep stage in theory of social self
Imitation but often lacks understanding
Learning process during play stage in theory of social self
Role taking - taking on role of specific others
Learning process during game stage in theory of social self
Generalized other - understanding all roles and overarching rules
When does I develop in theory of social self?
Prep and play stages
When does me develop in theory of social self?
Play and game stages
Differential association
Individuals learn specific deviant behaviors and values/norms through interactions with others with those same behaviors and values/norms
Labeling theory
Primary deviance (small social norm violation) leads to a deviant label and then social stigma causes more deviance and more serious violations
Three types of capital
Economic, social, and cultural
Cytosine ring substituents
Carbonyl, NH2
Guanine ring substituents
NH2, NH, carbonyl
Thymine ring substituents
Carbonyl, NH, carbonyl, methyl
Adenine ring substituents
Z alkene
Highest priority groups occur on the same side of the double bond
E alkene
Highest priority groups occur on the opposite side of the double bond
Near sightedness
Focal length shorter than it should be, image in front of the retina, corrected with diverging lens
Far sightedness
Focal length longer than it should be, image behind the retina, corrected with converging lens
Magnitude of electric field equations
E = V/d (for uniform field) = kQ/r^2 = Fe/q
What forces do all atoms and molecules experience?
London dispersion attractive forces
What intermolecular forces exist among molecules of NH3 gas between dipole dipole and London dispersion?
How to compare enhancement of treatment?
“Fold enhancement” or the division of the two options
Cyclic ester
What will occur if a Lactone is in the presence of a base?
It will be hydrolyzed to an alcohol and carboxylate
Buffering capacity
+/- 1 pH unit away from the pKa
Divalent ion
A cation with a valence of 2+
The electric field inside each of the conductors that form the capacitor is zero. Why is this the case?
Free electrons in the conductor arrange themselves on the surface so that the electric field they produce inside the conductor exactly cancels any external electric field
Proteins that are involved in redox reactions
Cytochrome p450
A monooxygenase that catalyzes an oxidation reaction
Where does fatty acid oxidation take place?
What is added to acetyl coA for it to become malonyl coA?
Carboxyl group
What does 35S label?
Henrys law
S = Kh*Pg
S - solubility of a gas
Kh - henrys law constant
Pg - pressure of the gas above the solution
Is the stop codon included in an amino acid and what does this mean?
No it is not so that means that the length of the mRNA must be length of aa*3+3 at the minimum
What to consider when choosing an antigen for vaccine production?
Immunogenicity and toxicity (not desirable)
What is the Svedberg sedimentation coefficient for the large subunit of the bacterial ribosome?
What is the Svedberg sedimentation coefficient for the small subunit of the bacterial ribosome?
What is the Svedberg sedimentation coefficient for the bacterial ribosome?
What is the Svedberg sedimentation coefficient for the large subunit of the eukaryote ribosome?
What is the Svedberg sedimentation coefficient for the small subunit of the eukaryote ribosome?
What is the Svedberg sedimentation coefficient for the eukaryote ribosome?
tRNA sites during translation order
A (amino acid), then P (peptide), then E (exit)
microRNA expression change
Molecular technique that measure mRNA levels of specific proteins
Quantitative PCR
Measures levels of DNA
Native PAGE
Used to separate molecules based on their electrophoretic mobility, relying on length, conformation, and charge
If female has two X chromosomes, what happens to inactive one?
Still replicates but it is one of the last to replicate, more condensed than the active one and not transcribed
How is extra water normal excreted from the body?
Normally through skin and lungs, also diarrhea if that is the case
What does phosphorylation do to isoelectric point?
Decreases isoelectric point by adding negative charge
Are B and T cells in the brain?
Usually not at the beginning the immune response
Phagocytotic innate immune cells specific to the brain, mounts immune response
Amber codon
Stop codon
Stop codons
Discriminating stimuli
Used in operant conditioning to signal the availability of reinforcement or punishment
Traditional behaviorist approach to motivation
Cognitions cannot act as motivators for behavior and only actual outcomes of a behavior will determine whether that behavior is repeated
Extrinsic motivation
Refers to any motivation that results from incentives to perform a behavior that are not inherent to the behavior itself, driven by external rewards
Intrinsic motivation
Motivation that arises from within the individual
Base rate fallacy
Refers to the error people make when they ignore the base rates when evaluating the probabilities of events
Glass escalator effect
Suggests that men who pursue occupations that have high proportions of women will be promoted more quickly
Learning norms and values
Common sense theory of emotion
Stimulus, subjective experience, body response
James Lange theory of emotion
Stimulus, bond response, subjective experience
Cannon-Bard theory of emotion
Stimulus, body response and subjective experience simultaneously
Schachter Singer theory of emotion
Stimulus, body response, interpretation, subjective experience
Three components of attitude
Behavioral, cognitive, and affective
Affective attitude
Consists of an emotional experience evoked by the attitude object
Behavioral attitude
Consists of the typical responses made when the individual is in the presence of the attitude object
Cognitive attitude
Consists of an individuals beliefs about the attitude object
What is the key indicator of alcohol DEPENDANCE?
Withdrawal symptoms
Openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism
Applying a term for one class of an objects to other objects that bear only a superficial resemblance
Initial stages of grammatical development
Social epidemiology
Focuses on the social determinants of health and disease
Disinhibition and what it is associated with
Lack of restraint manifested in disregard of social conventions, impulsivity, and poor risk assessment, associated with binge drinking
Assimilation and life expectancy
Assimilation proposes that an immigrant group will eventually adopt the customs of the majority group and their outcomes should be similar
High albumin levels
Fluid will flow into bloodstream
What will happen if all genotypes are equally fit?
None will be selected against
Is carbon dioxide a H bond acceptor, donor, or both?
H bond acceptor
Geometry of XeF4?
Square planar
Relative boiling points
Carboxylic acid>alcohol>aldehydes and ketones ( h bond acceptors but not donors)>alkene
+/- stereochemistry
Enantiomers, + rotate plane polarized light clockwise, - rotate plane polarized light counterclockwise
What is a common reason for colorful solutions?
Metal ions with partially filled d orbitals and electrons in the lower energy d orbitals absorb light to move to the higher energy d orbital
Volt equivalent
Doppler effect equation
v - relative velocity between source and detector
c - speed of wave in the medium
Why are percentages of the change in frequency and wavelength so much greater when sound waves are used instead of radio waves?
Sounds waves travel more slowly
Snells law
n1sin(theta1) = n2sin(theta2)
What does it mean if n>1? and equation
Light will move slower through the medium than it would in air because n = c/v
What happens when light enters a medium with a high index of refraction?
The light bends towards the normal
Reuptake of calcium into sarcoplasmic reticulum
Occurs via an ATP-hydrolyzing pump that moves calcium against its gradient
Cholesterol in membranes of prokaryotes vs eukaryotes
No for prokaryotes but yes for eukaryotes
Do prokaryotes have membrane bound organelles?
What is the muscle type in the uterus?
Smooth muscle
What is the muscle type in the arteries and veins?
Smooth muscle
Vmax equation
Vmax = kcat*[E]
Which direction does kinesin move?
Away from the nucleus
Which direction does dynein move?
Toward the nucleus
Alpha sugar
If anomic carbon substituent is on the opposite side of ring plane from the substituent on the highest # chiral carbon
Beta sugar
If anomic carbon substituent is on the same side of the ring plane from the substituent on the highest # chiral carbon
DNA and acetylation
Acetylation of + charged amino acids on histones disrupts salt bridges between DNA and histone and increases gene expression
Catalytic efficiency equation
eta_cat = kcat/km
Cell apoptosis
Cytochrome c release from mitochondria, caspase activation, cell shrinkage and blebbing, blebs broken down into apoptotic bodies
Which is longer: aspartate or glutamate?
Western plot process
Protein of interest is loaded onto a gel and subjected to electrophoresis, proteins are then transferred to a protein binding membrane so they are immobilized, addition of blocking protein so that antibodies cannot bind to membrane, membrane incubated with antibodies that bind protein of interest (a lot of times a secondary antibody is used as the one with marker/detection capability), antibodies detected via fluorescence or chemiluminescence
What does a right shift in the x axis of a lineweaver burke graph mean?
Increase in Km
What does an increase in Km mean?
Lower binding affinity
What are non reducing sugars?
Have acetal or ketal groups and cannot be reduced
Henderson hasselbalch equation
pH = pKa + log(conj base/acid)
What is completed 5’ to 3’?
DNA synthesis during replication, RNA synthesis during transcription, mRNA read in translation
What is completed 3’ to 5’?
Template reading during transcription
Deindividuation process
Large group size, diffusion of responsibility, anonymity, emotionally arousing activity, deindividuation, decreased inhibitions, increased responsiveness to group behavior
Place theory
Explains the perception of sound pitch
Long bone growth
Grow via endochondral ossification which requires cartilaginous growth plates at the ends of long bones
What does the number if incident photons effect in photoelectric effect?
Only number of electrons, not energies (energies are from photon energy)
Does electric force depend on speed of particle?
Capacitance of parallel plate conductors
C = epsilon*A/d
Normal memory decay
Drops off quickly then evens out
Fatty acid sodium salts in water
These salts are soluble in water to a charged carboxylate group and sodium ion
Constitutional isomers
Have same molecular weight and formula but vary in connectivity making them different compounds
Conformational isomers
Isomers that can be interconverted by a rotation about single bonds
Configurational isomers
Stereoisomers that cannot be interconverted by rotation about single bonds
When can you use simple distillation?
When compounds have boiling points less than 150 deg C and are more than 25 deg C apart
When can you use fractional distillation?
When compounds have boiling points less than 150 deg C and are LESS than 25 deg C apart
When can you use vacuum distillation?
When compounds have boiling points greater than 150 deg C
What do electronegative groups do on H NMR?
Deshield and downfield shift
OH IR stretch
3650 - 3200
sp CH IR stretch
sp2 CH IR stretch
sp3 CH IR stretch
C=O IR stretch
Glyceraldehyde structure
Oxidized fom of glycerol with one aldehyde and two hydroxyl groups
Fischer projection of L-glyceraldehyde
OH on left, COH above, H on right, CH2OH below
Z line
End of the sarcomere
M line
Middle of the myosin filaments
I band
Thin filaments only
H band
Thick filaments only
A band
All of the thick filament
Thick filaments
Thin filaments
Focal point distance
Radius of curvature/2
Why does light slow down in an optically dense material?
It is absorbed and re-emitted by the atomic structure of the optically dense medium
What occurs when the concentration of acid and conjugate base are equal?
The pH of a buffer equals the pKa of the acid
Why is NaNO2 basic?
NO2- is hydrolyzed with the formation of OH- ions
Expectancy theory of motivation
Expectancy + Instrumentality + Valence = Motivation
Perceived likelihood of effort leading to performance
Perceived likelihood of performance leading to reward
Degree of value reward has for the individual
Maslow hierarchy of needs
Physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness and love needs, esteem needs, self-actualization
Selective attention
Ability to focus on one stimulus or task despite distractions
2 types of memory stable with age
Semantic and procedural
Monoamine hypothesis
Depletion of monoamine neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine) in the CNS directly cause depression symptoms
Lack of pleasure
Nucleus accumbens function
In reward pathway
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
Decreases breakdown of monoamines in pre-synaptic neuron
9 Gestalt principles
Emergence, multi stability, subjective contours, invariance, closure, similarity, proximity, continuity, common fate
Why does circle around focal point fade if you focus at focal point?
Sensory adaption
Does SN2 occur with tertiary carbons?
Original reactants in Gabriel synthesis
Potassium phthalimide and diethyl bromomalonate
Normal configuration of naturally occurring amino acids
L configuration
Where is the appendix?
Junction of small intestine and large intestine, appendix continuous with large intestine so bacteria can go back and forth
What germ layer does the cardiovascular system originate from?
Where is a primary oocyte arrested?
Prophase I of meiosis, finishes meiosis I and becomes secondary oocyte during ovulation
Where is the secondary oocyte arrested?
Metaphase II, must be fertilized to complete meiosis II
Secondary group
People who share only part of their lives while focusing on a goal or task, impersonal
Solubility of fatty acid salt
Can partially dissolve in both polar and nonpolar media
Empirical formula
Simplest whole number ratio
What is the molar concentration of Na+(aq) in a solution that is prepared by mixing 10 mL of a 0.010 M NaHCO3(aq) solution with 10 mL of a 0.010 M Na2CO3(aq) solution?
0.015 M because you need to remember to divide by 2 because you are doubling the volume
Visible light wavelength range
400 to 750 nm
Blue side of visible light spectrum
400 nm
Red side of visible light spectrum
750 nm
Lipophilic aka
Schemas vs script
Schemas are cognitions and scripts are an order of actions
Anterograde memory
The ability to form long term memories after brain injury
Retrograde memory
The ability to remember information before brain injury
Anxious about a nagging illness, a patient feels ignored by a doctor who is struggling to catch up with patient examinations on a very busy day. The doctor misinterprets the discomfort and agitation of the patient as hostility. Which sociological paradigm can best explain this scenario?
Symbolic interactionist theory
Proactive interference
Earlier information interfering with memory for later information
Retroactive interference
Later information interfering with memory for earlier information
What are virion cell membranes most similar to?
Eukaryotic cell membrane because many times these virions are formed by budding off the surface of eukaryotic cells
Can a light microscope see eukaryotic/bacteria cells?
Yes, both
What media would be used to grow virions in the laboratory?
Tissue culture
What type of isomers do alpha and beta distinguish between?
How is the influx of Na+ across the motor end plate of the muscle fiber mediated?
Ligand (Acetylcholine) gated ion channel
Palindrome Sequence
Used in restriction enzymes for southern plot to determine mutations, 4 or 6 BP and reading it forward should be the same as the complementary sequence of reading it backward
Focal length in terms of o and I
1/f = 1/I +1/o
Shadowing task
Pay attention to one ear and repeat
Are introns or exons removed?