Behavioral Sciences Ch 1: Biology and Behavior Flashcards
The study of the connection between the nervous system and behavior, focuses on the function of various brain regions
Neurons of the nervous system
Sensory, motor, and interneurons
Sensory neurons
aka afferent neurons, transmit sensory information from receptors to the spinal cord and brain via afferent fibers
Motor neurons
aka efferent neurons, transmit motor information from the brain and spinal cord to muscles and glands via efferent fibers
Found between other neurons and are the most numerous, located predominantly in the brain and spinal cord and are often linked to reflexive behavior
Reflex arcs
Use interneurons in the spinal cord to relay information to the source of the stimuli while simultaneously routing it to the brain, ex. allows for foot to move after stepping on a nail without brain
Nervous system
Make up of the central and peripheral nervous systems
Central nervous systems
CNS - includes brain and spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system
PNS - made up of nerve tissue and fibers outside of brain and spinal cord including most cranial and spinal nerves and olfactory and optic nerves, connects the CNS to the rest of the body, divided into somatic and autonomic divisions
Somatic nervous system
Voluntary, consists of sensory and motor neurons distributed throughout the skin, joints, and muscles
Atomonomic nervous system
Automatic, regulates heartbeat, respiration, digestion, glandular secretions, and temperature control via involuntary muscles and glands, divided into the parasympathetic and sympathetic branches
Parasympathetic nervous system
Rest and digest, antagonistic of the sympathetic nervous system, goal to conserve energy, functions: constricts pupils, stimulates flow of saliva, constricts bronchi, slows heartbeat, stimulates peristalsis, stimulates bile release, contracts bladder
Sympathetic nervous system
Fight or flight, antagonists of the parasympathetic nervous system, activated by stress, functions: dilates the pupils for maximum light intake, inhibits salivation, relaxes bronchi, accelerates heartbeat, stimulates sweating and piloerection, inhibits peristalsis and secretion, stimulates glucose production and release, releases of epinephrine and norepinephrine, inhibits bladder contraction, stimulates orgasm, redistributes blood to muscles for locomotion
Brain subdivisions
Hindbrain, midbrain, and forebrain
Contains the cerebellum, medulla obligate, and reticular formation, develops from rhombencephalon, controls balance, motor coordination, breathing, digestion, and general arousal processes such as sleeping and waking, manages vital functioning for survival
Contains the inferior and superior colliculi, controls sensorimotor reflexes, receives sensory and motor information from the rest of the body, develops from the mesencephalon
Developed from the prosencephalon, associated with complex perceptual, cognitive, and behavioral processes, contains the thalamus, hypothalamus, basal ganglia, limbic system, and cerebral cortex, developed later than the brainstem, associated with emotion and memory
Studying the brain methods
Lesions, electrical stimulation, activity recording (such as EEG), and regional cerebral blood flow
EEG - involves placing several electrodes on the scalp and monitoring electrical activity generated by larger groups of neurons
Regional cerebral blood flow
Detects broad patterns of neural activity based on increased blood flow to different parts of the brain, uses radioactive gas (harmless) and brain imaging
Relay station for sensory information, sorts than transmits incoming sensory impulses to appropriate areas of the cerebral cortex
Maintains homeostasis and integrates with the endocrine system through the hypophyseal portal system that connects it to the anterior pituitary, primary regulator of the autonomic nervous system, hunger and thirst, emotional experiences, aggressive and sexual behavior, the four F’s: fighting, fleeing, feeding, and fornication
Hypophyseal portal system
Connects the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland
Anterior pituitary
“Master” part of the gland because it releases hormones that regulate actives of endocrine glands, controlled by the hypothalamus
Basal ganglia
Smoothens movements and helps maintain postural stability, does this by relaying info via the extrapyramidal system, destruction of it could lead to Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, and OCD
Limbic system
A group of neural structures primarily associated with emotion and memory, contains the septal nuclei, amygdala, and hippocampus
Septal nuclei
Involved with feelings of pleasure, pleasure-seeking behavior, and addiction
Controls aggressive and defensive behaviors including fear and rage
Consolidates memories and communicates with other parts of the limbic system through an extension called the fornix, forms long-term memories and can redistribute remote memories to the cerebral cortex
Long projection/extension of hippocampus, helps it communicate with other parts of the limbic system
Cerebral cortex
aka neocortex, outer covering of the cerebral hemispheres, divides into four lobes: the frontal lobe, the parietal lobe, the occipital lobe, and the temporal lobe, complex perceptual, cognitive, and behavioral processes
Frontal lobe
Controls executive function, impulse control, long-term planning, motor function, and speech production, broken into prefrontal cortex and motor cortex, also contains Broca’s area
Pariental lobe
Located to the rest of the frontal lobe, controls sensations of touch, pressure, temperature, and pain; station processing; orientation; and manipulation
Occipital lobe
Vision processing via visual cortex, located at the very rear of the brain, have been implicated in learning and motor control also
Temporal lobe
Controls sound processing, speech perception, memory, and emotion, is the location of the auditory cortex and Wernicke’s area
Cerebrum divisions
Left and right cerebral hemispheres
Cerebral hemispheres
Main brain division, left hemisphere dominant for language
Released by neurons to carry a signal to another neuron or effector
A muscle fiber or a gland
Used by the peripheral nervous system to move muscles, the parasympathetic nervous system and the sympathetic nervous system (in the ganglia and innervating sweat glands), and the central nervous system for attention and arousal
Maintains smooth movements and steady posture, a catecholamine, high concentrations usually in the basal ganglia, high levels schizophrenia, low levels Parkinson’s disease
A neuromodulator that acts as natural painkillers
A neuromodulator that acts as natural painkillers
Maintain wakefulness and alertness and mediates fight or flight responses, tends to act as a hormone, released by the adrenal medulla and cause a physiological change associated with the sympathetic nervous system, a catecholamine, classified as monoamines or biogenic amines
Maintain wakefulness and alertness and mediates fight or flight responses, tends to act as a classical neurotransmitter, released by the adrenal medulla and cause a physiological change associated with the sympathetic nervous system, a catecholamine, classified as monoamines or biogenic amines, low levels associated with depression, high levels associated with anxiety and mania
Gamma-aminobutyric acid
GABA - brain stabilizer (CNS) by producing inhibitory postsynethic potentials by causing hyper polarization
Brain stabilizer (CNS) by increasing chloride influx into the neuron causing hyper polarization
Excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain (CNS)
Modulates mood, sleep patterns, eating patterns, and dreaming, a monoamine/biogenic amine, high levels associated with manic states and low levels associated with depression
Endocrine and nervous system connection
Tied to the nervous system through the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary, and some hormones
Mediates sexual drive, increases aggressive behavior, released by adrenal cortex, also produced by testes
Mediates sexual drive, released by the adrenal cortex, also produced in the ovaries
Nature vs nurture
Classic debate regarding the relative contributions of genetics and environment to an individuals traits, for most traits, both play a role, relative effects are studied
Family studies
Looks at the relative frequency of a trait within a family compared to the general population
Twin studies
Compare concordance rates between monozygotic and dizygotic twins
Adoption studies
Compare similarities between adopted children and their adoptive parents, relative to similarities with their biological parents
Nervous system development
Occurs via neurulation, notochord stimulates overlying ectoderm to fold over, creating the neural tube topped with neural crest cells
Neural tube
Becomes the central nervous system as it invaginates and folds on itself
Neural crest cells
Spread out throughout the body, differentiating into many tissue types
Primative reflexes
Exist in infants and should disappear with age, most serve as a protective role, can reappear in certain nervous system disorders, include rooting, moro, babinski, and grasping relex
Rooting reflex
Infant turns his or her head toward anything that brushes the cheek
Moro reflex
Infant extends the arms, then slowly retracts them and cries in response to a sensation of falling
Babinski reflex
The big toe is extended and the other toes fan in response to the brushing of the sole of the foot
Grasping reflex
The infant grabs anything put into his or her hand
Developmental milestones
Give an indication of what skills and abilities a child should have at a given age, most children adhere closely to these milestones deviating by only one or two months