Behavioral Sciences Ch 10. Social Thinking Flashcards
Interpersonal attraction
Makes people like each other and is influenced by multiple factors including physical attractiveness, similarity of attitudes, intelligence, education, height, age, religion, and socioeconomic status, self disclosure, reciprocity, and proximity
Golden ratio
As someone symmetry and proportions are closer to the golden ratio, the person is seen as more physically attractive
Includes sharing fears, thoughts, and goals with another person and being met with empathy and nonjudgment
We Like people who we think like us
Being physically close to someone
Physical, verbal, or nonverbal behavior with the intention to cause harm and increase social dominance
Emotional bond to another person and usually refers to the bond between a child and a caregiver
Types of attachment
Secure, avoidant, ambivalent, and disorganized
Secure attachment
Requires a consistent caregiver so the child is able to go out and explore knowing he or she has a secure base to return to, the child will show strong preference for the caregiver
Avoidant attachment
Occurs when a caregiver has little or no response to a distressed, crying child, the child has no preference for the caregiver compared to strangers
Ambivalent attachment
Hers went to caregiver has an inconsistent response to a child’s distress, sometimes responding appropriately sometimes neglectful, the child will become distressed when caregiver leaves and is ambivalent when he or she returns
Disorganized attachment
Occurs when a caregiver is erratic or abusive, the child has no clear pattern of behavior in response to the caregivers absence or presence and may show repetitive behaviors
Social support
The perception or reality that one is cared for by a social network
Emotional support
Includes listening to, affirming, or empathizing with someone’s feelings
Esteem support
Affirmed the qualities and skills of the person
Material support
Providing physical or monetary resources to eat a person
Informational support
Providing useful information to a person
Network support
Providing a sense of belonging to a person
Searching for and exploiting food resources
Mating system
Describes the way in which a group is organized in terms of sexual behavior
Consists of exclusive mating relationships
Consists of one member of a sex having multiple exclusive relationships with members of the opposite sex, includes polygyny and polyandry
A Male with multiple females
A female with multiple mains
Allows a members of one sex to mate with any member of the opposite sex without exclusivity
Mate choice
aka intersexual selection, the selection of a mate based on attraction and traits
Intersexual selection
aka mate choice, the selection of a mate based on attraction and traits
A form of helping behavior in which the persons intent is to benefit someone else at some cost to him or herself
Game theory
Attempts to explain decision making between individuals as if they are participating in a game
Inclusive fitness
A measure of an organisms success in the population, this is based on the number of offspring, success in supporting offspring, and the ability of the offspring to then support others
Social perception
aka social cognition, the way by which we generate impressions about people in our social environment
Social cognition
aka social perception, the way by which we generate impressions about people in our social environment
Implicit personality theory
States that people make assumptions about how different types of people, their traits, and their behavior are related
Primary effect
Refers to when first impressions are more important than subsequent impressions
Recency effect
When the most recent information we have about an individual is the most important informing our impression
Reliance on central traits
The tendency to organize the perception of others based on traits and personal characteristics that matter to the perceiver
Halo effect
When judgments of an individual’s characters can be affected by the overall impression of the individual
Just world hypothesis
The tendency of individuals to believe that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people
Self-serving bias
Refers to the fact that individuals will view their own success as being based on internal factors while viewing failures is being based on external factors
Attribution theory
Focuses on the tendency for individuals tend for the causes of other peoples behavior
Dispositional or internal causes
Those that relate to the features of the person whose behavior is being considered
Situational or external causes
Those related to features of the surroundings or social context
Correspondent inference theory
Used to describe attributions made by observing the intentional (especially unexpected) behaviors performed by another individual
Fundamental attribution error
The bias towards making dispositional attribution’s brother than situational attribution’s in regards to the actions of others
Attribute substitution
Occurs when individuals must make judgments that are complex but instead substitute a much simpler solution or heuristic
Occurring attitudes and impressions are made based on limited and superficial information about a group or a group of individuals
Self-fulfilling prophecy
A process where stereotypes can lead to expectations of certain groups, which can create conditions that lead to confirmation of the stereotypes
Stereotype threat
Concern or anxiety about confirming a negative stereotype that one’s social group
Find us an irrational positive or negative attitude towards a person, group, or thing prior to an actual experience
Refers to the practice of making judgments about other cultures based on the values and beliefs of one owns culture
In group
A social group in which a person experiences a sense of belonging
Out group
Refers to a social group in which an individual does not identify
Cultural relativism
Refers to the recognition that social groups and cultures should be studied on their own terms
When prejudicial attitudes cause individuals of a particular group to be treated differently from others
Individual discrimination
Refers to one person discriminating against a particular person or group
Institutional discrimination
Refers to the discrimination against a particular person or group by an entire institution