Genus –
(Retro- reverse transcription i.e RNA DNA)
- Orthoretroviridae -
- Alpha,
- Beta,
- Gamma,
- Delta, - Epsilon-retrovirus,
- Lentivirus
- Spumaretrovirus
- Spumavirus
Diploid +ssRNA genome
Helical + Icosahedral capsid
- many layered,
- released into cell through cytoplasmic membrane.
- After release final maturation of virus
Very sensitive
Biological properties
– Baltimore VI
– viral reverse transcriptase forms a pro-virus
- If cell divides, viral genome is also transmitted
= a life-long infection
Genetic structure
+/- Oncogene substitution of mutants a transforming/defective virus
- Oncogene kicks out the envelope gene- rather like a cuckoo! –
- i.e need helpers to multiply
- Tumours (Oncogenic!!)
Multiplication competent viruses –
Strong CPE (Giant cells – synsytia) + tumours
– Sensitive so need special methods of infection
- “Vertical route” – sex, placenta, etc i.e protected
2- Virus adapts to host so lies dormant ”pseudo virus” –
- A part of genome but virus never develops - Much of genome is “pseudo virus”
- Cell associated
– germ cells, colostrum, epithelium
Antigenes –
Good antigens in theory
- Surface protein antigenes are hyper-variable
- But Iummunoglobins not effective vs integrated virus
- Destroys the immune system!
- Virus often mutates within lymphocytes
- the cells that suppress viruses
- Virus often mutates within lymphocytes
– Can use direct/indirect viruses together
1-Clinical signs – tumours (Leukemia)
2- Direct – ELISA, IF, PCR, NA hybridization
3-Indirect – ElISA, AGID (Coggin’s test – EIA)
Ortheroretroviridae family –
1- Avian Leucosis Virus
– Chicken – Leukemia, Lymph tumours
(with Marek disease – most destructive poultry virus)
2- Avian sarcoma
– Chicken – fast developing tumours
1- Ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma virus
– Sheep – “Jaagsiekte”
Feline Leukemia
– Sarcoma develop
- Bovine leukaemia virus – (BLV)
– notifiable
- Economic loss
- Cattle – leucosis, slow developing lymph tumours - Human T-lymphotrophic virus 1-2 (HTLV) - Causes leukaemia
- Sexually transitted – caribean
- Human T-cell leukemia
Fish virus – Walleye
(Lente – slow)
– rarely cause tumours Immuno suppressive
1. Equine infectious anaemia virus (EIA) – No vaccines against it - Horses – anaemia, - wasting - lethal - Arthropod transmitted – “Swamp fever”
- Maedi-Visna virus – (Maedi –pneumonia – lungs; Visna encephalitis)
- Leads to paralysis of hind leg
3- Caprine arthritis – encephalitis virus (CAE) - Goats – arthritis, lameness
- Human Immunedeficiency Virus – HIV 1-2
- T-helper cell destruction - immunosuppression
- AIDS – acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- In parts – 80% of population – Africa
- Can have virus but show no symptoms – some resistance (low in Africa)
- Feline immune deficiency virus (FIV)- Esp male cats – similar to humans
- Bovine immune deficiency virus
- Simian immune deficiency virus (SIV)
(Spuma – foamy)
1. Bovine foamy virus
- End of animal viruses!