Respiratory system Flashcards
3 principle functions of the respiratory system, AND its t2o side functions
1-air conduction 2-air filtration 3-gas exchange -speech (phonation) -olfaction
what are the 2 functional divisions of the respiratory system, and what are the components w/in each
conducting division - nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bonchi, bronchioles, terminal bronchioles
respiratory division - respiratory bronchiols, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, alveoli
what blood vessels from the heart enter the lungs and branch as they follow the bronchiole tree ?
right pulmonary vessels carrying deoxygenated blood
where does air “conditioning” occur and what happens during this ?
occurs in conducting division
-air is warmed, moistened via mucous and serous secretions via goblet cells
-cilia sweep particles away from lungs
what are the 3 layers of the walls of the conducting system pasageways from innermost to out
- mucosa
- submucosa
- adventitia
what type of epithelium makes up the mucosal layer of conducting passageways
respiratory epithelium
- ciliated pseudostratified collumnar epithelium
- some nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
what are the 3 cell types found w/in respiratory epithelium
1 - ciliated collumnar cells
2 - goblet cells (mucous secretions)
3 - basal cells (stem cells)
Not all areas of the conduction system have 3 layers in their walls, specifically when do the submucosa and adventitia layers start to appear
trachea region
what are internal nares called ? what about external nares
internal nares - choanae
external nares - nostrils
where would you find nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium in “respitory epithelium”
in areas of high friction
- oropharynx
- laryngopharynx
what is the function of the pharynx
- connects nasal/oral cavities to larynx and esophagus
- passageway for food and air
what are the 3 parts of the pharynx, and function of each
1 - nasopharynx - air passageway
2 - oropharynx - food/air passageway
3 - laryngopharynx - food/air passageway
what type of epithelium would you find at the 3 different parts of the pharyn
- nasopharynx - ciliated psuedostratified collumnar ep.
- oropharynx - nonkeratinized stratified squamous ep.
- laryngopharynx - nonkeratinized stratified squamous ep.
what is the function of the larynx
- air passageway b/w laryngopharynx and trachea
- conducts air and is the organ of speech (phonation)
what is the purpose of cartilage rings found in the larynx
-keep an open airway useful in sound prod, and swallowing
cartilage rings made of hyaline cartilage in the larynx form ?
thyroid and ciricoid cartilages
cartilage rings made of elastic cartilage in the larynx make up ?
epiglottis, cuneiform, and corniculate cartilages
what type of larynx feature is made of a mix hyaline and elastic cartilage
arytenoid cartilages
what closes the entrance into the larynx to prevent food from entering the lungs during swallowing
intrinsic muscles connected to the _______ cartilages can change the pitch of sounds
what is the function of the trachea, what is it made up of and what does it divide into ?
conduit for air
- C shaped hyaline cartilage rings
- divides into 2 primary bronchi
what are the 4 layers of the wall of the trachea from in to out
- mucosa
- submucosa
- cartilaginous layer w. trachealis m.
- adventita
the basement membrane of the respiratory epithelium is the thickest in what part of the conduction system
mucosa layer of the trachea
where is the esophagus in relation to the trachea
posterior to trachea,
reason for opening of C shaped rings on posterior trachea*
as the conducting system passageways branch and become smaller in diameter, what 3 things happen
1 - cartilage decreases
2 - smooth muscle decreases
3 - lining of epithelial cells decreases
what does the SNS and PNS affect the smooth muscle of the conducting system
SNS - relaxes smooth m to dilate airways = more O2
PNS - constricts smooth. = less O2
what is the diff. b/w the right and left main bronchi
right is shorter, wider, and more vertical
reason why most shit gets stuck in right bronchi
what do main/primary bronchi divide into ?
secondary/lobar bronchi
- 3 on the right
- 2 on the left
what do secondary/lobar bronchi divide into
tertiary/segmental bronchi
- 10 on right
- 8/10 on left
what makes up a bronchopulmonary segment
1 tertiary bronchi + surrounding vessels and tissue septa
what are the 5 layers of the walls of bronchi from out to in
mucosa musculuaris (smooth m. layer) submucosa cartilaginous layer adventitia
what characteristics of bronchioles set them apart from bronchi
- 1 mm or less in diameter
- No cartilage in walls
- no glnads in submucosa
what type of epithelium do you find in bronchioles and how does it change as they get smaller in diameter
starts as ciliated pseudostratified collumnar epithelium
- –> ciliated simple columnar epithelium
- ———-> ciliated simple cuboidal epithelium
what type of epithelium would you find in the terminal and respiratory bronchioles
ciliated simple cuboidal epithelium
-cilia lost as move distally
what is the function of Clara cells and where would they be fou8nd
- secrete lipoprotein preventing bronchial wall adhesion during exhalation( similar to surfactant)
- found in terminal and resp. bronchioles
in the resp. bronchioles, what is the diff. in cell types found proximally vs. distally
proximally find ciliated cells and clara cells
distally on clara cells
when looking at a cross section how can you tell the difference b/w a terminal bronchiole and a resp. bronchiole
you will see change from epithelial lining in terminal bronchioles, to a alveloi lining in resp. bronchioles
start of gas exchange
what is the diff. b/w the alveolar duct and alveolar sac
duct has an alveoli lining like a hallway
sac is blind ended cul-de-sac w/alveoli around it
what is the term for the wall seperating two alveoli
alveolar septum or interalveolar septum
what are the 5 types of cells found w/in the alveolar septum
1 - Type I alveoli cells 2 - Type 2 alveoli cells 3 - alveolar macrophages 4 - endothelial cells 5 - fibroblasts
what is the diff. b/w type I and type II alveoli cells
type I - make up 95 % of alveoli surface and are lining cells
type II - 5% of surface and secrete surfactant to lower surface tension
what is the cause of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
-disease in premature babies whose lungs havent fully developed yet to produce surfactant cuz no type II alveolar cells
T/F the alveolar septum is important for gas exchange ?
what seperates the air in the alveolus from the blood in capillaries
respiratory membrane or blood-air barrier
where gas exchange takes place
the blood-air barrier is composed of what 3 things ?
- type I alveloli lining cells
- fused BL of alveolar cells and capillary endothelial cells
- cytoplasm of endothelial cells