Autonomic nervous system Flashcards
what are the 3 main subdivisions of the autonomic nervous system
1 - sympathetic nervous system (SNS)
2- parasympathetic nervous system (PNS)
3- Enteric nervous system
what are some of the similarities b/w the somatic and autonomic nervous systems
- visceral sensory fibers
- acsending pathways
- descending motor pathways
- reflexes
what is the 1 difference b/w the somatic and autonomic nervous system
Autonomic nervous system efferent fibers use a 2 neuron chain (preganglionic and postganglionic)
in the ANS system, which fibers are myelinated, and which are NOT
preganglionic fibers = myelin
postganglionic = unmyelinated
where are sympathetic ganglia located ? where are parasympathetic ganglia located ?
SNS - in CNS
PNS - near innervated organ
what nuerotransmitter is/are used in the SNS
preganglionic = Ach postganglionic = norepinephrine
what neurotransmitter is/are used in the PNS
where are preganglionic cell bodies located in the SNS, what about PNS
SNS -T1-L2
PNS-brainstem and S2-S4
if the SNS is activated, what physiological effects will it have on the cardiorespiratory system
increase heart rate, constrict vasculature, relax lungs
if PNS is activated, what effect will it have on cardiorespiratory system ?
decrease heart rate, dilate vasculature, contract lungs
if the SNS is activated what effects will it have on GI and GU systems
decrease peristalsis, constrict GI sphincters, ejaculate (shoot)
if PNS is activated, what effects will it have on GI and GU systems
increase peristalsis, relax GI sphincters, dilate penis (erection)
if SNS is activated what effects will it have on head
contract pupillary dilator, increase lacrimal and salivary gland secretion and increase viscosity
if pns is activated what effect will it have on head
contract pupillary sphincter and ciliary mm. increase secretion of lacrimal and salivary glands BUT decrease its viscosity
what CN are involved in the PNS