Rerenga 2023 Part 7 Flashcards
the cat was not yrt chasing mice
kāore te ngeru i te whai kiore
Ed was not mountain climbing
kāore a Ed i te piki maunga
the children were not clapping
kāore ngā tamariki i te pakipaki
the baby was not sneezing
māore te pēpi i te matihe
Hone was not pulling hair
māore a Hone i te kukume makawe
Haki was not building the house
kāore a Haki i te hanga i te whare
he wasn’t going to school
kāore ia i te haere ki te kura
the rain was not falling
kāore te ua i te heke
the wind was not blowing
kāore te hau i te pupuhi
the sun was not shining
kāore te rā i te whiti
I am not good yet
kāore anō au kia pai
I have not eaten yet
kāore anō au kia kai
I have not yet gone to Africa
kāore anō au kia haere ki Awherika
I have not yet seen Hone
kāore anō ahau kia kite a Hone
perhaps, maybem might, possibly, approx, about
where is my mother?
kei hea tōku whaea?
perhaps she is inside
kei roto pea
what is that over there in the sea?
he aha tērā kei roto i te moana?
maybe a shark
he mangō pea
how many people are inside the dining hall?
tokohia ngā tāngata kei roto i te wharekai?
maybe fifty people are inside
e rima tekau pea ngā tāngata kei roto
who is he?
ko wai ia?
maybe Andrew’s friend
ko te hoa o Anaru pea
maybe its on the roof of the house
kei runga pea i tuanui o te whare
maybe its outside the house
ke waho pea i te whare
maybe its between you two
kei waenganui pea i a kōrua
maybe its on the other side of the table
kei tērā at taha pea o te tēpu
four towels (tāora) about
e whā pea aku tāora
about 5 plates
kia rima pea ngā pereti
maybe Rāwinia is in Tauranga
kei Tauranga pea a Rāwinia
maybe he will return tomorrow
ka hoki mai pea a ia āpōpō
maybe you had my coat?
i a koe pea taku koti?
Maybe Mikaere has my bicycle
kei a Mikaere pea taku paihikara
maybe Mere is singing the song?
kei te waiata pea a Mere i te waiata?
perhaps Mum bought some fruit (hua rākou)
i hoko pea a Māmā i ētahi hua rākou?
perhaps me and you will go
ka haere pea tāua
maybe she is sleeping?
e moe pea ana ia?
perhaps Mum has cooked dinner
kua tunu pea a Māmā i te kai o te pō
perhaps he has a big house?
he whare nui pea tōna?
maybe that is a dog?
ke kuri pea tērā?
maybe that is Hone?
ko Hone pea tērā?
maybe that is Mere singing a song?
ko Mere pea tērā e waiata ana?
maybe today will be a good day
he rangi pai pea tēnei rangi?
perhaps Mum did not buy some fruit
kāore pea a Māma i hoko i ētahi hua rākou
maybe she is not sleeping
kāore pea ia e moe ana
maybe we are not going (me and you)
kāore pea tāua e haere
perhaps Mum has not yet cooked dinner
kāore anō pea a Māmā kia tunu i te kai o te pō
maybe Mere is not singing the song
kāore pea a Mere i te waiata i te waiata
maybe those are eggs
he hēki pea tērā
maybe that is Mere
ko Mere pea tērā
maybe that’s Mere walking to the shop
ko Mere pea tērā e hīkoi ana ki te toa
where is my mother?
kei hea tōku whaea?
perhaps she is inside
kei roto pea
what is that over there in the sea?
he aha tērā kei roto i te moana?
maybe a shark
he mangō pea
how many people are in the dining hall?
tokohia ngā tāngata kei roto i te wharekai?
maybe 50 people are inside
e rima tekau pea ngā tāngata kei roto
who is he?
ko wai ia?
maybe Andrew’s friend
ko te hoa o Ānaru pea
maybe our friends went to the party
i haere pea ō tātou hoa ki te pāti
maybe it’s a cat
he ngeru pea tērā
perhaps the tree is tall
he teitei pea te rākau
where is the cat?
kei hea te ngeru?
maybe under the house
kei raro pea i te whare
the cat is already looking at the fish
e titiro kē ana te ngeru ki te ika
Hemi and Maaka are already crying
kei te tangi kē a Hemi rāua ko Maaka
the family are already singing
e waiata kē ana te whānau
Papa is already eating the ice-cream
kei te kai ahikirimi kē a Papa
Mia is already riding the bicycle
kei te eke kē a Mia i te pahikara
the girl is already standing
kei te tū kē te kōtiro
i will eat instead
ka kai kē au
that is in fact Mere
ko Mere kē tērā
i am in fact going to Taupō
e haere kē ana au ki Taupō
that is in fact a dog, not a cat
he kurī kē tērā, ehara i te ngeru
the family is in fact singing
e waiata kē ana te whānau
the cat is in fact lookinag at the fish
e titiro kē ana te ngeru ki te ika
Mia is in fact riding her bike
kei te eke kē a Mia i te pahikara
Father is in fact eating ice-cream
kei te kai ahikirimi kē a Papa
the girl is in fact standing
kei te tū kē te kōtiro
Hemi and Maaka are in fact crying
kei te tangi kē a Hemi rāua ko Maaka
Mia is in fact riding her bike
kei te eke kē a Mia i te pahikara
would you like water instead?
he wai kē mōu?
yes, I would like water instead
āe, he wai kē mōu
pass instead the bread to me, friend
homai kē he parāoa māku, e hoa
give instead the lollies to the children
hoatu kē he rare mā ngā tamariki
I am going to Taupō instead
i haere kē au ki Taupō
they will see mum instead
ka kite kē i a Māmā
Hone will eat my food instead
kua kai kē a Hone i aku kai
i am actually eating the apple
kei te kai kē ahau i te āporo
Mere should instead sing the song
Me waiata kē a Mere i te waiata
i will in fact see mum
ka kite kē ahau ia Māmā
are you two in fact going to Taupō
kei te haere kē kōrua ki Taupō
should Pita cook dinner instead?
me tunu kē a Pita i te kai o te pō?
is that Kina? I don’t know. Perhaps it’s a hedgehog
he Kina tērā? E aua! he tuatete pea
are we still going to Las Vegas
ka haere tonu tātou ki Las Vegas
No, instead we are going to Rotovegas
kāo, ka haere kē tātou ki Rotovegas
the cow kicked the dog again (e ana)
i whana anō te kau i te kurī
i have already had a sleep
kua moe kē ahau
it has started to rain again
kua heke anō te ua
how many cards for you/do you want? Perhaps two?
e hia ngā kāri māu? E rua pea?
no, three instead
kāo, e toru kē
Leah is still crying
kei te tangi tonu a Leah
Peter has already gone to sleep
kua moe kē a Pita
I am still working (e ana)
e mahi tonu ana ahau
my mother is still sick
kei te māuiui tonu tōku whaea
Ana is still coming to our house
kei te haere tonu mai a Ana ki tō tāua kāinga
the students are still doing their homework
kei te whakaoti tonu ngā ākonga i ā rātou mahi kāinga
our children are still asleep
kei te moe tonu ā māua tamariki
our friends are still coming
e haere tonu mai ana ō mātou hoa
Peter’s father is still shaving (heu)
kei a heu tonu te matua o Pita
Tāwera is still working
e mahi tonu ana a Tāwera
her baby is still eating
kei te kai tonu tana pēpi
he is still going to the pub (pāparakauta)
ka haere tonu ia ki te pāparakāuta
will you still go to Tauranga on Monday?
ka haere tonu koe ki Tauranga ā te Mane?
he is still lying on my bed
kei te takoto tonu ia i runga i taku moenga
does Mere still live in Otago? (e ana)
e noho tonu ana a Mere ki Ōtakou?
mum and dad are still talking
kei te kōrero tonu a māmā rāua ko pāpa
my leg (waewae) is still sore (mamae)
kei te mamae tonu tōku waewae
Paora’s hair is still long
he roa tonu ngā makawe o Paora
the house is still dirty (paru)
kei te paru tonu te whare
Wiremu is still snoring
kei te ngongoro tonu a Wiremu
the phone is still ringing (rīngi)
kei te rīngi tonu te waea
Mere is still singing the song
kei te waiata tonu a Mere i te waiata
she still slept
i moe tonu ia
mum has still bought some fruit
kua hoko tonu a Māmā i ētahi hua rākau
we (me and you) will still go
ka haere tonu tāua
Mum is still cooking dinner
e tunu tonu ana a Māmā i te kai o te pō
today will still be a good day
he rangi pai tonu tēnei rangi
that is still Hone
ko Hone tonu tērā
that is still Mere singing
ko Mere tonu tērā e waiata ana
that is still a dog
he kurī tonu tērā
does he still have a big house?
he whare nui tonu tōna?
mum still did not buy some fruit
kāore tonu a Māmā i hoko i ētahi hua rākau?
Mere is still not singing the song
kāore tonu a Mere i te waiata i te waiata
she is still not sleeping
kāore tonu ia e moe ana
we (me and you) will still not go
kāore tonu tāua e haere
mum still has not yet cooked dinner
kāore anō a māmā kia tunu tonu i te kai o te pō