2023 Part 1 Reremahi Tenses Flashcards
those two over there
ko rāua
those two over there (which is from ko rāua)
my friend
ko taku hoa
me (over here)
ko māua tēnei
me and my friend
ko māua tēnei, ā, ko taku hoa
those 3+ (people) over there
ko rātou ērā
us (3+) over here
ko mātou ēnei
all of us over here
ko tātou ēnei
me and Peter are going (e ana)
e haere ana māua ko Peter
Peter Bob and Mary are going to the shop (e ana)
e haere ana rātou ko Peter ko Bob ko Mary ki te toa
Miri and her friends Bob and Peter are going to the shop (e ana)
e haere ana a Miri rātou ko ōna hoa ko Bob, ko Peter ki te toa
do you know Kara?
kei te mōhio koe ki a Kara?
all of us
tātou katoa
look in my direction
titiro mai
listen in my direction
whakarongo mai
speak in my direction
kōrero mai
look in my direction again
titiro mai anō
look closely/carefully in my direction
āta titiro mai
listen closely/carefully in my direction
āta whakarongo mai
speak clearly (to me)
āta kōrero mai
where does āta go in the sentence
āta goes at the front of the sentence to add focus
where does anō go in the sentence
anō may go at the end of the command to say do it again
short active sentence
reremahi poto
you did sleep
i moe koe
Mere went
i haere a Mere
I did learn
i ako au
the children did eat
i kai ngā tamariki
you were sleeping
i te moe koe
Mere was going
i te haere a Mere
I was learning
i te ako au
the children were eating
i te kai ngā tamariki
you have slept
kua moe koe
Mere has gone
kua haere a Mere
I have learnt
kua ako au
the children have eaten
kua kai ngā tamariki
you sleep (kei te)
kei te moe koe
Mere goes
kei te haere a Mere
I learn
kei te ako au
the children eat
kei te kai ngā tamariki
you are eating
e kai ana koe
Mary is going
e haere ana a Mere
I am eating an apple (apple eat)
e kai aporo ana au
you will sleep
ka moe koe
Mere will go
ka haere a Mere
I will learn
ka ako au
the children will eat
ka kai ngā tamariki
Hemi will fish catch (compound action verb)
ka hī ika a Hemi
Hemi will catch a particular fish (reremahi roa)
ka hī a Hemi i ētahi ika
I will house buy (compound action verb)
ka hoko whare ahau
I will buy a house (reremahi roa)
ka hoko ahau i tētahi whare
Hēni bakes the cake (compound verb and noun)
kei te tunu keke a Hēni
Pāora feeds pigs
kei te whāngai poaka a Pāora
Kathy plants plants
kei te whakatō tupu a Kathy
Mere reads books
kei te pānui pukapuka a Mere
Miri eats apples
kei te kai āporo a Miri
Mana sweeps the floor
kei te tahitahi papa a Mana
I was dishes
kei te hōroi rihi ahau
I kick the ball
kei te whana pōro ahau
I watch TV
kei te mātakitaki poaka whakaata ahau
Mere will plant flowers
ka whatatō putiputi a Mere
I eat an apple
kei te kai āporo ahau
the child read a book
i te pānui pukapuka te tama