2023 Part 5 Reremahi Whakakāhore Reremahi & If...then Flashcards
he has eaten the apple
kua kai ia i te āporo
he has not yet eaten the apple
kāore anō ia kia kai i te āporo
Mere has run
kua oma a Mere
Mere has not yet run
kāore anō a Mere kia oma
Hine has read the book
kua pānui a Hine i te pukapuka
Hine has not yet read the book
kāore anō a Hine kia pānui i te pukapuka
Tamahae has spoken to Papa
kua kōrero a Tamahe ki a Pāpā
Tamahae has not yet spoken to Papa
kāore ano a Tamahae kia kōrero ki a Pāpā
he has slept at my house
kua moe ia ki tōku whare
he has not yet slept at my house
kāore anō ia kia moe ki tōku whare
I have run to the shop
kua oma au ki te toa
I have not yet run to the shop
kāore anō au kia oma ki te toa
they have eaten the apple
kua kai rātou i te āporo
they did not eat the apple
kāore anō rātou kia kai i te āporo
you have not spoken to me
kāore anō koe kia kōrero ki ahau
Haki has not built the house
kāore anō a Haki kia hanga i te whare
he has not gone to school yet
kāore anō ia kia haere ki te kura
have you eaten?
kua kai koutou?
you have not eaten
kāore anō koutou kia kai
have you made the bed?
kua whakapai moenga koe?
you have not made the bed
kāore anō koe kia whakapai moenga
have you been to Taupo?
kua tae koe ki Taupō?
you have not been to Taupo
kāore anō koe kia tae ki Taupō
has your father built the houses?
kua hanga whare tōu matua?
your father has not built the house
kāore anō tōu matua kia hanga whare
the chefs have cooked the meat
kua tunu mīti ngā ringawera?
the chefs have not cooked the meat
kāore anō ngā ringawera kia tunu mīti
has Romana fetched the fire wood?
kua tiki wahie a Romana?
Romana has not fetched the fire wood
kāore anō a Romana kia tiki wahie
the mouse has not slept
kāore anō te kiore kia moe
the cat has not eaten the fish
kāore anō te ngeru kia kai i te ika
Hone has not spent all the money
kāore anō a Hone kia whakapau i āna moni
Mama has not cooked the food
kāore anō a Māmā kia tunu i te kai
the rabbit has not run the race
kāore anō te rāpeti kia oma i te reihi
not yet
kāore anō
the bus has not yet arrived
kāore anō te pahi kia tae mai
the boys have not yet scored a try
kāore anō ngā tama kia tarai
the food has been cold
kua mātao ngā kai
the food has not been cold
kāore anō ngā kai kia mātao
the dog has jumped
kua peke te kurī
the dog has not jumped
kāore anō te kurī kia peke
she is lost
kua ngaro ia
she is not lost
kāore anō ia kia ngaro
you have eaten
kua kai koe?
you have not eaten
kāore anō koe kia kai?
you have left the family
kua wehe te whānau
you have not left the family
kāore anō te whānau ki wehe
he has not slept at my house
kāore anō ia kia moe ki tōku whare
i have run to the shop
kua oma au ki te toa
I have not run to the shop
kāore anō au kia oma ki te toa
they have eaten the apple
kua kai rātou i te āporo
they have not eaten the apple
kāore anō rātou kia kai i te āporo
If then
if you eat you will be sick
ki te kai koe ka māuiui koe
if you do not eat the apple you will not be sick
ki te kore koe e kai i te āporo, kāore koe e māuiui
if you don’t go to school you will not learn te reo
ki te kore koe e haere ki te kura kāore koe e ako i te reo
if he does not eat his food, he will not go to the playground
ki te kore ia e kai i āna kai kāore ia e haere ki te papatākoro
if you don’t go to school you will clean the house
ki te kore koe e haere ki te kura ka whakapai koe i te whare