2023 Part 2 Reremahi Tenses Time Phrases Flashcards
you will sleep
ka moe koe
you sleep
kei te moe koe
you were sleeping
I te moe koe
you did sleep
I moe keo
you are sleeping
e moe ana koe
you have slept
kua moe koe
Mere will plant flowers
ka whakatō putiputi a Mere
Mere will be planting flowers
e whakatō putiputi ana a Mere
what has he done?
kua aha ia?
he has caught a fish
kua hopu ia i tētahi ika
what did the dog do?
I aha te kurī?
the dog ate
I kai te kurī
what did Mere do?
I aha a Mere?
Mere ran
I oma a Mere
what did them two do?
I aha rāua?
them two bought a house
I hoko rāua i tētahi whare
what was he doing?
I te aha ia?
he was catching fish
I te hopu ia i tētahi ika
what was the dog doing?
I te aha te kurī?
the dog was eating
I te kai te kurī
what were them two doing?
I te aha rāua?
them two were buying a house
I te hoko rāua i tētahi whare
what will he do?
ka aha ia?
he will eat an apple
ka kai ia i te āporo
you will sleep at my house
ka moe koe ki tōku whare
Mere will go to the shop
ka haere a Mere ki te toa
I will learn te reo Māori
ka ako au i te reo Māori
the children will eat lollies
ka kai ngā tamariki i ngā rare
Heni will swim to the boat (poti)
ka kauhoe a Heni ki te poti
them two will sing a song
ka waiata rāua i tētahi waiata
they will play rugby
ka takoro rātou i te whutupōro
he will drive (hautū) to town
ka hautū ia ki te tāone
she will finish the mahi
ka whakamutu ia i te mahi
they will meet at the office
ka hui rātou ki te tari
Rangi will pick (katokato) some flowers
ka katokato a Rangi i ētahi putiputi
we will go to the beach (tētahi)
ka haere tātou ki tētahi
what is he doing?
kei te aha ia?
he is eating an apple
kei te kai ia i te āporo
you sleep at my home
kei te moe koe ki tōku whare
I learn te reo Māori
kei te ako au i te reo Māori
the children eat lollies
kei te kai ngā tamariki i ngā rare
I am buying a house
kei te hoko au i tētahi whare
Dad is cooking dinner (te kai o te pō)
kei te tunu a Pāpā i te kai o te pō
I wash the dishes
kei te horoi au i ngā rihi
they play a game
kei te tākaro rātou i te kēmu
Rawiri looks after the baby
kei te tiaki a Rawiri i te pēpi
what are them two doing?
kei te aha rāua?
they eat some kūmara
kei te kai I ētahi kūmara
what is she doing?
kei te aha ia?
she paints the house
kei te peita ia i te whare
what is Mere doing?
kei te aha a Mere?
Mere reads the newspaper
kei te pānui a Mere i te niupepa
what is he doing? E ANA
e aha ana ia?