2023 Part 6 Commands Who has sg, How many needed Flashcards
who has got the skills? who has got the money?
kei a wai ngā pūkenga? Kei a wai te kaha?
whatever. Put your money where your mouth is
he aha hoki. Tukua āu moni ki tō waha
I’ve got the skills, I’ve got the power
kei a au ngā pūkenga, kei ahau te mana
Wow. You have the mouth Hika, Tai has the talk
whakamutua atu. Kei a koe te waha e Hikia, kei a Tai te kōrero
e noho
all of you stand up
e tū koutou
listen to me
whakaronga mai ki ahau
you go home to your own house
hoki atu koe ki tō ake kāinga
you should clean you room
me whakapai koe i tō ruma
be strong
kia kaha
don’t eat my chocolate
kaua e kai koe i āku tiakarete
eat the apple
kaingia te āporo
read the book
pānuitia te pukapuka
put on your red jersey
whakamaua tō pōraka whero
set the table (hora to spread out)
horahia te tēpu
help the new children
āwhinatia ngā tamariki hou
feed the baby (using -hia)
whāngahia te pēpi
feed the baby (using -a)
whāngaia te pēpi
pull the canoe to shore (kume / kukume to pull)
kumea mai te waka ki uta
clean the mussels
horoia ngā kūtai
add some salt
tāpirihia ētahi tote
strain water
tātāritia te wai
clean the pūhā
horoia te pūhā
place into the pot
raua ki roto i te kōhua
chop up the pūhā
tapahia te pūhā
remove the mussels from the shells
tangohia ngā kūtai i ngā anga
place all the ingredients into a large bowl
raua ngā kīnaki katoa ki roto i tētahi oko
mix together
pick up the pen
whikina te pene
pick up the feather
whikina te raukura
pick up the glasses
whikina ngā mōhiti
pick up the rock
tikina te toka
put it down between the papers
waihotia ki waenganui i ngā pepa
pick up the car
tikina te motokā
put it down on the left of the rock
waihotia ki te taha mauī i te toka
pick up your glasses
tikina te mōwhiti
put it down on the left of the glasses
waihotia ki te taha mauī o ngā mōwhiti
pick up a spider
tikina tētahi pūngāwerewere
put it down on the right of the glasses
waihotia ki te taha matou o ngā mōwhiti
pick up the feather
tikina te raukura
put it down on top of the glasses
waihotia ki runga i ngā mōwhiti
put it down under the glasses
waihotia ki raro i ngā mōwhiti
pick up the pen
tikina te pene
put it down on the left of the paper in the middle
waihotia ki te taha mauī o te pepa ki waenganui
feed the dog
whangaia te kurī
sing the song
waiatatia te waiata
sweep the floor
tahitahia te papa
wash your hands
horoia oū ringaringa
read the newspaper
pānuihia te niupepa
fetch the chair
haria mai he tūru mōu
close the door
katia te kūaha
turn off the light
tineia te raiti
bring that melon to the table here
haria mai tēnā merengi ki te tēpu nei
go and get that knife over there
tikina atu te naihi rā
take off your shoes
unuhia ō hū
you two, eat your food
kainga ā kōrua kai
catch the horse
hopukia te hōiho
plant the seedlings
tanumia ngā tipu
put your gear in my bag
purua āu taputapu ki roto i tāku pēke
look at the pictures
tirohia ngā whakaahua
help your younger sister, girl
āwhinatia tō teina, e hine
drink your milk
inuhia tō miraka
lift it up
hapainga ki runga