questionnaries Flashcards
Why do we describe questionnaires as a ‘method of self report’
questionnaires are where a participant answers questions about themselves and their opinions.
Why do we describe questionnaires as a ‘non-experimental’
you do not need an IV or DV (but you can have them). You are collecting opinions and answers from participants about a particular topic
True or false: Questionnaires can only be used on their own and not alongside other methods, for example, an experiment may use a questionnaire as a method.
False - Questionnaires can be used alongside other methods, for example, an experiment may use a questionnaire as a method.
True or false -Questionnaires can be given to a large amount of people which are referred to as a survey.
What are the two types of question which can be asked on a questionnaire?
Open and closed
What are open questions?
Participants are free to give any response. Allows participants to expand on their view points – written or verbal. Participants are asked to expand on their answers e.g., Explain how? Explain why? Collects qualitative data.
What are closed questions?
Participants are given a forced choice answer of a limited number of responses (participants must choose one).
Closed questions collect quantitative data.
Give an example of an open question from social psychology.
An example: “Explain a time that you disobeyed an order.”
Give an example of an open question from cognitive psychology.
What cues do you have that trigger some episodic memories such as holidays?
Give an example of an open question from biological psychology.
Why you would engage in a physical confrontation if you were angry instead of walking away?
Give an example of an open question from learning psychology.
Why your mum is your role model?
Give an example of an open question from child psychology.
How is your relationship with your mother?
Give an example of an open question from clinical psychology.
e.g. depression
How are your depression symptoms affecting your everyday life?
Give an example of a closed question in social psychology
I would obey my parents if they told me to stay in the house.
Strongly Agree 1
Agree 2
Not sure 3 Disagree 4
Strongly Disagree 5
Give an example of a closed question in cognitive psychology
Do you consider yourself to have a good memory? Yes No
Give an example of a closed question in biological psychology
On a scale of 1-5 how much do you agree with the following statement:
‘I lose my temper easily’
1=strongly agree, 5=strongly disagree
1 2 3 4 5
Give an example of a closed question in learning psychology
Is your mum your role model? Yes No
Give an example of a closed question in child psychology
Did you have a good childhood? Yes No
Give an example of a closed question in clinical psychology
Rank the following methods of talking therapy which you would find most suitable to help you (1=least effective to 4= lmost effective)
* Talking face to face
* Talking on the telephone
* Text messaging
* Other (e.g., instant messenger, direct messages on Instagram)
What is a Likert scale?
A type of closed questions where participants have to answer by indicating a number which reflects what they think
e.g. 1=strongly agree
2= agree
3=neither agree nor disagree
4 = disagree
5 = strongly disagree
Give a strength of a questionnaire
One strength of a questionnaire is that a large number of questionnaires can be administered quickly. This is a strength as it is cost efficient and less time consuming.
Give a strength of a questionnaire
One strength of a questionnaire is that they can be used to reach a wide range of participants. This is a strength as the results can be generalised to the target population.
Give a strength of a questionnaire
One strength of a questionnaire is that results can be completed privately and made anonymous. This is a strength as it means that participants are likely to give an honest, more valid response, reducing both social desirability and demand characteristics.
Give a strength of open questions
The use of open questions in a questionnaire increases validity. Participants will provide responses in a way they wish to and can go into lots of details to provide rich detail.
Give a strength of closed questions?
The use of closed questions can make the results easier to compare.
Give a weakness of questionnaires
One weakness of questionnaires is that participants may be influenced by social desirability. This is a weakness as participants may lie to provide answers which may look good, which lowers the validity.
Give a weakness of questionnaires
One weakness of questionnaires is that they often have low response rates. This is a weakness as it makes the results harder to generalise to the target population.
Give a weakness of questionnaires
One weakness of questionnaires is that they may have response bias. This is a weakness as only certain types of people may return the questionnaires, making the results less generalisable to the target population.
Give a weakness of closed questions
One weakness of questionnaires is that the use of closed questions and the element of forced choice may make responses less valid. This is a weakness as the responses may not accurately reflect a participants view point.
Give a weakness of closed questions
One weakness of questionnaires is that the use of closed questions means that participants may interpret the forced choices differently. This is a weakness as it will lower the validity of responses.
Give a weakness of open questions
One weakness of questionnaires is that the use of open questions may lead to issues of interpretation (subjectivity). This is a weakness as it will make the results harder to compare.