cog explanatation depression Flashcards
According to the Cognitive model what is the cause of depression?
Maladaptive thoughts which impact on mood
What is catastrophising?
An example of maladaptive thinking where people take one small issue and magnify its importance and negative effects
What is Crystal ball thinking?
Where you guess negatively about future events
What is All-or-nothing/Black & White thinking?
Where things are either seen as excellent or awful without middle ground which can lead to people negatively rating themselves
What is a negative mental filter?
Where positive aspects are ignored and only the negatives are focused on
Beck suggested there is a negative triad which causes depression and involves a negative view of?
If you have a negative view about yourself, about the world around you and about the future it can cause depressed mood in people
Those with depression are likely to attribute negative events as?
They see negative events as internally derived, stable in time so it’ll always be that way and global meaning it applied to many situations
Consistent negative thoughts and attributions lead to?
Depressive schemas, automatic negative distortions which negatively effect how they see the world
What did Seligman suggest was the basis of these cognitive distortions/depression?
Learned helplessness where they have negative life experiences which they think they’re powerless to change
What did Yost & Weary find?
When making self attributions the depressed people were more likely to judge negative behaviours and events as due to their own personal shortcomings
What did Alloy & Abramson find?
Some college students were identified as having negative self-schemata. The students with a negative thought process were more at risk from depression
What did Lewinsohn find?
dysfunctional attitudes rather than environmental factors was the strongest predictor of depression. However, there is little evidence that the cognitive distortions are present before depression.
Why is this theory useful and therefore credible?
CBT is effective and this works by challenging and changing the maladaptive thoughts
What is an issue with saying maladaptive thoughts cause depression?
The research is largely correlational. We can’t know if the maladaptive thoughts cause depression or if depression causes the maladaptive thoughts?
Why would this theory be reductionist?
It ignores biological factors like neurotransmitters so it might not be a complete explanation of depression or the root cause
What is depressive realism?
It suggests that the thoughts and perceptions of those with depression are not maladaptive and might be accurate.