Q2- IWRB (Shintoism, Taoism, and Buddhism) Flashcards
is a religious tradition that began in china about 2,500 years ago- at about the same time Confucius lived.
is a spiritual philosophy that focuses on a person’s outlook on life and the world around them
is practiced today in China, Taiwan, Hongkong, Singapore, Japan, and Thailand but there are Taoist throughout the world.
believe that humankind,nature, and heaven are all interconnected, and that harmony exist when everything acts according to its own nature.Wu wei- Living in harmony with one’s own nature is known in Taoism
they strives to live in harmony with the natural order.The natural order is an unknowable force called the Tao
Tao can be translated as “___ ___”. Taoists view the Tao as the connection that makes all life and movement in nature possible. They believe that when a person lives out their life on earth, the Tao returns them in heaven.
the way
The Tao is composed of two opposite energies called _ and . Taoists believe everything in existence has the characteristics of both.
yin and yang
is cold, dark, and mysterious; it is associated with the earth and is female.
is warm, bright and positive; it is associated with the heavens and is male.
Taoism developed during a period of in Chinese history we call the _______
Age of Warring states.
the founder of Taoism
Lao Tzu
According to legend, Lao Tzu wrote the ____, then rode through the gate, never to be see again.
Tao Te Ching
means “the way of life”.
Tao Te Ching
the way or path
always been considered the original and native religion of the poeple of Japan
religion that has no founder, no omnipotent deity, no sacred scripture, and no organised system of teology
Forms of Shinto( Shintoism)
- domestic shinto
- state of shinto
- sectarian of shinto
very simple and common form that is practised in many japanese homes
domestic shinto
the basic symbol of domestic shinto is the____
kami-dana (God-shelf)
established as a religious foundation with no other function than to stimlate patrotism and loyalty to the japanese nation under its emperor
state shinto
religious side of shinto was forced to create a separate identity
sectarian shinto
Kinds of Kami
- mythological creators
- exceptional persons
it means the “school of elfers”
Theravada Buddhism
is most
known as the Buddha, the
enlightened one, and the
creator of Buddhism
Siddhartha Gautama
Buddhism developed and spread
all throughout the world
because of ____ ____ of the
Maurya Empire
King Ashoka
Four noble truths
- Truth of suffering
- truth the cause of suffering
- truth the end of suffering
- truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering
First documented in the
language of pali, the ____ ____ is the oldest of
Buddhism canon. The
material within the pali
canon is said to be the
words of buddha,
pali canon
The noble eightfold path
- right view
- right intention
- right speech
- right action
- right livelihood
- right effort
- right concentration
- right mindfulness
the five precepts:
- refrain from taking life
- refrain from taking what is not given
- refrain from the misuse of the senses or sexual misconduct
- refrain from wrong speech
- refrain from intoxicants
These are the teachings
of buddha, that is
considered as the truth
and the way to
understanding in
These are rules that are
being thoroughly and
actively done in monasteries.
It is a set of ____ rules for
monks to be disciplined in
and uphold in their everyday
life as a servant of truth and
the way to enlightenment
patimokkha, 227
it is also known as the “ great vehicle”
The ____ (“of the Great Sanghaˮ), one of the early Buddhist
schools may have been the source for the initial growth of Mahāyāna
Buddhism, especially during the “Second Buddhist Councilˮ that occurred
a hundred years after Buddhaʼs parinirvana.
- a person who seeks
enlightenment not just for
themselves but for all beings.
They are motivated by
compassion and make a vow to
help others achieve liberation
from suffering before attaining
their own Buddhahood.
three bodies of Buddha
- Dharmakaya
- Sambhogakaya
- Nirmanakaya
Buddha explains the ultimate truth of existence, upon which he has
been enlightened. The sutra’s central message is that Buddhahood, the
highest stage of life marked by unbounded compassion, wisdom, and
courage, is inherent in all people, regardless of gender, race, social
standing, or intellectual aptitude. To better understand, it “teaches us
that the inner determination of an individual can transform everything;
it gives ultimate expression to the infinite potential and dignity inherent
in each human life.ˮ
lotus sutra
The Sanskrit terms prajñā, meaning “wisdom,” and pāramitā, meaning
“perfection,” are combined to form the word prājñāpāramitā. It refers
to the perfected perspective on the nature of reality. It is linked to the
notion of emptiness Shunyata) or ‘absence of Svabhava’ (essence),
as well as Nagarjuna’s work. Its practice and comprehension are
considered to be essential components of the Bodhisattva path.
Perfection of Wisdom Sutra (Prajna-paramita)
It is a very short text, but it contains deep wisdom about the nature of
existence and enlightenment.
Heart Sutra
A particular, pure region known as Sukhavati, which Amitabha Buddha
built as a paradise. It is a place where beings can be reborn and
achieve enlightenment more easily than in the present world. The
sutra emphasizes the importance of having faith in Amitabha Buddha.
By sincerely calling upon his name (a practice known as “Nembutsu”),
practitioners believe they can be reborn in the Pure Land.
Land of Bliss Sutra (Sukhavati) or Pure Land
Key leaders of Mahayana Buddhism (5)
- buddha
- bodhisattvas
- monastic leaders
- lamas
- roshi