The purposes of the business plan are:
- Entice partners, investors, and bankers to fund a business venture.
- Communicate what the enterprise is all about, what market it wants to serve.
- Show what financial returns it could muster.
The ____ must be very clear about the purpose in establishing the enterprise.
Whether it is for generating profits or feeding the family, making a difference in the industry or actualizing the self, the purpose must be ____ ____ to motivate the entrepreneur.
compelling enough
The enterprise must state its mission statement clearly for:
01 The sake of the customers being wooed;
02 The investors who need to know what they are getting into;
03 The financiers evaluating the enterprise; and
04 The government functionaries who must regulate the activities of industries and businesses.
The business plan should contain important information about the following:
➢The business itself;
➢The organizers;
➢The management and technical people;
➢The financial structure;
➢Its market potential;
➢Its target market;
➢Its projected sales, expenses, and profits; and
➢Its probable risks.
It should begin with business concept and the vision for the enterprise in the next three to five years.
Business Plan
It should proceed to an enumeration of business objectives, key result areas, and performance indicator. An overall enterprise strategy should then be articulated to show how the performance could be attained.
Business Plan
Business Plan should begin with business concept and the vision for the enterprise in the next ____ ____ ____ years.
three to five
The business plan should contain an executive summary of the following:
- The organizers and the key people behind the nosiness and why these people have the resources, talents, skills, and technology to achieve success;
- The market being targeted and why there is enough market potential to justify the business;
- How the business will be operated and organized, including all outsourcing, subcontracting, franchising, and licensing agreements;
- The products or services to be offered and why they are right for the market;
- The investment capital required for the business and what exactly it would be used for;
- The technology, the technical expertise, the equipment, and material suppliers to be utilized;
- The capital structure (short and long term debt, stockholders’ equity) of the business;
- The operating budget, financial projections (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow), and return on investment prospects; and
- The risks in the business and the contingency measures to counterpart them.
The Business Plan must be able to estimate the capital required by the enterprise. The capital required would be dictated by the investment in the assets of the enterprise. These assets are composed of the following:
- The current assets, which are short-lived assets. They are composed of cash, inventory, accounts receivables, and other current assets.
- The long-lived or fixed assets. They are composed of property, plant, and equipment.
- The other assets. They are composed of organizational and pre-operating expenses. Interest rate, therefore, is the obvious choice of
the manager when asked to make a decision
They are composed of cash, inventory, accounts receivables, and other current assets.
Current assets, which are short-lived assets
They are composed of property, plant, and equipment.
Long-lived or fixed assets
They are composed of organizational and pre-operating expenses. Interest rate, therefore, is the obvious choice of the manager when asked to make a decision.
Other assests
The assets of the enterprise are financed
by its liabilities. These liabilities are
composed of:
- Current liabilities such as suppliers’ credit and other short-term credit;
- Long term debt; and
- Owner’s equity
Types of Business Organization
Sole Proprietorship
- General Partnership
- A Limited Partnership
- Stock Corporation
- Non-Stock Non- Profit Corporation
- Close Corporation
- Corporate Sole