Q2 - EAPP 📝 (Scholarly/Popular Publications) Flashcards
Examples: Nature, Cell, Journal of the
American Medical Association
Scholarly Publications
Examples: Time, People, Sports Illustrated, New Yorker, Rolling Stone
Popular Publications
Author: A professional or expert in the
Scholarly Publications
Author: Journalists, students, popular authors, or maybe no author
Popular Publications
Audience: Specialized audience, has a broad knowledge or is able to understand specialized vocabulary presented
Scholarly Publications
Audience: General Public, or persons with basic vocabulary
Popular Publications
Advertising: Few and highly specialized pertaining to the publication topic
Scholarly Publications
Advertising: High amounts of advertising for a broad range of products
Popular Publications
Bibliography Works, Cited: References listed at the end of
each article, contains footnotes or endnotes
Scholarly Publications
Bibliography Works, Cited: Rarely includes references or works cited
Popular Publications
Indexing: Articles are listed in specialized databases and indexes
Scholarly Publications
Indexing: Articles are listed in general
databases and indexes
Popular Publications
Level of Language: Higher level of language, more scholarly and serious, vocabulary pertains and relates to discipline
Scholarly Publications
Level of Language: Simple, more broad language used to relate to a higher number of people, easier to understand
Popular Publications
Purpose: Discuss and display research, findings, trends and information in a scholarly manner
Scholarly Publications
Purpose: More general interest, current events, gossip
Popular Publications
Review Policy: Peer reviewed. Editors are scholars in the field
Scholarly Publications
Review Policy: Editors or other magazine staff
Popular Publications