Q1 - IWRB Flashcards
who said:
Religion is not something to be defined apart from other things, but rather an infusion of wakan or sacredness in everything.
John Lame Deer
who said:
Religion can involve “numbers, names, stones, plants, animals, people, etc.”
John Lame Deer
who said:
Argued that the religion was not divinely or supernaturally inspired, but was a product of society.
Emile Durkheim
Who said:
Belief and rituals concerned with supernatural beings, powers, and forces
F.C. Wallance
who said:
Defined as bodies of people who gather together regularly for worship.
William L. Reese
Involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature.
Involves exploring certain universal themes –love, compassion, altruism, life after death, wisdom and truth, with the knowledge that some people such as saints or enlightened individuals have achieved and manifested higher levels of development than the ordinary person.
Belief that the divine is within us.
Personal belief or values system.
God is inside the heart.
Spiritual laws-based.
Heaven is a state of mind.
Human relationship/Deed.
Belief in a superhuman power outside of you, the creator of the universe.
Dictated belief or conditioned mind.
God is inside the mind.
Heaven is a place you go when you die.
Brick or Mortar Temple.
It is the philosophical study of the meaning and nature of religion. It includes the analyses of religious concepts, beliefs, terms, arguments, and practices of religious adherents.
Philosophy of religion
It comes from two Greek words theos meaning “God” and logia meaning “discourse or speech”.
The science of divine things.
Theology comes from two ____ words theos meaning ____ and logia meaning ____.
discourse or speech
All secular studies begin with reason and experience while theology begins with faith. The starting point for all extra-theological studies is the world (Latin: saeculum); the starting point for theology is the Word of God.
Theology Point 1
What is the starting point for theology?
Word of God
What is the starting point for all extra-theological studies?
Latin: saeculum
The factual definition would be that theology is the science that rationally pursues the understanding of the self-revelation of God in the Scriptures.
Theology Point 2
From the academic and professional point of view, theology is the discipline that is pursued by someone who is seriously interested in entering full-time Christian ministry, having sensed the call of God.
Theology Point 3
Division of Theology
4 items
- Biblical Theology
- Historical Theology
- Systematic Theology
- Practical Theology
It is the study of the theology of the Old testament and New testament.
Biblical Theology
There are two kinds of Biblical Theology:
- Old Testament Theology
- New Testament Theology
It is usually divided into six periods: Theology of the (1) Edenic Era (2) Noahic Era (3) Patriarchal Era (4) Mosaic Era (5) Monarchial Era and (6) Prophetic Era.
Old Testament Theology
It is usually divided into seven thoughts: Theology of (1) the Synoptics (2) Acts (3) James (4) Paul (5) Hebrews (6) Peter and Jude (7) John. 2.
New Testament Theology
It is a study of Church History and the historical development of theological concepts, teaching, and confessions.
Historical Theology
The main divisions of historical theology are: (4)
(1) Ancient Theology (1st Century-A.D. 590),
(2) Medieval Theology (A.D. 590-1517),
(3) Reformation Theology (1517-1750),
(4) Modern Theology (1750-Present)
Contemporary Theologies
5 items
*Liberal Theology
*Neo-Orthodox Theology
*Radical Theology
*Liberation Theologies
*Postliberal or Narrative Theology
It is a systematic and logical presentation of the content of Christian faith (dogmatics) and the foundation of the Christian way of life (ethics).
Systematic Theology
The chief disciplines with in systematic theology are:
3 items
- Apologetics
- Dogmatics
- Christian ethics
The chief divisions of Christian Ethics are : (10)
- Bibliology (Doctrine of the Bible)
- Theology Proper (Doctrine of God),
- Christology (Doctrine of Christ),
- Pneumatology (Doctrine of the Holy Spirit),
- Angelology and Demonology (Doctrine of Angels and Demons),
- Cosmology (Doctrine of Creation),
- Anthropology and Hamartiology (Doctrine of Man and Sin),
- Soteriology (Doctrine of Salvation),
- Ecclesiology (Doctrine of the Church), and
- Eschatology (Doctrine of Last Things)
Doctrine of the Bible
Doctrine of God
Theology Proper
Doctrine of Christ
Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
Doctrine of Angels and Demons
Angelology and Demonology
Doctrine of Creation
Doctrine of Man and Sin
Anthropology and Hamartiology
Doctrine of Salvation
Doctrine of the Church
Doctrine of Last Things
It is the theological study of ministerial practice.
Practical Theology
The chief disciplines within the Practical Theology are: (7)
*Worship (Liturgy),
*Sermon (Homiletics),
*Pastoral Care (Poimenik),
*Community Care (Diakonie),
*Administration and Leadership (Cybernetics),
*Educational Work in School and Community (Pedagogy of Religion),
*Missiology (A study of the nature, history, purpose, and procedure of Missions)
involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than myself
Is the human’s way of communicating to God
Is the study of God’s way to humans
the philosophical study of the meaning and nature of religion.
Philosophy of Religion
Major religions of the world
7 items
It is a small religious organization that is at great odds with the norms and values of the larger society
It is a relatively small religious organization that is not closely integrated into the larger society and that often conflicts with at least some of its norms and values.
A long lasting sect that does not evolve into a denomination
Established sects
It is a large, mainstream religious organization, but it does not claim to be official or state sponsored. It is one religion among many.
Originally referring to a political assembly of citizens in ancient Athens, Greece, now refers to a congregation. In sociology, the term is used to refer to a religious group that most all members of a society belong to
It is considered a nationally recognized, or official, religion that holds a religious monopoly and is closely allied with state and secular powers.
types of religions
Multiple Gods
Single God
No deities
Nonhuman beings
Human-natural being connection
Sampung salot sa ihihpto ( the ten plagues of egypt)
- water turns to blood
- frogs
- lice or gnats
- flies
- disease on livestock
- untreatable boils
- hail and fire
- locust
- darkness
- death of firstborn
____is anchored upon
God’s revelation to Abraham that he
is the founder and ruler of the universe.
God choses Abraham and his Family
from all the people living on earth as
recorded in Genesis 12. God entered to a
covenant to Abraham promising him
that he could become the “Father of
the great nation”
known as the “People of the Book”
and referred as ‘Child of Israel.
They consider themselves as the
people chosen by God to serve as an
exemplar of devotion in purity to
Jews/ Jewish people
They were groups of
Semites called Hebrews. Non-Jews,
on the other hand,
are called ________ in the Hebrew Bible.
refers to those who accepted Yahweh as their God
his original name is Abram, born in the City of Ur. This name means “Father of Multitude” known to be the “Father of Faith” and “Father of All Nation” .His two sons Isaac and Ishmael and his story can be read in Genesis 11-25. He was 99 years old when God appeared to him. The covenant made by Yahweh to Abraham is sealed with the rite circumcision. (Any male individual who submits himself to the rite of circumcision becomes a member of the covenant community.)
also called as Canaan, Israel, Palestine, Land of Jesus. This name was due to
the belief that God gave a promise to Abraham about a land flowing with milk
and honey (Gen. 15:18)
promised land
refers to the people whom the
descendants of any of the
Bible describes
as the direct
sons of the
patriarch Jacob(later called
Israel) and his descendants as a
people are also collectively
called “Israel”
Israelites/ Israelites Jews
her original name is Sarai. It
means “princess” or noble
woman”. SHE bore a child
after they have entered a
covenant with God. SHE is
wife of Abraham.
son of Sarah and Abraham.
The heir to God’s Covenant
and the ancestor of
the Jewish people. Later
married to Rebecca and had a
twin sons (Jacob and Esau)
His name was changed to “Israel” which suggests
“the one who wrestled with God”.
The name Israel symbolizes the profound relationship of God together with his people. His family was forced to
settle in Egypt because of famine. Among four
different women, Jacob fathered twelve sons and
one daughter. His twelve sons become the twelve
tribes of Israel.
he was the favorite child of Jacob.
Sold by his jealous brother to the
Egyptian Merchant. He has the
ability to see and interpret visions
which he earned his place in court
as a Vizier.
He is the son of Jochebed, a woman from a Levi tribe. His mother put him in a basket and sent him down to the Nile River because there is a decree coming from the Pharaoh that all male child will be put to death because of the growing number of the Israelites. Bithia, pharaoh’s daughter found and rescued him. He has a good life in the hands of the Princess. He was called as “The Liberator”. On Mount Horeb, God revealed himself to ____ in a burning bush and commanded him to save the Israelites from Egyptian slavery.
the Egyptian pharaoh refuse to release the
Israelites so they suffer the “Ten Plagues”.
One of it is the first-born male child will die, sons of Israelites will be saved if they marked their door with a blood of lamb killed as a sacrifice.
In that fated night, lamb must be cooked and
eaten with bitter herbs and unleavened breadthis is known as the Passover- an important
Jewish Festival
the exit of the Israelites from Egypt led by Moses (they cross the Red Sea) it became a part of Jewish history that Yahweh’s his manifested intervention to deliver chosen people.
The ____ have been called the “people of
the Book” in reference to the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh
or Mikra) that has been the authority, guide, and
inspiration of the many forms of Judaism that have
evolved throughout the different periods of time and
in various places Parrinder (1971).
Jewish people
the Hebrew Bible, constituting the entire
canon of divinely revealed scripture in
Judaism. Hebrew bible (Old Testament) for
Christians it contains 24 collection of books
with 3 parts the following are:
1. Torah/Pentateuch (teaching or law),
2. Nevi’im (Prophets) and
3. Ketuvim (writings) also called Written Torah.
3 parts of tanakh
- Torah/pentateuch( teaching or law)
- nevi’im( prophets)
- ketuvim( writings)
The term ____ means “teachings and instructions” composed the first “Five Books” of the ____ traditionally believed to have been authored by Moses through divine instruction in Sinai. It could mean as the whole body of Jewish laws or teachings.
It narrates the history, religious statues, and moral regulations for individuals and society, ceremonial rites and creation stories by Yahweh, and the origin and growth of mankind.
- is one who was called by
God to communicate His word to the King and
to the people. (One important Jewish belief- belief in the words of the prophets) and served as
spokesperson who criticize the hypocritical practices
of Jewish rituals.
notable prohets (7)
- joshua,
- samuel
- isaiah
- ezekiel
- judges
- kings
- jeremiah
contains works of poetry,
temple ritual, private prayer,
philosophical explorations, and
other canonical works
It means “study”. It contains all the studies and interpretations done by Jewish rabbis or teachers of Torah.
Talmud (oral torah)
It is an authoritative collection of
rabbinic interpretations of the sacred
scriptures. It contains materials of
law and moral codes.
talmud (oral torah)
examines the nonliteral meanings of
the Tanakh. They are mostly stories
that relay to words, themes, or
stories in the Tanakh, which aim to
make these words, themes, or stories
clearer and more related to a
person’s life.
In ____, actions are more significant than beliefs. There is definitely a place for belief within the religion since it focuses on the worship to one God,
the practice of good deeds, and the love of learning
**For the ____ , there is one everlasting God who created the universe
in its entirety and remains to be the master of it. Human Beings
were created by God, provided them the capacity to decide what is
right and wrong, and gave them the freedom and responsibility for
their own actions. **Humans have the ability to restrain their evil intentions
because of their propensities for both good and evil.
For ____, all human beings created equal.God can communicate with humans
through revelations, humans also communicate to him by means of prayer
and meditations.
It was proposed by the eminent medieval
Jewish philosopher ____, during
the latter part of 12 century C.E as an appendix
to his commentary in Mishnah. According to
him, it is the minimum requirements of Jewish
belief as listed in his Thirteen Principles of
Moshe ben Maimon
Jewish principles faith (13)
- God exist
- God is one and unique
- God is incorporeal
- God is eternal
- Prayer is to be directed to God alone
- The words of the prophets are true
- Moses prophecies are all true, and Moses was the best of the Prophets
- The written Torah and therefore the oral torah got to Moses
- There will be no other Torah
- God knows the Thoughts and deeds of Men
- God will reward the great and punish the wicked
- The Messiah will come
- the dead will be ressurected
Set of absolute laws given by God to Moses at the
biblical Mount Sinai that shall govern the life of
every Israelite. Most scholars consider this period as the
official beginning of Judaism as an organized and
structured belief system. These laws are twice mentioned
in the Hebrew Bible, particularly in Exodus (20:2-17) and
Deuteronomy (5:6-21). Inscribed on two stone tablets,
these commandments present God’s complete and
enduring standard for morality. It includes instructions to
venerate only one God, to honor one’s parents, and to
observe Sabbath as holy day
The ten commandments
what are the ten commandments
- you shall not worhip other Gods
- you shall not worship idols
- you shall not use the Lord’s name in vain
- Keep the sabbath day holy
- honor your father and mother
- you shall not commit murder
- you shall not commit adultery
- you shall not steal
- yo shall not liee
- you shall not covet
The most important day in the Jewish calendar
because it commemorates **God’s completion of
the creation of the universe and his rest day
toil. **It begins a few minutes before sunset on
Friday and runs until an hour after sunset on
Saturday. At Friday sundown, Sabbath candles are
lighted and Kiddush (‘sanctification”) is recited
over wine or grape juice.
Sabbath (shabbat)
Jewish temples or worship, instruction, and community
fellowship that contains separate rooms designed for
specific activities such as praying and studying. In
Orthodox Judaism, men and women sit separately at
the synagogue; Reform Judaism, they sit altogether in
20th Century - their population grew has remained
sluggish for quite a long time as it grew for only ____
after holocaust.
According to 2014 report - Judaism has only 0.2% in
the whole world equivalent to ____
14 to 15 million.
Pinagmulan ng salitang “holokausto” ang malawakang
sunog; malaganap na pagkasalanta o pagkawasak,
sakuna, o alay na sinusunog in short delubyo
when was the nazi era
assassination for (1933-1945) 12yrs.
German SS and police
Reinhard Heydrich
also part of the holocaust
adolf hitler
happens each week from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. During ____, Jewish people remember the story of creation from the Torah where God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th day. Different Jewish people celebrate ____ in different ways.
The Jewish New Year, the beginning of ten days of penitence or teshuvah culminating on Yom Kippur. Traditionally celebrated with sweet or round foods such as apples and honey, and the blowing of the shofar, a hollowed-out ram’s horn, during religious services. A customary greeting is shanah tovah or “happy new year!”
Rosh Hashanah
The Day of Atonement; a very solemn day devoted to fasting, prayer, and repentance. Observant Jews do not eat, drink (including water), bathe, engage in sexual activity, or wear anything made of leather on this day of awe.
Yom Kipppur
Many families build their own sukkah in which it is customary to eat meals and sleep, and to shake the lulav, a palm frond bound together with myrtle and willow branches, and the etrog, a kind of citrus (pictured here, growing in the Smith College greenhouse, where it is identified as a “Moroccan citrus”).
Although technically a separate holiday, ____(or the “Eighth Day of Assembly”) is in effect the final day of Sukkot. The last portion of the Torah is read on this day. Observant Jews do not work or travel on this yom tov or “holy day.”
Shemini Atzeret
Shemini Atzeret is immediately followed by the joyous holiday of ____—or “rejoicing of the Law”—which is traditionally celebrated by dancing with Torah scrolls and singing hakafot, songs of praise and gratitude
Simchat Torah
The eight-day festival of ____—or “Festival of Lights”—commemorates the miraculous victory of the Maccabees and rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem.
This carnival-like holiday celebrates the defeat of a plot to destroy the Jews of Persia. It is customary to dress in costumes (similar to Halloween or Mardi Gras), and to give gifts of food to friends and the needy, particularly hamantashen, triangular pastries filled with fruit or poppy seeds.
The ____ Seder on the first two nights—an elaborate and ritualized meal—recounts the story of Exodus using ritual foods, prayers, stories and songs. Only the first two and last two days of ____ are observed as full holy days, with restrictions on work and travel.
Feast of Weeks; marks the giving of the Law (Torah) at Mt Sinai.
The four sects of judaism according to Jospehus
- Essenes
- Pharisees
- Sadducees
- Zealots (fourth philosophy)
Who is considered the founder of judaism
what is th ecentral religious text of judaism
what is the jewish day of rest and worship, beginning friday evening and ending saturday evening
sabbath or Shabbat
which jewish holiday commemorated the liberation of the israelites from slavery in egypt
what is the jewish new year called?
rosh hashannah
which of the following is th ejewish day of atonement, observed with fasting and prayer
yom kippur
what ois the jewish festival of lights
how many candles are typically lit on a menorah during hanukkah
which hebrew term refers to the act of charitable giving and helping those in need
what is the jewish prayer that affirms the oneness of God and is recited twice daily
in judaism, what is the name for the central place of worship and study in a jewish community
what is the name of the jewish dietary laws
which jewish holiday is known as the “feast of lots” and celebrates the deliverance of the jewish people from a plot to exterminate them
which book is considered the foundation of christian theology
the bible
who is the founder of christianity
jesus christ
what is the christian belief in one God called
which christian denomination believes in the practice of infant baptism
roamn catholic
it is the study of God’s way to humans
it is the human’s way of communicating with God
it is the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than myself
the philosophical study of the meaning and nature of the religion
philosophy of religion
a small religious organisation that is at great odds with the norms and values of a larger society
a large, mainstream religious organisation, but it does not claim to be official or state sponsored
the term is used to refer to a religious group that most all members of a society belong to
it is a relatively small religious organization that is not closely integrated into the larger community
religion is one of the main reasons why people are afraid of living
wala na kalagay sa quiz answers
“to live means to learn, and life is an ongoing lesson”
religion is keeping people in ignorancet
they consider themselves as the people chosen by God
jewish people
refers to those who accepted yahweh as their God
the father of faith and the father of all nation
the direct descendants of any of the sons of the patriarch jacob
she bore a child after the have entered a covenant with God
the ancestor of the jewish people
the one who wrestled with God
he has the abbilti to see and interpret visons which he earned his place
he was called the liberator
the egyptian pharoah refuse to release the israelites so they suffer
the one who was called by God to communicate his word to the king and to the people
contains works of poetry, temple ritual, private prayer, etc.
it contains all studies and interpretations done by teachers of torah
talmud (oral torah)
examines all the nonliteral meanings of the tanakh
ito ay tumutukoy sa malawakang sunog o delubyo
current population of Christianity
2 billion
largest religion in the world
christianity is currently ____ throughout the ____
scattered, world
largest areas of christianty
us and europe
began with the birth of ___ in the town of bethlehem between 6 and 4 AD
jesus Christ
began with the birth of jesus christ in the town of ____between 6 and 4 AD
began with the birth of jesus christ in the town of bethlehem between ____
6 and 4 AD
christ grew up in the
holy land of ___
christ was a ____ and spread the belief of ____
jew, montotheism
He (jesus christ) promised the forgiveness of ___ and ____
sins, eternal life
viewed by many as the ___ (saviour of the jews)
beause of his rising popularity and refusal to worship roman Gods, roman leader Pontius pilate sentced jesus to ____
beause of his rising popularity and refusal to worship roman Gods, roman leader ___ sentced jesus to death
Pontius pilate
chrisitans believed he rose from the dead on the ___ day
chrisitans were persecuted by the romans for over ___years
tjose willing to die for their religion swere called __
312 AD ____legalises christianity in the roman empire
in the year ___, constantine legalises christianity in the roman empire
312 AD
392 AD ____ makes christinaity the official religion of the Roman empire
emperor theodoisus
in the year ___, emperor theodoisus makes christinaity the official religion of the Roman empire
392 AD
beliefs in christianity (5)
- monotheism
- jesus was the son of God
- jesus dies to save humanity from sin
- jesus’ death and ressurection prov eternal life exists and is possible for others
- add jesus’ life and teachings (the new testament) to the teachings of jews (the old testament)
contains written records of Jesus’ life and teachings (the new testament) to the teachings of jews (the old testament)
the bible
places of worship in christianity
religious leaders in christianity(6)
- pope
- patriarch
- priests
- ministers
- monks
- nuns
head of the roman catholic church
head of the greek orthodox church