puberty to old age Flashcards
development of the reproductive system in males
-enlargement of testes and scrotum signals onset of puberty
-often around 13 years old
development of the reproductive system in women
-budding breasts signal puberty
-often around 11 years old
-first menstrual cycle usually two years later
-when there has been a whole year without a menstruation:
-ovaries stop functioning as endocrine organs
-childbearing ability ends
-hot flashes
-mood changes may occur
development of the endocrine system
-efficiency of the endocrine system remains high until old age
-efficiency of all endocrine glands gradually decreases with aging, which leads to a generalised increase in:
1. diabetes 2. immune system 3. depression 4. lower metabolic rate 5. cancer rates in some areas
-brain reaches adult size, some areas still mature in late adolescence
-physically when 16
-brain continues to mature until 25
-full set of teeth, and wisdom teeth
testosterone in males
-underlines sex drive
-causes secondary characteristics:
1. deepening of voice 2. increased hair growth 3. enlargement of skeletal muscles 4. increased bone growth and density
menstrual cycle in females
-menstrual phase
-proliferative phase
-secretory phase
menstrual phase
-days 0-4
-shedding of the endometrial layer for 3-5 days
-oestrogen increases
proliferative phase
-days 5-14
-regeneration of endometrium
-ovulation of day 14
secretory phase
-days 15-28
-progesterone levels increase
-increased blood supply to the endometrium
-if no fertilisation, hormone production decreases
-morning sickness due to elevated progesterone and estrogen
what do organ crowding due to fetus cause?
-bladder compression
-stress incontinence
-dyspnoea (difficulty breathing) at later stages
-blood volume, blood pressure and pulse increase
-ovaries stop functioning as endocrine organs
-childbearing ability ends
-can accelerate the ageing process
development of the muscular system
-increasing muscular control reflects the maturation of the nervous system
muscle control is acheived in superior/inferior and proximal/distal
-vigorous exercise-> muscle hypertrophy
-as we age, muscle mass decreases, and muscles become weaker
-exercise helps retain muscle mass and strength
skeletal system in old age
-causes osteoporosis
-bone thinning disease
-disease makes bones fragile, and bones can fracture easily
-vertebral collapse results in kyphosis (also known as ‘dowager’s hump)
cardiovascular system in old age
-weakening of venous valves
-progressive arteriosclerosis
-hypertension resulting from the loss of elasticity of vessels
-coronary artery disease resulting from fatty calcified deposits in the vessels
the nervous system in older adults
-brain growth ends in early childhood, neurons die throughout life and are not replaced, thus brain mass declines with age
-orthostatic hypotension is low blood pressure due to changes in the body position
sight in older people
-presbyopia- ‘old vision’ results from decreasing lens elasticity that accompanies ageing
-causes difficulty to focus for close vision
-dilator muscles of iris becomes less efficient, causing pupils to remain constricted
development of the respiratory system
-in youth and middle age, respiratory problems are caused by external factors such as infections and substances that block respiratory passageways
aging effects
-elasticity of lungs
-vital capacity decreases
-blood oxygen level decreases
-stimulating effects of carbon dioxide decreases
-elderly are often hypoxic and exhibit sleep apnoea
-more risks of respiratory tract infection
development of the respiratory system
-inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, can occur at any time
-inflammation of the appendix, common in adolescence
development of the metabolism
-metabolism decreases with age
-middle-age digestive problems include stomach ulcers and gallbladder problems
-peristalsis slows
urinary system in old age
-with age, filtration rate decreases and tubule cells become less efficient at concentrating urine, leading to urgency, frequency and incontinence
-UTIs are most common problem due to old age, 80% due to e coli
-in men, urinary retention is another problem due to prostate gland enlargement