breathing, respiration and homeostasis Flashcards
respiration includes four distinct events
- pulmonary ventilation
- external respiration
- respiration gas transport
- internal respiration
pulmonary ventilation
-moving air in and out of lungs (breathing)
external respiration
-gas exchange between pulmonary blood and alveoli
respiration gas transport
transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide via the bloodstream
internal respiration
gas exchange between blood and tissue cells in systemic capillaries
-flow of air into lungs
-air flows into the lungs until intrapulmonary pressure equals atmospheric pressure
-air leaving lungs
-gases passively flow out to equalise the pressure
movement: cough
blast of air rushes upward from lungs to clear the lower respiratory passageways
movement: crying
-inspiration followed by a release of air in a number of short expirations
-emotionally induced
movement: sneeze
expelled air is directed through nasal cavities to clear upper respiratory passages
movement: laughing
similar to crying
movement: hiccups
-sudden inspirations resulting from spasms of diaphragm
-initiated by irritation of diaphragm or associated nerves
movement: yawn
-very deep inspiration
-taken with jaws wide open
-ventilates all alveoli
gas exchange
-towards an area of lower concentration
external respiration is between
alveoli and pulmonary blood
internal respiration is between
blood and tissue cells
breathing control centers
-medulla centers
-pons centers
efferent nerve impulses from medulla
-trigger contraction of inspiratory muscles
-phrenic nerves
-intercostal nerves
breathing control centers are stimulated by:
-CO2 and H+ increase in tissue
-nerve impulse from O2 sensor indicating O2 decrease
chemical factors influencing respiration
rising levels of CO2 in the blood (acidosis) results in faster, deeper breathing
results when blood becomes alkaline (alkalosis) results in slow or shallow breathing
physical factors influencing respiration
-increased body temperature
-volitation (conscious control)
emotional factors influencing respiration
-feeling fear
-feeling anger
-feeling excited