Prosthetics, orthotics, and Gait Flashcards
Describe a SACH
Solid Ankle Cushion Heel
Simple lower level for ADLS, even terrain, K1, K2 more than higher levels
What are two prosthetic causes for excessive early stance knee flexion (too much bend) in transtibial amputee
Firm/hard heel cushion, anterior socket placement (increases flexion moment)
What are two anatomical causes for excessive knee extension (too straight) in early stance (initial contact) of BK Amputee
Weak quadriceps, spasticity of quadriceps
Name two prosthetic causes for early knee flexion (too much knee flexion) in the late stance phase of transitbial amputee
High heel (drives tibia forward), insufficient DF stop, Anterior socket placement, Insufficient PF (too much DF)
What is an anatomical cause for early stance excessive knee flexion (too much) in transtibial case
Flexion contracture, quad weakness
Name an anatomical cause for early knee flexion (excessive knee flexion) in the late stance phase of a BK amputation
Flexion Contracture
What are two prosthetic causes for too little knee flexion in early stance aka excessive knee extension in a BK patient
Posterior socket, soft heel cushion
Because post socket pushed GRF mote ant increasing ext moment
and soft heel cusion absorbs load, slowding down tibal progession (knee bend)
Name an anatomical cause for delayed knee flexion (insufficient knee flexion) in the late stance phase for transtibial amputation
Extensor spasticity
Name two prosthetic causes for delayed knee flexion (not enough knee flexion) in the late stance phase for BK amputee
Low heel, excessive PF, socket placed too far posteriorly (no flexor momenta)
Name Prostehtic causes for circumduction during swing phase for a transfemoral amputee
Long prosthesis, Locked knee, Lose or tight socket (causes longer limb), suspension issues, PF foot = All cause longer functional limb
Name an anatomical cause for circumduction in transfemoreal amputee
Hip abd contracture.
Name Prostehtic causes for hip hiking/vaulting during swing phase for a transfemoral amputee
Vaulting is plantarflexing to lift a side.. Hip hiking and vaulting also due to functionally longer limb, so same as for circumduction.
Name Prostehtic and anatomical causes for heel whips (medial or lateral) during swing phase for a transfemoral amputee.
Think the same as regular hip rotation. Medial heel whip due to external rotation and lateral heel whip due to internal rotation (of socket). Also could be misaligned distally
The anatomical cause is fast pace
What is and what are compensations for inadequate knee unit friction?
Knee unit friction refers to a lack of friction or resistance in the knee joint, which leads to uncontrolled and loser movement. Compensations would be high heel rise (too much) and terminal impact (hard clunk at end)
What are the prosthetic and anatomical causes for uneven step length
Pain/discomfort due to prosthesis, and hip flexion contracture or instability for anatomical