MSK Misc Flashcards
Hill Sachs Lesion
Being hit fro P-A in closed pack (Abduction and ER) overhead causes ant dislocation and damage to posterolateral HUMERAL HEAD H goes with H. SO ant dislocation damaged post HH
Could be reverse and impact posterior capusle and ant hum head if hit from A-P
Bankart Lesion
Tear in LABRUM, the usually lower part. Due to disloaction
What happens to cadence and step length with age
Cadence decreases b/c less steps required due to incincreased reased step length
Extensor tendon repairs
Early intervention
Active flexion of MCP and passive extension of wrist allowed
Flexor tendon repairs
Active extension, passive flexion
Active in opposite
Free nerve endings (Joint receptors)
All joints (think pain)
Noxious and non noxious mechanical and biochemical stimuli to capsule, ligaments, synovium, fat pad
Pacinian corpuscles (joint receptors)
All joints (think velocity, accel joint position)
detects different joint position changes in the fibrous layer of capsule
Golgi ligament endings
Ligaments specific, detect the amount of stretch
Ruffini Endings
Detects stretch of entire joint capsule (rather than ligament specific)
Golgi-Mazzoni corpuscles
Mazzoni compression of joint capsule
Synovial joints
All major joints we address in PT. Have free movement
1. joint cavity (fluid filled part)
2. Articular cartilage
3. Synovial membrane
4. Synovial fluid
5. Fibrous capsule
Cartilaginous joints
Have hyaline or fibrocartilage
Slight mobility
e.g sternum articulation w/ true rib
Fibrous joint
Barely oves
e.g bones in skull
syndesmosis of tibia and fibula
Type 1 fibers
Slow oxidative
Less fatiguing/fatiguability
More mitochondria
e.g marathon, swim
Recruited first in natural contraction
Type 2 fibers
Recruited first with E STIM
More fatigable
Lower capillary, mitochondria,
high jump, sprint
Muscle spindle
Muscle belly, send info about muscle length or rate of change
Golgi tendon organs
Detect tension especially with active contraction3
Levator Scap action and innervation
ELEVATES SCAP but dowanrdly roates it as well
Anterior rami
Dorsal scap nerve, Rhomboids too
What muscles do upward rotation
Lower and UT, SA
What muscles do doward ro
Rhomboids, levator scap, pec minor
Extensor carpi ulnar innervation
Posterior interosseous nerve (b/c starts more dorsal than medial)
Flexor carpi ulnaris innervation
Ulnar nerve
Extensor policis brevis and longus innervation
Posterior interosseous nerve (both deep muscles)
Abductor policis brevis innervation
median nerve, recurrent branch