Precision Farming, Organic Flashcards
NMNF aims to develop how many clusters in how much area in the next 2 yrs?
15,000 clusters in 7.5L ha area
Moving 1 crore farmers to it
Financial assistance provided in NMNF (2023) for creation of non-farm input production infrastructure?
Rs. 15,000/ha per yr
For 3 yrs
Which SDG aligns with better efficiency, service delivery and operations along with informed Policy making?
SDG 9 (industry, innovation, infrastructure)
Platform that connects farmers to agri techs, knowledge & pool of subject matter experts at 730+ KVKs, 100+ ICAR institutions and Agri Universities to provide personalised advice.
Kisan Sarathi
on Agri, Horti, AH, Fishery, etc.
Which SDG aligns with gaining higher yields and better food security?
SDG 2 (hunger)
Kisan Sarathi was launched by?
MoAFW & MeitY
How many TIHs under NM-ICPS is dedicated to Agri tech?
3 of 25
Where was the 1st 2nd and 3rd agri based TIH set up?
- IIT Ropar - Tech for Agri and Water
- IIT Kharagpur - AI & ML by AI4ICPS
- IIT Bombay - Tech for IoT and Internet of Everything
How many Precision Farming Development Centres have been set up?
22 in each ACZ
PFDCs were set up on whose recommendation?
National Committee on Precision Agriculture & Horticulture - NCPAH
A mobile app where farmers can get information on weather of current day and next 5 days, dealers, market prices, plant protection, advisories, etc.
Kisan Suvidha
What are the 5 parameters of Kisan Suvidha app?
- Weather
- Input dealers
- Expert advisory
- Market price
- Plant protection
Name 4 programmes by MNCFC
Mahalonobis National Crop Forecast Centre
Forecasting Agricultural output using Space, Agrometeorology & Land Based observations
pre-harvest forecast of 8 major crops
National Agriculture Drought Assessment & Monitoring System
- Periodic agriculture drought assessment for districts
Co-ordinated Horticulture Assessment & Management using GeoiNformatics
- Area and Production estimate of 7 horticulture crops in 12 states
Krop Insurance Using Space Technology & Geo-iNformatics
- remote sensing for more accurate assessment of crop yields
Agro-ecological innovations for improving agricultural production, food security and resilience to climate change
System of Crop Intensification
Rhizosphere is?
Root zone
Phyllosphere is?
SRI International Network & Resource Centre was established at?
Cornell University 2010
A climate smart, resource saving, yield increasing method of rice cultivation - benefited by over 50 countries
SRI - Rice
Who developed the SRI method of Rice?
French Jesuit Father Henri de Laulanié
In Madagascar
What is the seed rate in the SRI method?
5-6 kg/ha for 1 seedling per hill
What is the preparation area of nursery in SRI method?
100m2 nursery - 1 ha
On a levelled area
Wider spacing
What is the nursery preparation area of rice (not SRI)?
1000 m2
When do seedlings in SRI method reach sufficient height for planting?
At 15 days
(Traditionally: 21-25 days)
A method of growing crops (rice) without any soil, suitable for short duration varieties, requires less labour
Dapog Method
Dapog Method was developed in?
Who is the father of modern organic farming?
Albert Howard
Which state has released its own organic farming policy?
Tamil Nadu
Focus of chemical free agri - conserve soil health
Which state has formed its own organic farming mission?
What is the target of Kerala’s organic farming mission?
Expand Organic Farming to 5000 hectares
Annual Target of 1000 hectares per year for 5 years
Which cotton brand has been launched my Ministry of Textiles with Cotton Corporation of India (CCI)?
Kasturi Cotton Bharat
When is World Cotton Day Celebrated?
7th October
GoI has signed an MoU with which organisation for mission mode approach of brand positioning of Kasturi Cotton?
ICRER Report “Zero Budget Natural Farming - Implications for Sustainability, profitability and Food Security” has been commissioned by?
Who is the man behind Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF)?
Subhash Palekar
4 essential elements of ZBNF?
- Beejamri
- Jeevamrit
- Acchadana
- Waaphasa
ZBNF is promoted under which scheme?
Bharatiya Prakritik Krishi Padhati (BPKP)