Intro to Agri Flashcards
Definition, Classification, Factors of agri, crop classification, Production estimates, cropping
Iip is an indicator that measures the changes in college of production of industrial goods. It is released by?
Its base year is?
When is the 2nd Advanced Estimate released, it is a GDP estimate of which period and who releases it?
- In Feb
- Of current year (after incorporating Q3 values)
Which is the final revised estimate of a year?
3rd Revised Estimates
Of Last to last year (Feb)
2nd Revised Estimate will be final
Final GDP estimate of previous year is called?
Provisional Estimate - May
Incorporates Q4 data
How many food grain production estimates are released and by who?
4, by Ministry of Agri & Farmer’s Welfare
When are the food grain production estimates released?
FAE - Sept-Oct
SAE - Feb
TAE - May
4AE - Aug
Which sector has the highest share in Agri GVA?
Which sectors are considered engines of high growth by the Committee on Doubling Farmer’s Income 2018?
Dairying, livestock, poultry, fisheries and horticulture
Define Agri
Comes from Latin Words:
Ager + Cultura meaning cultivation of soil
It is the Art, science and business of crop production and livestock for economic purposes
Agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for?
54.6% of India’s population
When was the first agri university established?
Pantnagar Univeristy - 1960
As per ICAR, What are the branches of arigulture?
7 branches, 3 groups (CAA)
- Crop Protection Group (3): Agronomy, Horticulture, Forestry
- Animal Husbandry Group (2): Animal Husbandry, Fishery
- Allied Group (2): Agricultural Engg, Home Science
Who is the father of Agronomy?
Pietro de’Crescenzi
Branch of agriculture that deals with field crop production and management
Study of fruits, vegetables, flower, condiments, beverages
Study of forests and forest crops
Study of machines and tech related to agri?
Agriculture Engg
Study and management of trees & woody plants
Study of vegetables and study of fruits
The cultivation of grapes and production of quality wines
Viticulture (not a branch of agri)
Green revolution started for which of the following crops?
First wheat then paddy
HD2329 var of wheat was used in GR
Define Agronomy
Comes from Greek word:
Agros + Nomos
Field Management
Deals with the principles and practices of crop production and field management
Central theme of agronomy
- Crop science
- Soil science
- Environmental Science
Duration of the agriculture year?
1 July - 30 June
Directorate of Cropping System Research is located in?
Paira and Utera System of cropping is practiced in?
(Lentil & Rice)
Acaricide is a chemical used to kill?
Mites and ticks
A selective herbicide, kills some without injuring others?
Non-selective contact herbicide, destroys majority, active of foliage
What are the ways crops are classified?
Agronomy, Botany, Climate - Root Depth, Ontogeny, CO2 uptake, Season
What falls under the Agronomic or Economic classification of crops?
Cereals, Legumes, Oil Seeds, Sugar, Fibre Fodder, Rubber Tuber, Root, Medicinal, Aromatic
To which family does cereals belong.
Give Examples
Poaceae & Gramineace
Grass Family
Eg: Rice, Maize, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Millets
Indian Grain Storage Management & Research Institute
Hapul, UP
Legumes are aka? which family do they belong to?
Pulses - nitrogen fixing
Indian Institute of Pulses is located in?
Pulse = Kanpur
What is the content of erusic acid in Canola/Rapeseed?
Oil content in Sesame ? Aka ?
Queen of Oil
What are some conventional oils?
Mustard, sessame, canola/rapeseed, groundnut
What are some non-conventional (refined oil)?
Sunflower, Safflower, Soyabean
contribute to about 6% of local produce. Soybean 85% for oil production
What are some non-tree oil seeds?
Cotton, maize, rice bran
What are primary edible oilseeds?
Groundnut, rapeseed (tarla, mustard, sarson), soybean, sesame, safflower, sunflower, niger
Primary non-edible oil?
Castor and linseed
Secondary Edible oilseeds?
Cotton, Ricebran, Maize
Plantation: Coconut, Red Oil Palm
Tree Borne Oilseeds: Sal, Mahua, Mango kernel, Phulwara, Dhupa
Secondary non-edible oilseeds
Seasonal: Mesta, tobacco
Plantation: Rubber
tree bourne: Neem, Karanj, Pilu, Palash, Wild Apricot, Jojoba, etc
India is a net-importer of edible oil. How much of it is imported?
Negatively impacts our forex by USD20.56 billion
Technology Mission in oil seeds started in?
Fibre crop examples: of stem/bast fibre, seed/fruit fibre and leaf
Jute, Mesta, Linseed/ flax, Ramei, Roselle - Stem/Bast fibre
Cotton - Seed fibre
Agave, Pineapple, Manilla Hemp - Leaf fibre
ICAR-CRIJAF Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibers is located in?
Barrackpore, WB
- What is aka, Egyptian Clover or the King of Fodder Crops?
- What is aka Sweet Clover?
Berseem = Egyptian
Senji = Sweet
What is also known as Alfalfa, queen of forages and the king of drought tolerance?
What is aka Elephant Grass or Uganda grass?
What is aka Makchari?
Indian Grass Land and Fodder Research Institute is located in
Which countryis the highest Rubber producing country?
In India - Kerala
Hevea family
Crops grown for their rhizome, bulb, corm or stem?
Tuber or Root Crops
Potato is a stem tuber
Central Tuber Crop Research Institute is located in?
(t=tuber, t=trivandrum)
Central Institute of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants (CIMAP) is located in?
Attributes of millets are?
4 attributes:
Resilient: Low carbon and water footprint
Can withstand high temp
Can grow on poor soils - little or no external input
Which crop is known as ‘miracle crops’ or ‘crops of the future’?
Which millet has the most protein? it is aka?
Followed by?
- Proso millet at 12.5%
Common millet or white millet - Foxtail Millet
Which millet is the best source of crude fibre and iron?
Barnyard millet
National year of millet and international year of millet?
2018 and 2023
Declared by UNGA in 2021
How much millets does india produce?
Almost 170 lakh tonnes
80% of Asian production
20% of global production
What is groundnut haulm used for?
The leaves or vines of groundnut
Cattle feed and manure value
Rich in protein and nitrogen
Which is the economic portion of the groundnut?
The Pod
Contains 50% oil content (vanaspathi/soap making)
What is the shell of groundnut used for?
Has fuel value, used for soil ammendment
bed material in poultry
What is the use of the seed in pod, the shell & Stalk of sesame seeds
Seed in pod -> economic part
Shell and stalk -> composting & burning
What is the use of Niger crop & seed?
An industrial crop
Seed is the economic portion
Soap making, varnish & light lubricant
Safflower and sunflower oil & cake purpose?
- Contain unsaturated fatty acids (67% linoleic) - good for heart patients
- Cake is used for cattle feed, organic material and decorticated manure
Scientific name of Chilli?
And oats?
Capsicum frutescens
Avena sativa
soyabean scientific name? oil and protein content of soyabean?
Glycine max
* Oil: 20%
* Protein:40%
5% lysine
Garden bean scientific name?
Lablab purpureous
Ragi is also known as?
Finger millet
(Major Millet)
Elusine corcana
What is a gluten free millet aka Camel plant & New Quinoa?
Jowar or Sorghum
Has whole grain properties
What is the highest produced millet in India that originates in Africa? Which millet follows?
Pearl Millet or Bajra
(60% of millet production)
Followed by Jowar/Sorghum: 27%
Pennisetum glaucum
Kangri or Kankum is also known as?
2nd most widely grown millet in the world
Little Millet is also known as?
Kutki or shavan
Eaten like rice
Which country produces the highest amount of millets?
1.09 crore tons annually
Overall African continent is the highest producer
173 lakh tonnes at 20%
Average millet yield of india?
1239 kg/ha
more than global average at 1229 kg/ha
How many start-ups are working in the millet value added chain under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana- Raftaar?
more than 250
Incubated by Indian Institute of Millet Research (IIMR -Hyderabad)
National Food Security Mission - Nutri Cereals , is being implemented in how many districts and states?
212 districts and 14 states
In Botanical/Scientific Classification, Monocot crops are?
Graminaceae, Poaceae - Cereals & Grasses
Liliceae - Onion
Zingiberaceae - Ginger
In Botanical Classification, give examples of Dicot plants?
Solanaceae - Tomato, Brinjal
Malvaceae - Cotton
Linaceae - Flax
Tiliaceae - Jute, Sun hemp
Crop Classifications based on Climate?
Tropical, Sub-Tropical
Temperate, Polar
Examples of Temperate crops?
Can withstand frost:
Apple (Malus domestica),
Almond (Prunus dulcis),
strawberry (Fragaria ananassa)
Rosaceae: Peach (Prunus persica),
Pear (Pyrus Communis),
Cherry (Prunus avium)
Drupe Fruits are an example of?
Temperate fruits:
Cherry, peach, plum, apricot
Achne is an example of?
Temperate fruit: strawberry
Tropical Fruit Examples
Banana (Musa …), Mango,
Pineapple (Ananas Comosus),
What are root Depth based classification of crops?
- Shallow: <30cm or <1m
- Intermediate: 30-60cm or 1-1.5m
- Deep: >60cm or >1.5m
What is the ontogeny classification of a plant?
Complete lifecycle of crops are in 2 stages:
Vegetative (germination, leaf development)
Reproductive (inflorescence and flowering)
followed by Senescense
This is done either in 1, 2 or multiple years
Examples of Annual plants?
Cereals and Gasses:
Wheat rice, maize,
mustard (Brassica Spp.)
Example of Binnial Plants?
Sugar beet, beet root
carrot (Daucus carota) - only under natural conditions
Examples of Perennial crops
Fodder crops:
Napier, Coconut
Fodder (Pennisetum purpureum)
Crop Classification based on CO2 Fixation, with example
- C3 plant: Rice, Wheat, soyabean, barley, cotton
- C4 Plants: Sugarcane, Maize, millet, sesame
- CAM plants: Cacti, pineapple, agave
Self Pollination example
Rice, Okhra, pulses, tomato, tobacco
(Nicotina tabacum)
Cross Pollinated plants?
Corn, grasses, avocado, grape, mango, many plants
Example of often cross pollinated?
Cotton, Sorghum, Red Gram (cajanus cajun)
Examples of crops with shallow root depth
Wheat, Barley, Rice
Examples of crops with intermediate root depth?
Faba bean, sugar bean
Examples of crops with deep root depth?
Alfalfa, Tomato
Mithila Makhana received GI Tag in year?