Horticulture 3 Flashcards
5th input of agriculture?
Honey Bee
1st 4 - Land, Labour, Capital, Management
Honey Bee Day is on?
20th May
Theme of Honey Bee Day
Bee engaged with youth
Which state produces the most honey?
Apis FLorea
& Apis Cerena,
refer to which kind of bees?
L = Little Bee
C = Common Bee
Apis Dorsata & Apis Mellifera, refer to which type of bee?
D->r (Dr.) = Rock bee
Me = European bees
It is recommended that bee colonies are to be placed at ____/ha for italian bees and ____/ha for Indian bees
3/ha -> Italian
5/ha -> Indian
Indian = apis cerena indica (common bees)
In a 10 bee boxes model, honey collection per hive is?
10-40 kg
from 1st to 6th year. 4-6th year only 40 kg/ha
Gladiolus is propagated by?
Bulb-like structure - storage organ - not bulb
Carnation scientific name?
Dianthus caryophyllus
How many gladiolus corms need to be placed in 1 acre?
80,000 corms
leading to 80,000 spikes
Gladiolus spikes will be ready to harvest after?
60-120 days
2-4 months
Kiwi is aka? It is originally from?
Chinese gooseberry
From: China, Taiwan or SE Asia
Rose Supreme, Rose Delight, Lux, Her Majesty are varieties of?
Sword lily refers to?
Scientific name of Kiwi?
Actinidia deliciosa
Which state tops in Kiwi production in India?
Arunachal Pradesh
Male and female parts in Kiwi is formed on the same plant or separate? What is the term for it?
Dioecious plant
What is the acidity level of kiwi?
Abbot, Allison, Bruno and Hayward are varieties of?
bruno = dark brown
Most popular kiwi variety?
Early maturing variety of Kiwi?
Abbot, Allison
Planting of kiwi is usually done in the month of?
Kiwi yield?
50-100kg fruits/vines
Kiwi vine starts bearing at the age of?
4-5 years?
Commercial production of kiwi peaks by?
7-8 years
When are kiwi fruit harvested?
last week of November - December
sow - Jan, harvest - Dec
What is the difference between A grade, B grade or C grade kiwis?
A grade: >70g
B grade: 50-70g
C grade: < 50g
Kiwi can be kept in good condition, without refrigerator for?
upto 8 weeks
Cashew is a native of?
Scientific name of cashew?
Anacardium occidentale
India is the ____ largest producer & exporter of Cashew
3rd by NABARD Model Project
Air Layering, epicotyl grafting and softwood grafting are methods of propagation associated with?
Mango & Cashew
Training and pruning of Cashew is done in?
Aug to Sept
as per NABARD Model Project
Intercropping with cashew?
Casuarina & coconut
Tea Mosquito is associated with which plantation crop
Cashew plant starts bearing after? - imp
3 years
Cashew plant reaches full bearing capacity by? - imp
10th years
After bearing full yields (in 10 years) how many years will cashew continue giving yields? - imp
20 years
Shelling % of Cashew?
Shelling process in rice is called?
Hulling and milling
Yield of Cashew?
20-25kg nuts per tree
Vengurla, Chintamani, Ullal are varieties of?
Cashew nut
Top working of cashew is done in?
Feb- June
ideal for beheading & in-situ grafting
Cleaning, Roasting, Shelling, Drying, Peeling are the processing steps of?
Fruit of cashew is called?
Which state is top producer of lemon?
Andhra Pradesh
Which orange has the maximum distribution in the world?
Sweet Orange (71%)
Pineapple, Jaffa, Valetine are varieties of?
Sweet Orange
Grapefruit is what kind of fruit?
A type of citrus
Red fleshed, white fleshed type of citrus?
Batabi lebu
National Research Centre for Citrus (NRCC) is in?
Best season for planting citrus is?
Mandarins and sweet oranges normally take how many days for maturity?
240-280 days
8-9 months
Limes take how long to mature?
150-160 days
Mandarin& sweet orange yield starts from?
5th years
Stabilises with 8th year
can go up to 700-800 fruits
Lime & Lemon yield starts from?
3rd year
Stabilises by 8th
Economic lifespan of citrus?
15-25 years
Sweet oranges can be stored at at what temp?
7-8 degrees for 4-8 weeks
Mandarins can be stored at what temperature?
5-7 degrees for 4-8 weeks
Harvesting season of citrus?
Ambebahar (Jan - Mango flowering)
Mrigbahar (Jun-Jul - Monsoon bloom)
Top coconut producing country?
Top coconut producing state?
Rank of India in Coconut production?
3rd largest
after indonesia and philippines
Max temp for optimum coconut yield?
27 degrees
Rainfall range for coconut palm to thrive in?
1000 - 3000mm
Cricket ball, kalipatti are varieties of?
Banarasi, Krishna, Kanchan are varieties of?
Nucellar is a variety of?
Sweet Orange
Sweet orange: Pomello X Mandarin
Avg production of 2 kg of mushroom requires ____kg of compost
10 kg
5kg compost -> 1kg mushroom
Largest importer of preseved mushroom?
Largest producer and consumer of mushroom?
Assistance of mushroom house given under RKVY?
Size of Mushroom house?
Rs. 80,000
20x12x10 ft
Living fungal culture form of mushroom is known as?
Optimum temperature for fruit development in pomegranate?
38 degrees
Scientific name of walnut?
Juglan regia
Scientific name of sugar apple or custard apple?
Anona squamosa
Sowing time of pomegranate as per nabard model project?
How long does pomegranate flowers take to mature to fruit?
5-6 months
Size difference in Pomegranate?
A grade - best - >350g
B grade - 200-350g
C grade - <200g
Who can be credited for Kangra tea?
Dr. William Jameson
Tea growers with a plantation area upto 10 ha is classified as?
Small Tea Growers
by Tea Board of India
Growers having tea plantation of more than 10 ha are called?
Large tea growers
Soil pH ideal for tea
India is the ____ largest producer of Onion
How long is onion stored for?
May to Nov
for 4-6 months
Desired humidity for onion? - imp
65-70% RH
Weight loss in onion due to storage upto 3 months is?
Most bamboo species produce mature fibres in ____ yrs
3 years
Which bamboo species have the longest flowering cycle of 120 years?
B. vulgaris and B. nutans
Bamboo was removed from list of trees in forest act 1927?
Proper no of plants for bamboo plantation is?
400-800 /ha
yields 30-35 tons/acre
What is Eucalyptus amygdalin known for?
Scientific name of subabul, a fodder tree?
Leucaena leucocephala
Central Institute of Post Harvest Engineering & Technology is in?
Fat in toned milk?
3% fat
life of combine harvester?
6000 hours
1 acre in 1 hour
If the capacity is 50-250MT, what kind of godown is it?
Small sized godowns
If the capacity is 500-2000 MT, then what kind of godown is it?
Medium sized godown
It capacity is above 2000 MT then what kind of godown is it?
Large sized godowns
A versatile plant growth regulator which improves coloration and accelerates uniform ripening for fruits
breaks cotton dormancy
State which is top tobacco production is?