Fisheries Flashcards
Contribution of Fisheries to national GVA?
Contribution of Fisheries to agriculture GVA
Grass carp scientific name
Ctenopharyngodon idellus
Silver carp scientific name?
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix
Scientific name of Nile Tilapia
Oreochromis niloticus
India is the ____ largest fish producing country with ____% global share
3rd largest
162 lakh tonnes
India is the ____ largest aquaculture producing nation in the world
Which superclass do fishes belong to? It is further divided into?
Chondrichthyes & Osterichthyes
C = Cartiledge, O = Osteo/bones
Examples of Osteichthyes
- Freshwater Bony fishes (Labeo rohita, Labeo catla)
- Lungfishes
Example of Chondrichthyes
Marine Fishes like Shark, Ray, Skates, Sawfish
Lepidosiren, Neoceratodus, Protopterus are example of?
Hippocampus and Exocetus are examples of?
Marine Bony Fishes
Sea Horse and Flying Fish
Which fish has the highest % of protein?
Fatty Fish
Masula boats are used in which of the following parts of India?
Madras Coast
Smoking in fish is a form of?
Fish that live in salt water but breed in fresh water
Hilsa, Lamprey, salmon
Fish that live in fresh water but breed in saltwater
Catrodomonous Fish
Which fish are bottom Feeder? Middle Feeder? Column Feeder
- Catla and Silver & Grass Carp are surface feeders,
- Rohu & Grass Carp is a column feeder
- Mrigal and Common & Grass Carp are bottom feeders.
1 Indigenous and exotic breed
Nodal Agency for holistic development of seafood industry, including export of marine products in India
MPEDA (1972)
Marine Products Export Development Authority
Optimum pH required for most of freshwater fish is?
In inland fisheries which fish has been banned due to their predatory nature?
African catfish
Traditional methods of processing fish by salting, drying, smoking, pickling is known as?
Fish that move and live their entire life in freshwater?
Catfish, Salmon - potable water
A major indigenous carp, which is the fastest growing among fin fishes?
An organic substance, often used in fish ponds
Cow Dung
Managed aquaculture dependent on local natural setting, such as pond or coastal sea area
Extensive Aquaculture
Managed aquaculture controlled through human engineered means, such as managing water quality and sources of food
Intensive aquaculture
Migratory fishes that live in both fresh & salty water, independent of breeding
Organisms able to adapt to a wide range of salinities is? Give an example
Molly, green crab
An organism, that cannot tolerate a wide fluctuation in salinity
A wastewater treatment gained vital importance in aquaculture. The principle of this method is to maintain a high C:N ratio by adding a carbohydrate source and water quality is improved through the production of high quality single-cell microbial protein
Biofloc Technique
Which fish is called an ‘aquatic chicken’
A technology where water is recycled and reused after mechanical and biological filtration - removal of suspended matter and metabolites Through the system and not more than 10% of the total water volume of the system is replaced daily
Recirculatory Aquaculture system (RAS)
Less water req than traditional
According to the UN 2024 study called the ‘State of World Fisheries & Aquaculture’, which fish was the most fished marine species in 2022, ranking 8th in the world
Rohu & Mrigal ranking 2nd
Most common fresh water bacterial aquarium infection. Fish shows bloody sport or ulcers on the body, ragged fins and enlarged eyes
Aeromonas infection
Dropsy a disease in fishes causing bloating, is caused by?
Red Pest a disease of fishes caused by?
Ciprinida Bacteria
bloody streaks in fins
Vibrisis in fishes is caused by?
1 month mortality syndrome
Fish that socialise or hang out in loose groups in the same place are said to be?
the production or deposition of large amount of eggs in water?
Area along the river edge is called?
Riparian Zone
Growing stage of fishes
Spawn -> Egg -> Larvae (Hatchling) -> Fry -> Juvenile -> Adult
Spawn assuming the shape of a fish and grows about 1-2 cm, it is known as?
zooplankton feeder
The development stage of fish that lasts upto 1 year of age
Fishery Resource is divided into 2 parts?
Fin fishery and Non-fin fishery
Capture fishery can be practiced in?
Marine & Inland Fishery
Culture Fishery can be practiced in?
Fresh water, Brackish water, Cage aqua culture, Ornamental fishery (aquarium)
Examples of non-fin fishery?
Oysters, lobsters, prawns, crabs
Tank & Pond Fishery is practiced popularly in?
Inland fishery
Andhra Pradesh
River & Canal Inland Fishery is popularly practiced in?
Uttar Pradesh
Reservoir inland fishery is practiced popularly in?
Tamil Nadu
Brackish Water inland fishery?
True fishes (gills, fins, vertebrae) belong to which superclass?
Marine fishery is divided into 3 zones?
- Pelagic - top
- Demersal - bottom
- Deep Sea - below photic zone
Fish that live and feed on or near the bottom of sea or lakes
Demersal fish
labeo rohita, catla catla, L. Calabasu and Cirrhinus mrigala are what kind of carps?
Major carps
Labeo fimbriatus, L. bata, Cirrhinus reba are what kind of carps?
Minor carps
Pond size varies from?
0.1-0.05 ha to 5 ha
Super intensive to Extensive
The most common reproductive strategy in marine ecosystems is? Marine fishes generally fall in which category?
90% of bony and 43% of cartilaginous fish
Ovoviviparity mostly occurs in?
Most Sharks & Rays
Greater protection from females
Viviparity is seen mostly in?
Some sharks
Ratio of major carps in ponds to utilize vertical space?
3 species: 4:3:3
4 species: 3:3:2 & 2 (common carp)
6 species: 1.5: 2:1.5:1.5:1.5:2
All adds to 10
Steps in composite fish culture are?
Selection of Pond -> Pond Management -> stocking -> harvest
What is the dosage of liming in the pre-stocking phase of pond management?
200-250 kg/ha
Lime dosage for ponds with very high pH (highly alkaline) and for very low pH (highly acidic)?
pH 4-5 = 2,000 kg/ha
pH 8.6-9.5 = n/a
Cow dung - as organic fertiliser is applied at dose?
5000 kg/ha
Pond will be ready for stocking after ____ days of application of fertiliser
15 days
In composite culture, fish fingerlings of ____ size should be used for stocking @5000 nos per ha
Recommended feeding rate is ____% of body body weight upto 500g size of fish and then reduced to ____% of body weight from 500-1000g. in composite culture
Organic manure to be added after stocking in composite culture, at the rate of?
Rs. 1000 kg/ha
When is harvesting done for fishes in composite culture? At what weight is it done?
At the end of 1st year
When the fishes attain average weight of 800 g-1.25 kg
What is soil pH required for wet land fishery
Dissolved oxygen in wet land fishery? - imp
5-7 ppm
(5-7 mg O2/L of water)
Pond size in wet land pond will be?
0.4-1.5 ha
The culture period in wet lands would be maximum of?
7-8 months
In wet land ponds, advanced fingerlings upto ____ should be stocked, and avg growth of ____ would be possible in culture period.
50 g
harvesting period and growth is less than composite
Grow out period of wet land fishery?
7-8 months
Survival rate of fishes in wet land ponds?
Culture period in integrated fish farming with dairy
around 11 months
700-800g possible
Stocking density in integrated fish farming with dairy is? - imp
Grow out period in integrated fish farming with dairy is?
11 months
grow out period in integrated fish farming with poultry is a max ____ weeks for broilers and max 4 batches are taken a year
8 weeks
integrated fish farming with poultry, ____ birds are required to fertilise 1 ha of pond
500-600 birds
White legged shrimp scientific name
Litopenaeus vannamei
Scientific name of Tiger Shrimp?
P. monodon
tiger = don
Which shrimp is fastest growing?
Tiger prawn
RAMPHANI is related to? it is found in?
Dug Out Cannoe
Plank Built Cannoes are found in?
Kerala region
Outrigger Cannoes are found in?
1st open sea cage farming is found in?
Time taken for wild lobsters to grow to legal size of harvest? Time commercially?
5-7 years
6-7 months
Mussels fall under which category?
bivalve molluscs
Frozen tuna which will eventually be eaten in its raw state in Japan?
Salted Fish will take up moisture from the surroundings air if relative humidity rises above?
Cold Smoking?
Up to 30 degrees
Hot smoking?
upto 70 degree
Dry Salt salt conc?
except fatty fishes
Wet salting salt conc?
Is gelatin a fish by-product?
Isinglass is an example of?
Fish by-product
For clarification of wines
World Fishery day?
21st Nov
Top Fish Producing state of india?
Bombay is a popular type of?
Milk fish (Chanos Chanos) is
The most ideal finfishes for farming in coastal areas
Theme of Sagar Prikrama?
Kranti se Shanti
by Ministry of FIsheries
Central Institute of Fisheries Education is located in?
Mumbai, Maha
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute is located in?
Kochi, Kerala
In composite fish culture Fish Fingerlings of 50-100g size should be used for stocking @ ____ nos per ha
Scientific name of pink prawn
Pandalus borealis
A combination of many existing preservation techniques in order to establish a series of preservation factors that no microorganisms will be able to overcome and spoil the fish
Hurdle Technology
Carnivorous fish?
Scientific name of AMUR CARP
Cyprinus rubrofuscus
Carp with least environment impact
Biofloc Technology is ost commonly used in farming of?
Shrimp, telapia or bottom feeders
requires an optimum temp
Biofloc technique involves maintaining a high C:N ratio to encourage ____ bact growth for water purification
Heterotrophic bacteria
to feed on waste (autotrophic generates own energy - no purification)
In biofloc technolofy presence of light is ____ feature for microbial aggregates
not an essential feature
Which type of fish have RAM ventilation for respiration?
Active fast fishes
Tuna & Shark
ICAR - CIFE is located in?
Central Institute of Fishery Education
App launched by CIFE to help aqua farmers formulate nutritious feed?
Aquafeed Optima