Animal Husbandry 2 Flashcards
Outlay and time period of National Livestock Mission?
Outlay: Rs. 2300 crore
From 2021-22
National Livestock Mission target sectors?
- Meat
- Goat milk
- Egg
- Wool
The sub-missions under National Livestock Mission?
- Submissions on Breed Development of Livestock & Poultry
- Submissions on Feed and fodder development
- Submission on Extension and Education
Subsidy provided under National Bank Mission to individuals, SHGs, FPOs, Section 8 companies, etc. to establish poultry farms with hatcheries and brooder mother units, sheep goat breed multiplication farm, piggery farm, feed and fodder units, is?
50% subsidy
Subsidy provided in National Livestock Mission (2017) for:
* Poultry,
* Sheep and Goat breed multiplication farm,
* Piggery breed multiplication farm and
* Feed and fodder unit
is up to?
- Poultry: upto Rs. 25 lakh
- Sheep & Goat multiplication farm: Rs. 50 Lakh
- Piggery breed multiplication farm: Rs. 30 Lakh
- Feed and Fodder Unit: Rs. 50 lakh
Which state has the highest per capita availability of milk?
Rank of India in egg production according to FAO?
Top egg producing state is - % share highest?
Andhra (18%)
Per capita egg availability is?
103 per annum
Annual growth rate of egg production is highest in?
West Bengal
Per capita availability of egg highest in?
According to FAO rank of India in Meat production is?
After China, USA, Brazil, Russia
Top meat producing state?
WB (12.6%)
Per capita meat availablity is?
7.10 kg/pa
Highest annual growth rate in meat production?
Top wool producer in india?
Rajasthan (47.5%)
State with highest annual growth rate of wool production is?
Arunachal Pradesh
A jet black breed with tightly curved horns and has high fat content in milk, it is the most efficient breed of buffalo
Murrah Buffalo
7% fat
A breed of buffalo with wall eyes and white markings?
Nili Ravi
A copper coloured buffalo with v-shaped (chevron) lines in the neck, with the highest fat content in milk?
What is the fat content of Bhadwari buffalo milk?
A massive breed of buffalo with a massive forehead, maintained by Maldhari tribe in Gujarat mostly
A buffalo breed with a white collar producing 8-12% milk fat?
The smallest dairy breed considered economical producers, with 4.5% fat and calving at 15 months
A netherlands breed with large udder and has the largest milk yield per lactation
Holstein Friedan
Milk Yield of Holstein Friedan? Fat content of Jersey cow milk?
7000 kg
4.5% fat
Cross of Brown Swiss and Sahiwal is
Karan Swiss
Aka Dunlop Cattle and Cuninghan cattle
Breed producing golden coloured milk, found in france and has high buttermilk content (5%)
Himalayan breed of Goat?
Pashmina, Chegu
A northern breed of goat that has large pendulous ears, prominent roman nose and a glossy coat is? Where is it found?
Northern breeds of goats?
Jamunapari, Barbari - UP
Breeds of goats popular in central india?
Berari, Kathiawari
Southern breeds of goats?
Surti, GBRI, Malabar, Deccania
A bombay breed of goat, that resembles berari goats (northern) and had a good milk yield?
A southern breed of goat which is a mixture of 2 or more goats?
Malabar breed of goats are aka? they are mainly found in?
Deccania is aka? is is mostly found in?
Which breed is most popular for its leather in the shoe industry? where is it found?
Bengal Breed/Black Bengal
What are Sabine, Nubian & Alpine?
Exotic Goat breeds
Nellore, Bellary, Marwari are animals of which breed?
Indigenous sheep
Which breed of sheep has the highest population amongst known varieties?
population 20%
Corriedale, Merino, Rambouillet are animals of which breed and where are they from?
Exotic Sheep
Corriedale (NZL), Merino (Spain), Rambouillet (French)
Gestation peirod of pigs?
114 days
Australian large back, Yorkshire, Saddleback, Landrays are breeds of which animal?
Exotic Pigs
Doom, Niang megha, Ghoongroo are breeds of which animal?
Indigenous pigs
Name 3 poultry breed of Mediterranean, English and American breeds
- Mediterranean - Leghorn, Minorca, Ancona
- English - Australorp, Sussex, Orphington
- American - New Hampshire, White Plymouth, Rhode Island Red
Which hen produces the highest eggs per variety? what is its share?
Improved fowl
Followed by Desi Fowl
Which breed lays the highest number of eggs per year?
Red Sussex (English)
Chabro, Chabrown, Chann, Kaveri are breeds of?
indigenous poultry
MP’s GI tagged breed of poultry mostly found in Maha
Examples of backyard poultry breeds?
Kalinga brown & kaveri
Acc to 20th Livestock Census share of Fowls contribute to total poultry population?
Maximum population of Improved Fowl and that of Desi Fowl is found in?
Andhra Pradesh
Share of Exotic & Crossbred cattle population
Share of indigenous and Non-descript population cattle?
Of Exotic/Crossbreeds, which breeds have the highest share?
Jersey (49.3%)
Holstein Friesian (39.3%)
Among sheep, which breed has the highest population among exotic sheep and which has highest among indigenous
Corriedale (17.3%)
Nellore (20%)
Which breed has the highest populationin Camels?
How do you define Roughage?
.>18% crude fibre
<60% TDN
Devlopment of feed and fodder, is a sub mission of which scheme?
National Livestock Mission (2021)
Feeds and Fodder used in Livestock?
Feed Additive
What are the 3 different types of roughages classified in terms of protein? How are they classified?
- Maintenance Type: 3.5% DCP
- Non-Maintenance Type: <3% DCP
- Production Type: >5% DCP
Give examples of the 3 types of roughage classified in terms of protein
- Maintenance Type: Eg. Green Maize, Oat
- Non-Maintenance Type: Straw, Kadbi
- Production Type: Berseem, Lucerne
Classification of Roughage in terms of moisture?
- Green Succulents: 60-90% moisture
- Dry Roughage: 10-15% moisture
How do you define Concentrate in animal feed and fodder?
< 18% crude fibre
.>60% TDN
Opposite of Roughage
Antibiotics, Enzymes, Hormones used in poultry farms are examples of?
Feed Additives
Lobia & Buffalo Grass are?
L- Cowpea
B- Guinea Grass
How many cattle can we accomodate in the single row system & double row system
Single row system: 12-16 cattle
Double row system: 17-60 cattle
Bulls require how much open & covered space
Open: 24m2 or 200-250 sqft
Covered: 12m2 or 120-140 sqft
Cows require how much open or covered floor space?
Open: 7 m2 or 80-100 sqft
Covered: 3.5 m220-30 sqft
Buffaloes require how much Open and Covered floor space?
Open: 8 m2 80-100 sqft
Covered: 4 m2 25-35 sqft
Floor space required per adult animal?
50 sqft
As per NABARD Model Project
Floor space required per calf?
20 sqft
As per NABARD Model Project
What is the age wise housing area recommended?
20-25 sqft: < 3 months
25-30 sqft: 3-6 months
30-40 sqft: 6-12 months
40-50 sqft: >1 year
Limit of liquid milk feeding to calves is?
10% of body weight
When should calves be shifted to ‘growing grain ration’?
4 months
Feeding of grain mixtures can be started at?
7-15 days
The amount of whole milk given to the cow can be cut down after?
2 weeks age
Calf Scours are caused by?
Over feeding
When can concentrate mixture be introduced?
< 18% crude fibre and > 60% TDN
After 6 months age
of cattle
Floor space acc to nabard model project for murrah calf?
20 sqft
For Lactating cows, Mineral mixture containing major and all trace elements should be included at a level of?
optimum conc of roughage ratio on dry matter basis should be 60:40 for animals that are?
High Yielding
1 kg of straw can replace ____ of grass on a dry matter basis
4-5 kg of grass
An adult animal consumes how much hay or straw per day?
5-10kg of hay or straw per day
Young stock of cattle consume about ____ of hay or straw per day
2-5 kg of hay or straw per day
Feeding schedule of lactating cows as per NABARD Model Project?
- Conc - 2
- Dry - 3
- Green - 20
Feeding schedule of Dry cows according to NABARD Model Project?
- Conc - 1
- Dry - 4
- Green - 15
Oviparous fish that lay eggs, provide their offspring with nutrient through the egg yolk, through a process known as?
Production of fewer larger ova that develop into nonfeeding larvae that are brooded longer and have a brief planktonic stage?
World’s lightest goat breed?
Lightest indigenous goat breed?
Swiss Toggenburg
Drought breed of cattle believed to be a cross of Gir x Khilari. It is red with white splashes, posses a massive body, a convex forehead and horns that resemble Gir breed?
Grass tetany in animals is caused due to?
Mg deficiency
Which of the following is not an example of game fish?
1. Tuna
2. Salmon
3. Trout
4. Dolphin
5. Barracuda
- Dolphin - it is a mammal, not a fish
National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) is a network project launched in & By? with an outlay?
Feb 2011 - ICAR
Rs. 350 crores
A project that aims to enhance the resilence of Indian agriculture, covering crops, livestock and fisheries, to climatic variability and climate change through development and application of improved production and risk management technologies.
National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) 2011
Milk drawn by milk machine?
Pressure of milking machine for Cattle & for Buffalo?
Cattle: 352mmHg
Buffaloes: 400mmHg
Blood circulation of cattle to produce 1L of milk
400-500L of blood has to pass through the udder
60L/day = 24,000-30,000L of blood