Intro to Agri 2 Flashcards
ACZ, Factors affecting crop growth and yield, cropping pattern & system
What are the factors affecting Agriculture?
Environmental Factors: SBCPE
- Socio-economic factor
- Biotic Factor
- Climatic/Abiotic Factor
- Physiological Factor
- Edaphic Factor
Internal Factors
- Genetic Factors
- Hereditary
SCOPE - with a BC
According to census 2011, % of small and marginal farmers?
Small & Marginal Farmers: 85%
Marginal: 67%
Small: 18%
What are biotic factors?
Flora and Fauna
What are the Climatic Conditions affecting agriculture?
Humidity, Temp, Precipitation
Solar Radiation, Atmospheric Gas, Wind Velocity
CLIMATE SAW through internet HTP
Relative Humidity for crops?
Optimum Temperature for most agri crops
15-40 degree
Minimum, Optimum, Maximum temp of Rice, Wheat, Maize and Sorghum
Rice, Wheat, Maize, Sorghum
Min: 10 , 4 , 8 , 12
Opt: 32 , 20 , 20 , 25
Max: 36 , 30 , 40 , 40
What is cardinal temperature?
The Max, Min and optimum temperature of individual plants
According to IMD, A rainy day is classified as?
2.5mm or more rainfall
Average rainfall in India?
75% of it is received from June-Sept
Amount of precipitation to classify an area as dry?
Amount of precipitation to classify an area as receiving medium rainfall? Area receiving that rainfall in India
750-1150mm - Highest 42%
Amount of precipitation to classify an area as receiving high rainfall?
> 2000 mm - 8% of total area
What is Photoperiodism?
Response of plant to day length
LIGHT duration dependence
What is Vernalisation?
Response of flowers to low temperature
Plants that require <12 hrs of sunlight
Short Day Plant
Rice, Cotton, Sunflower
Plants that require >12 hours of sunlight?
Long Day Plant
Barley, Oat (avena sativa), Carrot, Cabbage
Rabi & Zaid
Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR): Radiation at which photosynthesis takes place is?
400-700 nm or 0.4-0.7 meu meter
Optimum Wind velocity for plants?
Which 2 gasses are the most abundantly available in our atmosphere?
Nitrogen (78%)
Followed by Oxygen at 20.95%
Amount of CO2 in our atmosphere?
What are some physiographic factors affecting agriculture?
Steepness of slope
Highest zone in a hilly area is?
Nival Zone
What are Edaphic Factors?
Soil related factors affecting plant growth
Range of Plant Available Water?
1/3 to -15 atm
Water going down due to gravity. Not available to plant’s root
Gravitational Water
Amount of moisture retained by the soil after a few days of being wetted and drainage has ceased
Field Capacity or
Capillary Water
Range of Field Capacity
-1/3 to -31 atm
PWP at -15 atm
The water point in soil, when most plants start to wilt - they die
Permanent Wilting Point
Beyond -15 bar
Water absorbed from atmosphere by soil particles that’s unavailable to plants
Beyond PWP
C:N ratio in Humus
% of Mineral, OM, Water, Air in soil
M = 45%
OM = 5%
W = 25%
A = 25%
Maa Maati Manush in Bihar is MOMWA - 45, 5, 25, 25
Optimum pH range for plants to takeup nutrients
Which kind of soil has high Al, low Ca, low Mg and S
Acidic soil
Can be treated with lime
HALS-Ca Acidic soil = High Al, Low S, Ca
Which element is not affected by soil acidity?
A land unit in terms of major climates, suitable for a certain range of crops and cultivars.
Aimed at scientific management of regional resources to meet the food, fiber, fodder and fuel wood requirements without adversely affecting the status of natural resources and environment.
Agro-Climatic Zones
What are the parameters of Agro-climatic zones according to the Planning Commission?
Rainfall, Temperature
Topography and Cropping
What are the parameters of Agro-climatic zones according to FAO?
RTTC & LGP and Climate
How many ACZ are there according to ICAR NARP?
128 zones
hich state has the highest and lowest ACZs according ICAR NARP?
MP - 12
Haryana - 2
How many ACZs are there according to the Planning Commission?
15 zones
72 further subzones
How many ACZ are there as per NBSS & LUP ?
20 zones
The National Capital lies in which agroclimatic zone
Trans Gangetic Plain
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab
The Planning Commission Zones are?
1 - Himalayan Region (EW)
2 - Gangetic Plains (UTML)
3 - Plateau Region (CEWS)
4 - Coastal Region (EW)
5 - Others (Is, WD)
Which ACZ is popular for Saffron and apple cultivation?
Western Himalayan Region
Which ACZ witnesses the practice of Shifting Agriculture?
Eastern Himalayan Region
Which ACZ area has the highest crop intensity?
Middle Gangetic Region
HCI = 142%
Which ACZ has the Highest irrigation intensity and the Highest Net Sown Area (HNSA)?
Trans Gangetic Plain
Which ACZ under PC has the highest districts?
Eastern Plateau Region
Central Plateau Region
Which ACZ has adopted Tank led irrigation and dryland farming at 81%?
Southern Plateau & Hills
Which ACZ has the least area but has the highest rainfall?
Island Region
Which ACZ is popular for Basmati production and using Canal and Tubewell irrigation?
Upper Gangetic Plains
Which ACZ is popular for cultivation of Boro Rice?
Lower Gangetic Plain &
Middle Gangetic Plain
How many Agro Ecological Zones are there in India?
Which region in India has the richest alluvial with adequate water?
Northern Plains
A yearly sequence and spatial arrangement of crops and fallow on a given area
Cropping Pattern
Influenced by demand, technology, size of land, rainfall, etc.
Minimising the gap between the growth of 1 crop in one season to another season’s crop
Intensive Cropping
Moong and Maize grown together, is an example of which kind of cropping?
Parallel Cropping
0 competition
Maize + Green gram planted in a 1:1 row is an example of which kind of cropping?
Row Intercropping
Groundnut + Red Gram grown in rows of ratio 6:1 is an example of which kind of cropping?
Row Intercropping
For row intercropping, groundnut and red gram are sown in the ratio?
For strip intercropping, groundnut and red gram are sown in the ratio?
What is intensive cropping measured by?
cropping intensity
Multi-storied complex is aka
multi-tiered and multi-layered
A type of cropping where yield of both crops are higher than their pure culture
Synergetic Cropping
Eg: Sugarcane +Potato
Hardy or thorny crops surrounding the main crop
Guard Crop
Eg: Safflower, Mesta, Jowar
Sub-crops that supplement the yeild of the main crop
Augmented Crop
Eg: Japanese mustard with berseem
mustard helps berseem get better yield
A type of intercropping where there is no direct row arrangement between 2 or more crops
Mixed Intercropping
Eg: Sorghum, pearl millet & cowpea - broadcasted
2 or more crops grown simultaneously where the 2nd crop is planted when the 1st crop has reached reproductive stage (not harvest)
Relay Intercropping
Growing 2 or more crops in a sequence in the same field. at different times.
Sequential Cropping
Is of 3 types: Double, Triple, Quadruple Sequencing
Growing rice in a field followed by cotton in the same field in a year
Double cropping
Growing Rice:Rice:cotton in the same field, in a year is called?
Tripple cropping
Growing Tomato: Ridge Gourd: Amaranthus: Baby corn in a sequence in the same field in the same year
Quadruple Cropping
Cropping patterns on a farm and their interaction with farm resources?
Croping System
Types of Cropping System:
- Polyculture
- Monoculture
Types of Polyculture:
Multiple Cropping
- Intercropping
Mixed Cropping
Sequencial Cropping
Relay Cropping
Yearly sequence + Spacial Arrangement + Interaction + enterprise =?
Farming system
CS + Enterprise (like Poultry/fisheries)
Crop + Fish + Mushroon is what kind of Farming System
Wetland Based Farming System
Crop + Dairy + Biogas + Mushroom + Sylviculture = ?
Garden-land Based Farming System
Crop +Goat + Agroforestry = ?
Dryl Land Based Farming System
What is Gross Cropped Area / Net Cropped Area?
Cropping Intensity
Where GCA = Land usedin Kharif + Rabi
NCA = Total arable land available
National Research Centre for Pomegrates?
Indian Institute of Vegetable Research?
WARDA in located in?
Ivory Coast
West African Rice Development Association
International Institute of Rice Research?
Los Banos, Phillipines
ICRISAT is located in?
Pattancheru, Hyderabad
International Crop Research Institute for Semi Arid Tropics
Central Institute of Brackish Water?
Has insurance product for shrimp farmers with OICL
Kharif Crop Classification is based on which season? What is its sowing period?
Monsoon sowing (June-July)
October harvest
Eg: Rice, maize, Sugarcane, Soybean, Groundnut, Caster, Red Gram, Jute, Cotton
Rabi Crop classification based on which season? What is its sowing period?
Winter sowing: Oct-Nov
Harvest: March-April
Eg: Wheat, Oats, Potato, Bengal Gram, Mustard
Zaid Crops classification is based on which season? What is it’s sowing period?
Summer crops
Feb-March Sowing
Eg: Black Gram, cowpea, sesame, watermelon
Crops grown along farms roads or fences. To provide shade or protection to crops
Avenue Crops
Eg: Pigeon Pea, Glyricidia, Sisal
A quick growing crop incidentally planned and harvested between 2 major crops.
Planted in consecutive seasons as a contingency crop, grown if the major crop fails or to get more returns from land
Catch/Contingent crops
Crops are grown to supplement the yield of the main crop
Augment Crops
Japanese mustard with Berseem, increases the yield of Japanese Mustard
Crops grown for grazing or harvesting for immediate or future feeding to livestock.
Ley Crops
The grass + legume mixture is called ley
Crops grown to conserve soil moisture through their ground covering foliage?
Mulch crops
Crop that helps reduce soil erosion. To cover the soil rather than be harvested
Cover crop
Eg: Groundnut, chickpea, sweet potato, cowpea
Contingent crops are aka?
Catch crops or emergency crops
Central Rice Research Institute in located in?
Central institute of Cotton Research
Formation of thick cover of ice or snow the soil preventing entry of oxygen and the crop suffers leading to accumulation of harmful substances
Arbuscular mycorrhiza is the scientific name of?
2 or more crops that are beneficial to each other in terms of pest control or pollination?
Companion Cropping
Eg: wheat + arhar + groundnut