Animal Husbandry Flashcards
Which animal is known for its browsing habit?
How is browsing different ffrom grazing?
Browsing aka foliovore: feed on leaves, soft shoots, fruits, shrubs, etc
Grazing: Grass or lower vegetation
The livestock sector has contributed how much share in total GVA of 2022-23?
Livestock sector grew by ____ from 2014-15 to 2020-21
National Policy for Farmers was formed in
Share in Agri, Forestry and Fishing in GVA by economics activity?
(Less than last year)
Livestock census has been taking place since year?`
Total Livestock population in the country is?
535.7 million
Annual growth rate of milk production is?
Inc over previous year
Average yield rate of milk in 2024 for exotic or cross breed cows?
8.12 kg/day/animal
Average yield rate of milk in 2024 for indigenous breeds?
4.01 kg/day/animal
Which breeds have the highest to lowest milk yield rates?
Exotic > Crossbreed > Indigenous
Jersey, Holstein, Brown Swiss are examples of exotic or crossbed cows?
Which state has the highest & lowest yield rate of milk from exotic and idigenous breeds?
Highest: Punjab (13.5)
Lowest: Bihar
Which state has highest & lowest growth rate of milk production?
Highest: Karnataka (8.7)
Lowest: TN
Highest: Karnantaka, followed by WB
State with highest % share of milk production? - imp
UP at 15.7%
Previously Rajasthan
Who ranks 1st in milk production globally? Share of their contribution globally?
Which species in India produces the most milk (highest contribution)? - imp
Buffalo Indigenous Milk
Followed by cow crossbred
Animals with highest to lowest meat production contribution?
Poultry> Buffalo> Goat> Sheep> Pig> Cattle
poultry at 48.9%
When was National Livestock Mission Launched?
Entrepreneurship based
National Dairy Plan Ph 1, a central Sector Scheme, will run from years?
2011-12 to 2018-19
Centre for Animal Disease Research and Diagnosis (CADRAD) of Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI), is located in?
Izatnagar, UP
Institute of Animal Health & Veterinary Biologicals?
Institute of Animal Health & Biologicals is located in?
Animal Health Institute is located in?
National Milk Day is celebrated on?
26th November
World Milk Day is celebrated on?
1st June
Total number of milk farmer’s there in our country? share of those that are women?
8 crore
Full form of MAITRI? What is it for?
Multi Purpose AI Technician in Rural India
For Artificial Insemination
DEDS Scheme full form? it is by?
Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme
When was DEDS launched?
What is the subsidy available to General and SC/ST beneficiaries under DEDS scheme (2010)?
General: 25%
SC/ST: 33.33%
Headquarter in National Dairy Development Board
Anand, Gujarat
Share of indigenous breeds belonging to non-descript category
Out of the indigenous breeds of cattle not belonging to non-descript category, which breeds have the highest population?
4.8% - Gir & Lakhimi (each)
4.2% - Sahiwal
Max population of Gir & Sahiwal population is in which state?
Max Bachaur & Hariana breeds are found in?
Jharkhand & UP
Murrah and Mehsana are breeds of?
Which breed of Buffalo has the highest population?
Murrah 42.8%
Mehsana 4%
Gir, Lakhimi, Hariana, Sahiwal are breeds of?
Young female of a cattle, above the age of 6 months is called?
The castrated male of a cattle, used for work?
A male cattle, castrated before sexual maturity?
The Male and Female parent of the calf?
Female: Dam
Male: Sire
Gestation period of cows?
279-283 days
Gestation period of buffalo?
310 days
Which animal has the longest gestation period?
Camel @ 392 days
Gestation period of sheep & goat?
150-152 days
A bull ready for reproduction - in estrous condition - is called?
The period between 2 successive calving births is called?
Calving interval
Average daily milk yield of a cow is called?
West Average
Which hormone causes lactation and Which is necessary for reproduction?
Lactation period in cattle is for?
305 days
The meat of calf below the age of 3 months?
Meat of cattle past calf stage?
A young female pig, less than 6 months of age?
A male pig castrated before reaching maturity?
A sexually mature male pig that is castrated?
Meat of Goat is called?
other than mutton
A castrated sheep is called?
A group of chicks of same age, raised in a batch is called?
Young female chicken of 7-15 weeks (or 9-20 weeks) is called a?
715 or 920
A matured female chicken of 20+ weeks age is?
A young male chicken of about 12 weeks?
Age of layer chicken?
21-72 weeks
9-20 pullet -> 20+ Hen -> 21 Layer
Young chicken, used for meat poduction, belonging to either sex is called? They are of approx what age?
6-8 weeks
Pullet/Cockreal -> broiler/grower -> Hen/Cock -> Layer
A male chicken under 10 months
A male chicken above the age of 10 months?
During lactation the animal reached maximum milk yield within ____ weeks, called?
2-4 weeks
Peak Yield
After parturition a cattle gives maximum milk at 2-4 weeks, it is called?
Persistancy of Milk Yield
Desirable age for 1st calving for indian breeds, cross bred cattle and buffaloes are? - imp
Indian: 3 years
Cross Breed: 2 years
Buffalo: 3.5 years
Dry period of cow is?
2-2.5 months
Utility classification of cows in Animal Husbandry
- Milch - gives milk
- Drought - Agri purpose
- Dual - Both
Utility Classification of Poultry?
- Layer
- Meat
- Dual
Utility Classification in Pisciculture?
- Fish
- Prawn
- Others - pets, cleaning
Utility Classification of Goat and Sheep?
- Milch
- Meat
- Dual
Scheme launched for the development and conservation of indignous bovine breeds amongst small & marginal farmers is? When was it launched?
Rashtriya Gokul Mission
Rashtriya Gokul Mission is a part of which umbrella scheme and what is its outlay?
Rashtriya Pashudhan Vikas Yojana from 2021-26
Outlay: Rs. 2400 crore
Implementing agency of RGM (2014)?
State Implementing Agency via Livestock Development Board
Award for a farmer maintaining the best herd of indigenous breed and practicing best management? Its categories are?
Gopal Ratna Award
* Best Dairy Farmer Rearing Indigenous Cattle/Buffalo Breed
* Best Art Insemination Technique
* Best Dairy Cooperative Society/Milk Producer Company/Dairy FPO
Prize money for Gopal Ratna Award?
1st: Rs. 5L
2nd: Rs. 3L
3rd: Rs. 2L
Award for best managed indigenous herd by institution/Trust/NGO/Gaushala/Breeder Society
Kamdhenu Award
An initiative under RGM (2014) which envisages the establsihment of integrated cattle development centres for indigenous breeds & 40% non-descript breeds. Along with utilising animal waste in an economical way
Gokul Grams
An e-market portal connecting breeders and farmer for quality disease free bovine germplasm
Nakul Prajnan Bazaar
An animal Wellness program encompassing the provision of animal health cards (Nakul Swastha Patra) along with unique identification and uploading data on National Database
Pashu Sanjivni
Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer
IVF for bovines decreased the time period for genetic upgradation in bovines from 7 generations (21 years)?
7 (21 years) generations to 1(3 years) generation
Nationwide Art Insemination Programme (NAIP) was launched in?
A digital mission by NDDB that will help improving the productivity of animals, control diseases that affect both animals & humans, ensure quality livestock both for domestic & export market
National Digital Livestock mission
by MoAH&D and NDDB
Subsidy to private entrepreneurs under the Breed Multiplication Farms component of RGM?
Subsidy of 50% (upto Rs. 2 crores per farm)
A scheme to create/strengthen infrastructure for production of quality milk, production and its marketing by State Implementing Agencies
National Programme for Dairy Development (2014)
Component A of NPDD (2014) is?
Creating/Strengthening the infrastructure for quality milk testing equipment as well as primary chilling facilities for State Cooperative Dairy Federations/District Cooperative Milk Producers Union, etc.
Component B of NPDD (2014)?
Increasing sales of milk and dairy products: by increasing farmer’s access to organised market, upgrading dairy processing facilities, marketing infrastructure and enhancing capacity of producer owned institutions - to increase return of milk producer
When was Dairy Processing Infrastructure Development Fund (DIDF) launched?
Interest subvention on loan provided by ______ through NDDB/NCDC in the Dairy Processing & Infrastructure Development Fund (DIDF) is?
Under DIDF, Funding Period is from ___ to ___
Repayment period is up to ____
With spillover to the first quarter of FY _____
Funding period of 2018-19 to 2022-2023
Repayment period is upto 2030-31
Spillover to 2031-32
Under DIDF, Funding Period is from ___ to ___
Repayment period is up to ____
With spillover to the first quarter of FY _____
Funding period of 2018-19 to 2022-2023
Repayment period is upto 2030-31
Spillover to 2031-32
Scheme ‘Supporting Dairy Cooperatives and FPOs in Dairy Activities’ is implemented by and launched in?
Interest subvention on working capital loans for dairy sector under ‘Supporting Dairy Cooperatives and FPOs in Dairy Activities’ is?
Supporting Dairy Cooperatives and FPOs in Dairy Activities’ is a part of which umbrella scheme? It will be implemented in what time period?
Infrastructure Development Fund
2021-22 to 2025-26
Total outlay of RGM?
Rs. 3,400 crore