Soil Science 2 Flashcards
What are the steps in Soil Erosion?
Detachment -> Transportation -> Deposition
RULSE is used by researchers for?
Pan-India soil erosion estimate
What are the factors considered in RULSE?
4 parameters:
1. Predicted crop loss
2. Rainfall
3. Soil erodibility
4. Land management practices
Full form of RUSLE?
Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation
According to RULSE, what is the country’s biggest hotspot for soil erosion
Brahmaputra Valley
According to RULSE which state is a hotspot for catastrophic erosion due to anthropogenic interventions
What is defined as catastrophic erosion?
over 100 tonnes of soil lost per ha
What are the 3 main types of soil loss?
Gravity (Geological)
Saltation, Suspension & Creep is associated with which type of erosion?
Soil Erosion
What are the different forms of water erosion?
Hydraulic, Abrasion,
Attrition, Solution
What are the different types of water erosion?
Splash, Sheet, Rill, Gully,
Coastal, Stream Bank
Headquaters of National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning
A mathematical model used to predict the long term average annual rate of soil erosion
Universal Soil Loss Equation
Who introduced Universal Soil Loss Equation (ULSE)?
W. H. Wischmeier
What is the USLE?
A = R x K x LS x C x P
A = Predicted Soil Loss, R = Rainfall & Runoff, K = Soil Erodibility, LS = Slope Length & Steepness, C = Crop Management, P = Support Practices (farming direction, strip cropping)
Azotobacter, Beijerinka, Clostridium, Anabaena, Nostoc are examples of what kind of soil organism?
Free - Living
Rhizobium, Frrankia, Anabaena Azollae are what kind of soil organism?
Azospirillum is what kind of soil organism?
Associative Symbiotic
Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus circulansm Pseudomonas striata are examples of?
Solubilizing Biofertiliser (Bact)
Psedomonas Flurescens is what kind of soil organism?
Plant Growth promoting
Groundnut thrives best what kind of soil?
Sandy, loamy soil
Using Beetels, Mites, Fungi, Bacteria, Wasps to stop other weeds and insects from damaging natural habitats and farms in an environmentally friendly way?
Bio-Control Agent
What is aka a biodrainage crop? What is known as the golden crop in USA?
As per the national GHG inventory, agriculture sector emits ____ MMT of CO2 equivalent, where Rice cultivation is the ____ largest source of GHG emissions in Indian Agriculture after enteric fermentation and fertiliser use
408 MMT
3rd highest
Programs that promote commercial tree growing by farmers in their own land. It is the practice of forestry in all its aspects around farms or village landsintegrated with other farm operations
Farm Forestry
Practice of forestry in areas devoid of tree growth and other vegetationsituated in places away from conventional forest areas with the object of increasing the area under tree growth
Extension Forestry
Practice of forestry for raising fodder grass with scattered fodder trees and fuel wood trees on suitable wasteland, panchayat land and village common
Mixed Forestry
A belt of trees and or shrubs maintained for the purpose of shelter from wind, sun, snow drift, etc.
These are the plantations of fast growing species on linear strips of land
Linear Strip Plantations
Practice of forestry with the object of raising flowering trees and shrubs mainly to serve as recreation forests for the urban & rural population.
Recreation/Aesthetic Forestry
When is the UN World Soil Day?
5th December
When is the International Year of Soil?
Global Soil Partnership was eatablished in? It was hosted by?
Action Areas of Global Soil Partnership?
10 areas:
* Awareness Raising
* Soil Biodiversity
* Capacity Building
* Soil information
* Soil Erosion
* Soil Fertility
* Soil Governance
* Soil Pollution
* Soil Salinity
* Soil Organic Carbon
SDG related to soil health? Target of World Soil Charter 1982 is?
SDG 15
Maintain atleast 50% of soil health by 2030
India ranks ____ in fertiliser production, ____ in nitrogen fertilizer and ____bin phosphate fertiliser
A fertiliser that supplies only 1 nutrient at a time is known as? Give an example?
Straight Fertiliser
Complex fertilizers are also known as? What are they?
High Analysis Fertilizer
Containing at least 2 or more of the primary nutrients essential (N,P,K)
Complete Fertilizers are aka? What are they?
Ternary Fertilizer
3+ primary nutrients supplied
What are Incomplete Complex Fertilizers? They are aka?
A fertiliser lacking any one of he major 3 Primary nutrients
Binary Fertilizer
Example of Binary Fertilizer and incomplete complex fertilizer?
Diammonium Phosphate
What are primary nutrients?
N, P, K
What are Secondary Nutrients?
Ca, Mg, S
What are the micro nutrients?
B, Cl, Cu, Fe
Mn, Mo, Ni
3 types of phosphatic acid?
- Water soluble
- Citric Acid
- Insoluble in both
Examples of Water Soluble Phosphatic Fertilizers
Examples of Citric Acid Soluble Phosphatic Acid?
Slag, Dicalcium Phosphate
Insoluble Phosphatic Fertilizers example?
Rock Phosphate
Bone Meal
Which Fertilizers are slow releasing?
Nitrogenous Fertilizers
What kind of fertilizers become essential for oil seed crops other than primary nutrients fertilizers?
Secondary nutrient - S Fertilizer
Borax formula?
A micro nutrient fertilizer
Urea formula?
What kind of fertilizers are Urea & CAN
NH2CONH2 & Calcium Cyanamide
Amide Fertilizers
Urea contains how much N? and CAN contains how much N?
Urea: 46% N
CAN: 21% N
CAN is also known as?
Kisan Khad
Fertiliser with highest % of Nitrogen is?
Anhydrous ammonium
at 82%
Prilled Urea, Neem Coated Urea & Urea Formaldehyde are examples of?
Slow releasing Fertilizers
Share of phosphorus in SSP
Share of Phosphorus in DSP?
Share of Phosphorus in TSP?
Share of Potash in MOP
Formula of Dolomite & Gypsym
CAN fertilizers are beneficial to ____ soils as it has ____ Ph values
Acidic soil
Netral pH values
Companies can claim fertilizer subsidy through which portal?
e-Urvarak Platform
Which Fertilizer falls under controlled fertilizer in India?
Non-Urea based Fertilizers are regulated under?
Nutrient Based Subsidy Scheme (2010)
Nutrients covered in NBS scheme? Kand their source fertilizer)
N -> Urea
P -> DAP
K -> MOP
Nutrient Based Subsidy Scheme was launched in? by?
April 2010
Mo Chemical & fertiliser
P&K fertilisers are implemented under scheme ____. Here, a fixed amt of subsidy is decided depending on their nutrient content.
P&K sector is decontrolled - companies free to prod/imp on market forces
NBS scheme (2010)
GoI issued Fertilizer Control Order (FCO) under Essential Commodities Act of?
Policy on Neem Coated urea came in?
Acc to New Urea Policy 2015, minimum how much urea need to be neem coated?
Ideal N:P:K ratio
particle size of nano urea?
20-50 nm
Share of N in nano urea?
How many nano urea plants are there in India? Where are they located?
1 in Kallol, Gujarat
2 in UP
Who created nano-urea?
Nano urea supplies nitrogen in which form?
Foliar application
Nano urea enhances crop productivity to?
Which institute developed Nano urea gold?
Rashtriya Chemical & Fertilizer
PM Kisan Samrudhi Kendra is by which ministry? When was it launched?
Department of Fertilizer
Aug 2022
Soils that are high in potash but low in nitrogen?
Arid soils
Example of ternary or complete fertilizer?
Ammonium potassium phosphate
Rapid absorption occurs for which fertiliser in foliar application?
Urea nitrogen
One nation one fertilizer scheme was introduced in?
One nation one fertilizer (ONOF) brand?
Urea gold is name for?
Sulphur coated urea
Slow release fertiliser
Price of liquid nano urea?
Rs. 240
No subsidy
Liquid nano urea is sprayed how?
Directly on the leaves
(Foliar application)
Efficiency of conventional urea and liquid nano urea?
Urea: 25%
Liquid nano urea: 85-90%
C:N:P:S ratio of Indian soil?
144: 10: 1.4: 1.8
Which soil has a dark coloured surface horizon and are quite fertile
2nd largest groups of soil after inceptisol?
Fertilisers that provide N, P or K to the soil?
Fertilisers that provide Ca, Mg or S to soil?
Primary Fertiliser
Secondary Fertiliser
Micronutrient: Fe, Zn, Bo, Cl, etc
Non leguminous perennial forages?
- Napier (elephant/Uganda)
- Guinea grass
- Setaria grass
- Para grass (scotch/buffalo)
Which Fertiliser is highly soluble in water? Its formula?
Group of contiguous similar pedons bounded on all sides by “not-soil” or by pedons of unlike characters is called?
They have a max and min area of?
Min: > 1 km2
to undefined max area
____ is the precursor to soil upon which active & passive forces act leading to soil formation.
It takes 200-400 yrs to form 1cm of soil
What is the Dokuchaev soil equation?
s = f(cl, o, p)t
* cl = climate
* o = organisms
* p = parent material
* r = time
Removal of bases from soil is?
Soil Porosity is determined by?
1-Bulk Density / PD