Physiology Lecture Quiz 8 Flashcards
Chemicals / substance that coat microbes are known as…WHAT?
The cells which are responsible for cell-mediated immunity are____ WHAT?
Stem cells that will form B lymphocytes are found in the___________WHERE?
Bone Marrow
Which of the following lymphocyte attacks cells that are infected with viruses?
Cytotoxie T Cells
A cell that activates other immune cells is called____________WHAT?
Helper T Cells
Antibodies that are found on the surface of B lymphocytes and may play a role in regulation of the humoral immune response are________what ?
Which of the following are secondary lymphatic organs? SELECT!!!
a. Lymph nodes
c. Thymus
d. Spleen
e. Bone Marrow
When a foreign antigen is bound to a MHC class I receptors, it can stimulate a_____WHAT?
Cytotoxic T Cell
Which of the following cell binds to MHC-II receptors? WHICH WHiTE BLOOD CELL
When allowed to develop, the Müllerian ducts become the..WHAT?
None of the above
The structure that carries sperm from the epididymis to the urethra is the…WHAT?
Ductus Deterens
The surge in LH and FSH that occurs during the middle of the ovarian cycle triggers WHAT?
________ decreases ovarian follicle sensitivity to FSH.
Menstruation is triggered decreased levels of___________WHAT_____________.
The corpus luteum in a nonpregnant woman usually lasts…..UP TO WHEN
The hormone that is the basis for a pregnancy test is____WHAT______.
human chronic gonadotropin (HCG)
Which hormone is NOT produced by the placenta?
Which is the name of the eggs produced by the ovaries?
During ovulation, an oocyte released out of a WHAT?
Tertiary Follicle
Mucus functions as a lubricant in the semen. Which structure produces mucus?
Which is responsible for sweeping the ovulated egg toward the Fallopian tube and away from the abdominal cavity?
Which is NOT a part of the ovarian cycle? STUDY THE OVARIAN CYCLE
In the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle, the ovary is___WHAT?
Maturing a folicle
Interleukins are mediators released from white blood cells that act on other white blood cells and mediate innate defenses. T/F
Which is false about Adaptive immunity? CHECH THE POWER POINTS OF LECTURE IS THERE!
true: creates antigen specific responses
Not Remembered
The __________ cytotoxic enzymes that initiate apoptosis. WHICH ENZYME….ANOTHER LIST IN THE POWER POINTS
The __________is plasma and cell membrane proteins that act as opsonins, cytolytic agents, and mediators of inflammation. SAME AS BEFORE CHECK THE LIST
The tumor necrosis factor (T N F) are cytokines that inhibit viral replication and modulate the immune response. T/F
These are the most abundant leukocytes; they are formed in the bone marrow. WHICH ONE IS
Non of the above
These cells are the precursors of macrophages and are relatively rare in blood. WHICH ONES?
Place the events of fertilization and implantation in order.
a. Implantation of the developing embryo.
b. The developing embryo becomes a blastocyst which consists of a hollow ball of cells.
c. Mitosis occurs in the Fallopian tube.
d. The cortical reaction occurs, preventing polyspermy.
e. The egg is fertilized by the sperm.
5 4 3 2 1
For the early to mid-luteal phase of the ovarian cycle, the level of progesterone is ________ the level of estrogen.
Greater than
A patient has increased neutrophils and macrophages with normal levels of basophils, eosinophils, and lymphocytes. Which is the most likely cause of these test results?
Chronical Bacterial
The IgM is associated with primary responses and reacts strongly with complements.
Which of the following is NOT an Antibody Function?…From the Power POINTS
Activate T lymphocytes
Active immunity occurs when we acquire antibodies made by another organism.
Which one is false regarding Menopause?
Absence of Testosterone
A male bodybuilder starts taking injections of testosterone (an anabolic steroid) daily. After three weeks, what would you expect?
None of the above
An embryo with a genital tubercle, urethral folds, and urethral groove must be__________.
None of the Above
Which of the following is a barrier method of contraception? Power POINTS chapter 26
Condoms, Diaphragm, Sponge