midterm review physiology Flashcards
Which one is false about Factors affecting diffusion rate through a membrane?
Diffusion rate depends on temperature, membrane surface area, concentration gradient, membrane permeability, and molecular size. The false statement would be any that contradicts these factors.
Which of the following is not a function of the Sodium-Potassium Pump?
Maintains resting potential, regulates cell volume, heat production, secondary active transport. A function not attributed to it would be a false choice.
All the above are correct.
This kind of Membrane Carriers carries 2 or more solutes in opposite directions.
The Transport proteins differ from membrane enzymes because carriers do not chemically change their ligand.
For a substance to diffuse through the lipid bilayer of the cells, needs to have all of the following characteristics, except;
Substances need to be small, nonpolar, or lipophilic. A characteristic like being large and polar would be an exception.
Which are used to keep our systems at or near their setpoints?
Negative feedback mechanisms are primarily used to maintain homeostasis.
Negative feedback loop.
Oxytocin is a hormone released in response to cervical dilation. This causes more uterine contractions that will further dilate the cervix. Which type of feedback does oxytocin trigger?
Positive feedback
Extracellular fluid (ECF) is the watery internal environment that surrounds the cells.
Homeostasis is the ability of the body to_____________.
Quickly restore changed conditions to normal.
This ___________ studies match groups of people who all have a particular disease to a similar but healthy control group. The goal of these studies is to determine whether the development of the disease can be associated with a particular variable.
retrospective studies
A(n) ________ is any molecule or ion that binds to a receptor protein.
Which statement about mitochondria is FALSE?
Any statement that contradicts their role in ATP production, having their own DNA, or being involved in cellular respiration could be false.
Membrane Proteins Have the following Major Functions, except;
maintenance of membrane fluidity.
The myelinated fiber has voltage-regulated ion gates along its entire length
Which is NOT a characteristic of Local Potentials?
All of the following are examples of stimulus for chemoreceptors, except;
____________ is decreased perception through inhibitory modulation.
The ___ ________is not a motor cranial nerve.
vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII)
This is the largest of the cranial nerves and the most important sensory nerve of the face
Trigeminal nerve
The Secondary sensory neurons are Interneurons in the PNS that make synapse with tertiary sensory neurons in the thalamus. T/F
Loudness is an interpretation of intensity, a function of wave amplitude (height).T/F
The gate control theory of pain modulation states that pain transmission can be blocked by ????
Mechanical stimulation of alpha beta fibers.
When two or more graded potentials arrive at the trigger zone within a short period of time, their effects are additive and temporal summation occurs. T/F
The Cochlea transforms sound waves into electrical signals T/F
When we have conductive hearing loss, means____________________.
No transmission through either external or middle ear.
A single action potential results in the release of a constant amount of neurotransmitter…T/F
Which one is false about endocrine glands?
The Adrenocorticotrophic hormone targets the________?
The adrenal cortex.
These are all hypothalamic hormones except
Any hormone not produced by the hypothalamus. For example, insulin or thyroxine.
Aldosterone stimulates K+ retention and Na+ excretion, and water is retained with sodium by osmosis, so blood volume and blood pressure are maintained.
Which one is false about glucocorticoids?
The ___ secretes several hormones that stimulate the development of lymphatic organs and regulate the development and activity of T cells (white blood cells).
The thymus.
The _________ is not a steroid hormone.
These statements about diabetes mellitus (DM) are correct except
both type I and type II DM are characterized by lack of, or low levels of, insulin.
Cholesterol is essential for the synthesis of steroid hormones.
Which one is false about glucagon?
All is correct about Calcitriol, except;
This hormone controls hormone synthesis and secretion in the thyroid.
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH).
Which of the following is hypothalamic-inhibiting hormone?
The Long-loop negative feedback is the most dominant feedback mechanism in the endocrine system.
Direct calorimetry estimates metabolic rate as a measure of energy expenditure.
The excess cholesterol secreted in ___________.
Bile but excreted by the liver.
When a catecholamine or peptide hormone binds to receptors on the surface of a cell,……………..
a second messenger appears in the cytoplasm.
Which statement about peptide hormones is FALSE?
Peptide hormones in the bloodstream are always bound to carrier proteins.
Which hormone is NOT an amino acid derivative
testosterone/thyroid-stimulating hormone
The pituitary hormone that controls the release of hormones from the adrenal cortex is????
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).
In type I diabetes, a hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state may occur. Which best describes this state?
Plasma glucose and blood osmolarity levels are above normal.
Nearly half of heat is lost from the body through the process of_______________.
Prediabetes is a condition that will likely become diabetes if eating and exercise habits are not altered. T/F
Free radicals are unstable molecules that are formed during normal metabolism and are thought to contribute to aging, disease, and some cancers. T/F
The combination of type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, and high blood pressure is called ?????
Metabolic Syndrome.
The Atkins and South Beach diets are considered ketogenic because WHAT?
These diets are considered ketogenic because they are low in carbohydrates, leading to a state of ketosis where the body burns fat for energy instead of glucose.
When blood levels of glucose, amino acids, and insulin are high, and glycogenesis is occurring in the liver, the body is in the__________.
The absorptive state, also known as the fed state.
Hypersecretion of growth hormone before puberty could result in_____________.
The thyroid hormones T3 and T4 do not use transporters to cross cell membranes.
. All of the following can be found in plasma, except;
components complex mixture of water, proteins, nutrients, electrolytes, nitrogenous wastes, hormones, and gases
If the osmolarity of blood is too low, too much water stays in the tissue, increasing blood pressure and edema occurs. T/F
The ____________ is the percentage of whole blood volume composed of red blood cells,
The __________ is an uncontrolled lymphocyte or monocyte production.
Leukemia, a type of blood cancer involving the overproduction of abnormal white blood cells (lymphocytes or monocytes).
Which is not a function of the Platelets?
Any function unrelated to clotting, such as oxygen transport or immune defense, would not be a function of platelets.
The ___________resistance of a fluid to flow, resulting from the cohesion of its particles
In the spleen, macrophages take the old RBC digest membrane bit by bit, and separate heme from globin. Then the heme pigment is converted to ___________.
The _____________in cytoplasm produces carbonic acid from CO2 and water and plays an important role in gas transport and pH balance.
Carbonic anhydrase.
The _____________ binds Fe2+ and transports it to the small intestine.
The copper is transported in the blood by an alpha globulin called ceruloplasmin.
The __________ are antibodies in the plasma that bring about transfusion mismatch.
Plasma is mostly_____________.
Water. Plasma is mostly water (about 90-92%)
Mast cells in tissues are a type of__________.
Monocytes leave the circulation to go to the tissues, where they are called_______________
The percentage of cells in the marrow that become white blood cells is about ________%.
Colony-stimulating factors are cytokines made by_______________.
endothelial cells, fibroblasts from bone marrow, and white blood cells.
The ________ are a group of diseases characterized by the abnormal growth and development of white blood cells, and ________ are diseases where patients have too few white blood cells.
Leukemias; Neutropenias
________ regulates the growth and maturation of megakaryocytes.
Thrombopoietin is produced in the
Liver and kidney.
A unique aspect of hematopoiesis is that__________________________________
white blood cell development varies with the specific needs of the body.
The average life span of a red blood cell is__________________________________.
120 days or 4 months.
A hemoglobin molecule is composed of ______________
4 protein chains and 4 heme groups
A hematocrit is used to indicate______________________________________________________.
the percentage of red blood cells in your blood.
The Red blood cell production increases when_______________________________.
oxygen levels in the blood decrease & erythropoietin levels increase.
Excess iron in the body is________________________________.
eliminated in the feces./ Hemochromatosis or iron overload. Stored in the liver
The carrier protein that transports absorbed iron through the blood is__________________
The term used for a cytokine that is released by one white blood cell that acts on another is interleukin.
The condition where the skin and the whites of the eyes appear slightly yellow is due to high blood levels of the substance __________.
Plasminogen is activated by an enzyme called tissue plasminogen activator.
In hemostasis, vasoconstriction is rapidly followed by mechanical blockage of the hole by a ____________.
A platelet plug.
A good one for those in the NICU. The usual treatment for neonatal jaundice is exposing the infant to certain wavelengths of light. The infant wears only a diaper and undergoes light treatment continuously for several days, even at night. Why can the infant’s treatment then be discontinued?
Because the transition between fetal hemoglobin to adult is complete.
How would a decrease in the concentration of iron in the blood affect the process of hemostasis?
There would be no effect.
People with hemophilia A fail to produce a functional factor VIII; as a result,____________________.
they do not have a functional intrinsic pathway.
My invisible friend suffers (he began drinking when he saw the first result of an open-book quiz) from a severe liver disease. Which symptoms would you expect to see as a result of this condition?
decreased blood osmotic pressure,increased levels of bilirubin in the blood, decreased clotting ability, accumulation of fluid in the tissue spaces of the extremities.
Meghan thinks she has an abscessed tooth (a bacterial infection). If she does, which type of white blood cell would you expect to see in elevated numbers in a differential count?
The two mechanisms and the factors involved limit the extent of blood clotting within a vessel are; the inhibition of platelet adhesion with prostacyclin and the inhibition of coagulation cascade with plasminogen and plasmin and anticoagulants.
Which is NOT considered to be a primary function of the respiratory system?
regulation of water balance
The upper respiratory tract includes all EXCEPT which of the following?
Alveolar ventilation refers to the____________???
movement of air into and out of the alveoli
Place the following structures of the respiratory tree in the order in which air passes through them.
1. secondary bronchi
2. bronchioles
3. primary bronchi
4. alveoli
5. terminal bronchioles
Primary bronchi
Secondary bronchi
Terminal bronchioles
The lungs are surrounded by ____WHAT____ membranes.
The pleural membranes.
The pressure and volume of gas in a container are related to temperature and number of gas molecules. This is known as ________ law.
The Ideal Gas Law.
Type II alveolar cells:…DESCRIPTION??
Secrete a chemical known as surfactant
Which feature of the alveoli allows for the ease of diffusion of gases?
They are made of a single layer of simple squamous epithelium.
Dalton’s law states that_____WHAT?
in a mixture of gases like air, the total pressure is the sum of the individual partial pressures of the gases in the mixture.
Air moves into the lungs because……WHY?
the volume of the lungs decreases with expiration.
When alveolar pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure, air flows into the lungs.
An increase in PCO2 would cause the bronchioles to_____________________________.
dilate and the systemic arterioles to dilate.
Chronic inhalation of fine particles that reach the alveoli leads to ________ lung disease.
Histamine’s primary role in the respiratory system is as a
The ease with which the lungs stretch in response to changes in pressure is termed compliance.
Which of the following is NOT a property of the living organisms?
care for their offspring
The second law of thermodynamics states that the total amount of energy in the universe is constant.T/F
In the disease emphysema, many symptoms are due to the destruction of elastic fibers in the lung. T/F
Enzymes increase the activation energy of reactions. T/F
Ongoing diseases in which airflow during expiration is diminished are known as ________.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD).
The volume of air moved in a single respiration is called the ________.
Tidal volume.
Which of the following enzymes is NOT part of the transfer chemical group reactions?
The pressure contributed by a single gas in a mixture of gases is known as partial pressure.
Harry suffers from cystic fibrosis and frequently has periods where he can hardly breathe. The problem is the result of________
Due to thick and sticky mucus clogging the airways.
thick secretions that exceed the ability of the respiratory tract to remove them.
Breathing that involves active inspiratory and expiratory movements is called ________ because it ensures that a person can increase overall volume.
In a condition known as pleurisy, there is excess fluid in the pleural space. How would you expect this to affect the process of pulmonary ventilation?
Breathing would be labored and difficult..
Means rapid breathing.
This kind of neuron has a single process called the axon. During development the dendrite fused with the axon_______?????
Pseudounipolar neuron.
The first amino acid in the formation of a protein is Methionine and is codified by the codon GUA. T/F
When we observe Bronchioles and systemic arteries constrict, then PCO2 decreases. T/F
Which body fluid compartment contains higher levels of Na+, Cl-, and HCO3-?
plasma and interstitial fluid.
Which is NOT a type of mediated transport?
Simple diffusion
A synapse is the region where a dendrite terminal meets its target cell. T/F
This __________ equation predicts the membrane potential that a single ion would produce if the membrane were permeable to only that ion
The Nernst equation
The Cells can regulate their Metabolic Pathways with all of the following, except; From POWER POINT
The action of a hormone on a target cell involves effects on________????
receptor and non receptor proteins.
All of the hormones secreted by the adrenal gland play a major role in growth and metabolism. T/F
One glucose molecule can yield 30-32 ATP in Anaerobic metabolism. T/F
Which could describe the function of 11 β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase?
It converts cortisone into the active hormone cortisol.
Cushing’s disease may result from a pituitary tumor.T/F
Cell bodies of sensory neurons are located in___________________________.
In the dorsal root ganglia of the spinal cord or the sensory ganglia of cranial nerves.
Which of these functions is NOT related to the reticular formation?
menstrual cycle
Which statement about the hypothalamus is FALSE?
It receives sensory fibers from the optic tract, ears, and spinal cord.
The brain’s integration of sensory stimuli is called___________________
Language and verbal skills tend to be ________ side of the brain.
Typically, the left side of the brain.
The Action Potential occurs usually dendrites and cell body T/F
An important structure in both learning and memory is the_________________________.
The hippocampus.
Reflexive memories are stored in areas of the______
The ascending tracts carry mostly efferent signals from the brain. T/F
This disease affects the cerebral basal ganglia, resulting in tremors in limbs, slowness in beginning and completing movements, and other abnormalities of muscle control.
Parkinson’s disease.
The number of mitochondria in skeletal muscle cells is equal to the number of mitochondria in adipose (fat) cells.T/F
Hormones are not typically considered to be cytokines because hormones are ________ like cytokines.
synthesized in advance and stored, not
In a simple endocrine reflex, the endocrine cell is the___________________________________.
sensor and the integrating center_.
The Introns are noncoding segments of genes..T/F
The Graded potentials lose strength as they move through the cell due to the current leak and cytoplasmic resistance. T/F
Hypokalemia moves neurons closer to the threshold. T/F
Which one is false about Electrical synapses?
Neurotransmitters can move from one cell to another through gap junctions at an electrical synapse
The following are neurotransmitter releases in the Classical model pathway, except;
The secondary pathologies arise in the last endocrine gland in a complex reflex pathway.
The most important polar molecule is ________ because it is a universal solvent in biological solutions.
Water, because of its role as a universal solvent.
In lipids, unsaturated refers to____________
the presence of double bonds between adjacent carbon atoms in a fatty acid.