Fundamentals Terms to Know Flashcards
_________ is a measurement of the amount of pressure exerted by the blood within the circulatory system.
Blood pressure
____________ pressure is the maximum amount of pressure exerted when the heart contracts and forces blood into the aorta; this phase of the heart’s pumping is called __________.
Systolic blood, systole
_________ pressure is the minimum amount of pressure exerted when the heart is relaxed—that is, during _______.
Diastolic blood, diastole
The volume of blood ejected by the heart ventricles in one minute; calculated by multiplying the stroke volume and pulse rate of the heart.
Cardiac output (CO)
Volume of blood ejected by the left ventricle during one contraction
Stroke volume (SV)
The relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle where the heart muscle is relaxed and the chambers of the heart fill with blood.
The contraction phase of the cardiac cycle. During this phase blood is driven into the aorta and pulmonary arteries.
A measurement of the force circulating blood exerts on the interior walls of blood vessels.
Blood pressure
The resistance of a liquid to flow.
________ refers to the thickness of the blood
Blood viscosity
The total resistance to flow of blood in the vascular bed.
Peripheral vascular resistance
The force required to eject blood from the left ventricle.
The blood remaining in the left ventricle at the end of diastole causing it to stretch.
_________ refers to the amount of blood inside the ventricles before they contract.
__________ is the amount of resistance, or constriction, that the heart must overcome to eject the blood into the systemic circulation.
________ is a blood pressure that is above the expected reference range.
A blood pressure that is below the expected reference range as determined by a client’s usual baseline measurement is known as _______.
________ is a drop in blood pressure that occurs when a client rises to a sitting or standing position
Orthostatic hypotension
The _______ is the rhythmic dilation of the arteries and pulsation of blood flow that occurs with each contraction of the left ventricle.
Heart rate above the expected reference range.
A heart rate that is less than the expected reference range.
The heart rate that is heard or felt at the apex of the heart, which is located medially to the midclavicular line at the fifth intercostal space.
apical pulse
Beating or throbbing palpated over the temporal artery located on the temple.
temporal pulse
Beating or throbbing felt over the brachial artery, usually palpated in the antecubital space; it is used to assess the quality of perfusion.
brachial pulse
Beating of throbbing felt over the radial artery, usually palpated over the groove along the thumb side of the inner wrist.
radial pulse
Beating or throbbing palpated over the femoral artery, located in the groin on either side of the genitals; it is used to assess the quality of perfusion.
femoral pulse
Beating of throbbing palpated over the popliteal artery located behind the knee; it is used to assess the quality of perfusion.
popliteal pulse
Beating or throbbing palpated or heard with a doppler over the dorsalis pedis artery located on the dorsal side of the foot; it is used to assess quality of perfusion.
dorsalis pedis pulse
Beating or throbbing palpated or heard with a doppler over the posterior tibial artery, located on the medial side of the ankle; it is used to assess the quality of perfusion.
posterior tibial pulse
A difference between the apical and radial pulse rates. This difference indicates a decrease in ventricular contraction or peripheral perfusion.
pulse deficit
Another aberration in body temperature is _________, which is an increase in temperature due to the body’s inability to stop heat production or to stimulate heat loss.
________ is the measurement of the balance of heat produced by the body and the heat lost to the environment; it is measured in degrees.
Body temperature
_______ is a decrease in core body temperature due to extended exposure to cold or the inability of the body to produce heat.