Physiology Lecture quiz 3 Flashcards
In the development of the nervous system the hindbrain becomes WHAT?
When voltage-gated K+ channels of a resting neuron open,…WHAT HAPPENS
k+ leaves the neuron
The ion necessary to initiate the release of acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft is..WHAT?
Which of the following glial cell is matched incorrectly with it’s function?
schwan cells
Cerebrospinal fluid is secreted by the……WHAT?
choroid plexus
The brain consumes about half of the ________ circulating in the body.
Composition of the medulla oblongata…what belong there which not belong
belongs-regulates breathing heartbeats vomiting reflex digestion sneezing swallowing
doesn’t belong- eye movement balance aggressive behavior
Which is false about the hypothalamus
false-postural reflexes
true- body temp regulation
The most primitive region of the cerebrum is probably the….WHAT?
the limbic system
Which functions in the control of movement?
motor cortex and cerebellum
An important structure in both learning and memory is the..WHAT?
Caffeine and related stimulants exert their effects by doing WHAT?
blocking the adenosine receptors and inhibition of phosphobodies/inhibiting specific neuromodulater
Nociceptors are responsible for the perception of….WHAT?
sensation and pain
Sound waves are converted into vibrations by the..WHAT?
The receptors of equilibrium and hearing are the….WHAT?
hair cells
The structure that partially covers the organ of Corti and is attached to the stereociliar of the hair cells is the_____WHAT?
tectorial membrane
Which structures monitor rotational acceleration of the head?
cristae semicircular canals
The hair cells of utricle and saccule are in…WHERE?
The vitreous chamber of the eye…is WHAT
the large space behind the eye lens contains a thick gel like fluid called vislerous humor gel
Which cells are NOT found in the retina?
rods cores photorecepors- its the eyes blind spot
cells can not be found in the retina
Exocrine glands, smooth muscles, and cardiac muscles are controlled by the_____________
ANS autonomic nervous system
In general, the nervous system is made up of which two types of cells? Select 2 of them
neurons and glial cells
Interneurons are found_____WHERE_____
central nervous system (CNS)
After an injury, on a field trip, the whole Physiology class has difficulty recognizing and interpreting certain sounds. These symptoms imply damage to the WHAT?
auditory cortex
A viral infection involving the vestibular nuclei may result in..WHAT?
vertigo dizziness and imbalance
For summation to occur, a second potential must arrive before a previous one has been completed. T/F
Products from the cell body of a neuron are transported to the axon terminals by anterograde transport. T/F
How would blocking retrograde transport in an axon affect the activity of a neuron?
the neuron becomes unable to produce action potentials
Which of these has a higher concentration in cerebrospinal fluid than in the blood?
The inability to remember newly acquired information is called..WHAT?
anterograde amnesia
Symptoms of the fight-or-flight reaction include all of these EXCEPT
Put these structures of the visual system in the order that they transmit visual information from the retina. YOU NEED TO CHECK FROM THE MOMENT THE LIGHT HIT THE STRUCTURE OF THE EYE
With the exception of olfaction, all sensory pathways first travel to the ________, which acts as a relay and processing station.
false about White Matter?
true- composed bundle of axons coated with myelin
About Tonic receptors, which one is correct
They respond as long as the stimulus is maintained and adapt slowly.
Receptors that work through second messenger systems are called gamabotropic receptors. T/F
Graded potentials that arrive at postsynaptic neurons are called inhibitory if they make that cell more likely to fire an action potential. T/F
Chemicals such as histamine, prostaglandins, serotonin, and substance P________________
only sensitize and activate nociceptors
The brain area described as the center for emotions is the..WHAT?
Hyperkalemia brings neuron closer to the threshold…T/F