Pharynx Flashcards
What is the pharynx?
A muscular tube consisting of the rigid pharyngo-basilar fascia and the three overlapped constrictor muscles that are continuous with the esophagus
What are the external muscles of the pharynx?
Superior Constrictor
Middle Constrictor
Inferior Constrictor
What are the internal muscles of the pharynx?
Superior Constrictor Origin
Origin: Pterygoid Plate and Pterygomandibular Raphe
Middle Constrictor Origin
Origin: Hyoid Bone and Stylohyoid Ligament
Inferior Constrictor Origin
Origin: Thyroid Cartilage and Cricoid Cartilage
Origin: Styloid Process
Insertion: Thyroid Cartilage
Innervation: Glossopharyngeal Nerve
Origin: Hard Palate
Insertion: Thyroid Cartilage
Innervation: Vagus Nerve
Origin: Auditory Tube Cartilage
Insertion: Blends with the Palatopharyngeus to the Thyroid Cartilage
Innervation: Vagus Nerve
Tensor Veli Palatini
Origin: Pterygoid Plate
Insertion: Palatine Aponeurosis
Innervation: Mandibular Nerve (V-3)
Levator Veli Palatini
Origin: Temporal Bone
Insertion: Palatine Aponeurosis
Innervation: Vagus Nerve
What muscle does the buccinator join up with?
It joins the superior constrictor via the pterygomandibular raphe
What is the function of the tensor veli palatini?
Tenses the soft palate
What is the function of the levator veli palatini?
Elevates the soft palate
What is the function of the salpingopharyngeus?
Elevates pharynx and helps pressure equalize the middle ear