Pelvis Flashcards
What are the contents of the pelvis?
Uterus/Vagina in females
Prostate Gland in males
What are the ligaments of the pelvis?
Pubic Symphysis Sacroiliac Ligaments Iliolumbar Ligaments Sacrotuberous Ligaments Sacrospinous Ligaments
What forms the floor of the pelvic cavity?
Pelvic Diaphragm
What are the components of the pelvic diaphragm?
Levator Ani Muscles
Coccygeus Muscle
Pelvic Fascia
What are the levator ani muscles?
Iliococcygeus Muscle
Pubococcygeus Muscle
Puborectalis Muscle
The medial most muscles are the pubovaginalis or puboprostaticus
Where is the obturator internus located and what is its function?
Lateral pelvic wall and it functions as a lateral rotator of the thigh
Where is the piriformis muscle located and what is its function?
Posterior pelvic wall and it is a lateral rotator of the thigh and an abductor of the thigh
What is the urogenital diaphragm?
Its fibers are placed inferior to the pelvic diaphragm and are oriented in perpendicular direction to pubococcygeus muscle. It functions to provide a solid support for pelvic viscera.
What are the bones of the pelvis?
What is the pelvis major?
It is the “false pelvis; the lowermost part of the abdominal cavity lying between the iliac fossae.
What is the pelvis minor?
It is the “true pelvis”; inferior to the superior pelvic aperture. Contains the pelvic viscera and is below the pelvis major.
What does the pubic symphysis attach?
Joins the two pubic bones
What do the sacroiliac ligaments attach?
Iliac to sacral tuberosities
What do the sacrotuberous ligaments attach?
Lateral sacrum and coccyx to the medial side of the ischial tuberosity
What do the sacrospinous ligaments attach?
Lateral sacrum and coccyx to ischial spine
What do the iliolumbar ligaments attach?
L5 transverse process to the iliac crest
What are the branches of the common iliac artery in the pelvis?
External Iliac Artery
Internal Iliac Artery
Describe the sacral plexus’ location and the branches that it gives off.
It rests on the piriformis and represents ventral rami of S1-S4 and it also receives L4 and L5 from the lumbosacral trunk.
What branches does the sacral plexus give off to the pelvis and the perineum?
Nerve to Piriformis Perforating Cutaneous (S2, S3) Pelvic Splanchnics (parasympathetics) Pudendal Nerve Perineal Branch of S4
What are the anterior division nerves of the sacral plexus?
Tibial Part of Sciatic
Nerve to Quadratus Femoris (Nerve to Inferior Gemellus)
Nerve to Obturator Internus (Nerve to Superior Gemellus)
Medial Part of Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
Pudendal Nerve
What are the posterior division nerves of the sacral plexus?
Superior Gluteal Nerve Inferior Gluteal Nerve Common Peroneal Part of Sciatic Nerve Lateral Part of Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Nerve to Piriformis Perforating Cutaneous Nerve
What are the branches of the external iliac artery?
Inferior Epigastric
Deep Circumflex